The Creatures Within

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8:37am Feb 2 2018 (last edited on 9:13am Feb 4 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 493
Sometimes parents may say something along the lines like.. Your a little Monster ! or call someone elses child one ! this normally means that the child is misbehaving in some way or another ! however it isnt always children who are caught misbehaving. Sometimes adults can act this way too ! it isnt often that you will not catch an adult acting odd or doing something that some people may find "bad" or poor by nature ! but.. what causes this ?  why do the people act this way.. Well i have decided at last i want to get to the bottom of things ! i want to find out why some people act out like they do !

i have done a small amount of study.. and during my travels i have came across a place called Paradise peek ! however this was no paradise !

people were tossing their litter beside the bin instead of inside of it. oh my ! 

i found someone sticking bubble gum under the tables .. now thats just eww !

i decided to ask some of the elder locals if they knew what might have been the thing causing this to happen they told me of a legend ! 

you see the elders called them.. Nooaraes .. Pronounced Noo ha Rays these sneaky little things happen to be created when to many people dump their rubbish ! and they like to stick around to encourage people to dump more ! 

however.. the elders also explained these Nooaraes can be changed to good ! giving them a more positive and encouraging outlook on the environment ! 

The elders have encouraged me to check out Paradise peek where they have told me three different species of Nooaraes can be found.

The first species are called Doctacs -Pronounced Doc-Tacs They easy resemble a canine like monster. the elders inform me these ones are very common and easy to find ! they come in many colours ! from blue,red,black and green the elders also inform me they have four stages egg form baby form and teenage upon hitting adult hood.. however depending on how they were rased they can have a Day form or a night form in witch they enter a sort of cocoon and their appearance alters.. ? 

Next they tell me i can find Soulfurs Pronounced - Soul Furrs  They easly resemble feline like monster the elders inform me these ones are uncommon to come across and only come in three colours Red,Blue and Gray the elders also inform me they have three stages kitten,teenage and adult they however do not create a caccoon when transforming apparently these sneaky creatures vanish for a short amount of time into the paradise peek once returning after about two days their apperance had changed .. the elders say no one has yet to be brave enough to follow them during their change.. 

lastly the elders tell me they are called Molitays  Pronounced - Molly Tays They easly resemble a Rodent like monster the elders inform me these ones are rare to find due to their small like appearance and the fact is you must be very careful and quiet to find them ! they come in grays,white,brown and black they have four stages from egg to baby to teenager then adult they have a cocoon stage much like Doctacs do however their appearance alters a large amount the elders inform me.. !

The elders also inform me each of the above species do have rare colours and mutations witch may take longer to hatch ! (( or appear on the certain Nooarae )) 

So far i have decided to just Explore Paradise peek however during my Exploring i bet more places will open !

I would love for you guys to help me ! if you choose to help me out an Egg will be in it for you ! Who knows what you will get !

Price for Exploring ?~ Nothing ! however i will put a limit of 3 Explores per week ^^

Incubating ?  is also nothing however- Depending on the egg you find.. it may take up to..

(( Warning ! Rare egg colours  may take longer to hatch !))

Doctacs - 1 day incubation,4 days until teenage,8 days until adult- cacconing is a random event !

Soulfurs - 3 days until teenage,5days until adult-they vanish at random

Molitays - 5 day incubation ,8 days until teen,12 days until adult cacconing is a random event !

* Huff...Huff..* " I Tried exploring by myself wow ! That was alot tougher then i expected but ! i managed to get three eggs ! i think they are.. Doctacs eggs ! 

Wow.. They look kind of incredible ! i will tell you what ! dispute my large effort to get these eggs .. The first three people may have one each ! 

all eggs currently look like the first one posted ! however.. they each may have a different outcome ! 

Grab them quick ! before someone snags them up !

Exploring ~?

Paradise peek is now open ! 
Did you know ? You can take your Creatu with you ! who knows maybe your pet can sniff out extra eggus !

I must come on the mission with you ! Sorry ;w; it is to dangerous to go out alone !

Egg hunt ? you can claim up to three eggs during an Exploring the others will be free for other users unless you would like to pay a small price of 100k for all eggs. 

The Maxumum amount of eggs at one time found can go up to 10 ! woh thats alot of eggs but thats 5 i can carry for you and 5 you can carry for yourself ! this does not mean you will find 10 each time ! 
So what are you waiting for.. Lets Explore ! 

 Hai my name is - insert name 
Do you want to take your Creatu with you ? Yes/No
If So what is your Creatus name ?/Species:
Lets Go Exploring Sliced !

Owners list !

Items found !

o.o.. a Blue Carrot what does this do ~? - Hint.. Woh this item might make your baby grow !

Lucky Coin ! - Hint Woh.. This might make your chances of finding Rare babys higher !

---Update !---

Whats this.. ~? You like drawing too ! and you really want to help out with this species ! Well ive got good news for you ! The Creatures Within are looking for Artists ! please keep in mind this Species is mostly free and for the small amount that is asked for will be for store items or extra eggs/babys ! if you would like to be an artist of this thread the amount you will receve may be small ! or payment may be diffrent to tu !

Example of Art:
how often can Sliced ask for your accistance ?~
anything else ?~

Update ! New Artists !

Happily accepted ! 
-Oddessia ! -

New Egg Discovered !
New Aera Discovered !
The Training Field ! Woh what does this do ;w; ?

once a day you can train your babys three times who knows.. you may get extra rewards out of it !

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

8:41am Feb 2 2018 (last edited on 8:45am Feb 2 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 139
Could I go exploring? I'll bring my Cabbit along, pack a picnic and we'll have a splendid time looking for eggers. xD

Hai my name is Shiny
Creatu: Yes
Name/Species: Cabbit/Leverene
Lets go exploring Sliced! xD


9:41am Feb 2 2018

Normal User

Posts: 493
- as we set off on our way we decide to take the long way up the peek ! whys this.. well it seams Cabbit smelt some strange looking carrots.. -

O.O W..wahh? Why are they blue ! ?

-Your Cabbit doesnt seamed surprised ! she just takes one anyway ! uh.. i am unsure if you should let her eat that.. !- 

- as we keep going.. whats this ..? a baby Soulfur has smelt the carrot ! Awe.. she seams to like Cabbit ! and has started to nuzzle Cabbit rather fondly ! how sweet ! Will you take her home ~?

but whats this.. Cabbit just doesn't want to stop ! she is having to much fun with the new little baby ! they both chase each other until.. Wow ! a litter of Soulfurs ! That makes three others in total ! so all together Cabbit  now has four little Soulfurs following her.. maybe its something to do with Cabbit being Calico.. ? Who knows ! 

- As we reach the top Cabbit now seams tired.. maybe it is from chasing those cute little babys ! but.. Lucky you it seams i have found a Doctus egg for you also during our Picnic lunch and rest ! 

As you carried your very tierd Cabbit and two little kittens home i carried the other two kittens and the egg i happened to find home Will you keep all of these babys ~? or Surender some to the other users !~? 

Item found on Exploring - Blue Carrot - Hint ! ;w; woh this might make your babys grow !-

Congratulations on your big find Shiny !

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

10:47am Feb 2 2018

Normal User

Posts: 139
Awwe, Cabbit can keep little friends xD Super cute.  Can I allow someone else to get the egg? Only feels right. ^^


10:57am Feb 2 2018 (last edited on 11:04am Feb 2 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 493
oh sure ~ haha xD Four Doctacs eggs will now be available to the public ! ^w^ 

outcomes of your babes 

2 Males ! both uncommon 

2 Females ! 1 uncommon 1 oh wow oh so rare !

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

7:41am Feb 4 2018

Normal User

Posts: 404
Name: Oddessia
Example of Art: you've seen my art, my dude :P
how often can Sliced ask for your accistance ?~ As often as you'd like
anything else ?~ These seem cute

 Hai my name is Oddessia
Do you want to take your Creatu with you ? Yes
If So what is your Creatus name ?/Species: Sawert/Omni
Lets Go Exploring Sliced !

Dating Darkgrimm since Jan21/16 | Engaged to DarkGrimm since June 4th/23

8:08am Feb 4 2018

Normal User

Posts: 493
Since no one wanted the four Doctacs eggs i decided to incubate them ! all four puppies have grown ! And are avalilbe for adoption ! ^w^ Why not adopt one today ~?

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

8:48am Feb 4 2018

Normal User

Posts: 493
- As we set off ! it seams your Sawert is very excited ! maybe she has been kept inside to long ! this very large fluff bounces about incontrolably as we set out on our journy ! it isnt long before you spot your first kitty lucky you its a Soulfur ! this little cutey nuzzles up to you warmly.. but.. whats wrong with it.. ? it seams diffrent to the others.. ;w; maybe it got to cold for the little baby.. because your Soulfur looks Frosted !
----A New Evemt has occored ! Whats this ! its sooo Chilly ! Your babys now can get Frosted or you can find frosted eggs/babys ! woh !----

as you carry about your new little bundle of furr with you it seams Sawert.. has gone missing.. oh no ! we decided it was best to reach the top of the peek maybe we can spot her from there !.. and whats this.. is that a omni i spy with its cute little rump down that hole o.o ! Why yes it is ! and she has found.. a woh.. an omg so rare Molitay ;w; ! she must have been real sneeky to find one of these !

after a short rest we decide to head back down the mountan.. but.. a unchilling feeling could be felt.. as we spy a bunch of rubbish down the mountan side ! uh.. yuck ! what could of caused all this rubbish.. ? as we look around for what caused it.. there it is.. a Fully grown Soulfur ! he seams mad ! oh no ;w; ! how are we going to get past !?

.. whats this ? Sawert is grumpy she is crossed and starts growling at this naughty soulfur for making such a mess ! and.. somewhere along the way Sawert had picked up a lucky pennie ! Witch she threw at the adult soulfur ! feeling sorry for himself he coward behind you ! awe ! he doesnt mean to be naughty ! Will you take him home ~?

Warning ! Adult Soulfurs may go throughout a change when turned good ! do you wish to contiune his apperance may change ! depending on how you train him !

-New Event ! The training Field has been opened ! here you can train your Nooaraes !-

as we finally reached home your Sawert seams pleased with her find !

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

8:56am Feb 4 2018

Normal User

Posts: 404
aaa sending 100k for the babies <3 

Dating Darkgrimm since Jan21/16 | Engaged to DarkGrimm since June 4th/23

9:00am Feb 4 2018

Normal User

Posts: 493
Since you found just three babys no payment is needed Oddessia xD <3

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

9:08am Feb 4 2018

Normal User

Posts: 404
shhh i'm still half asleep// keep the tu xD

Dating Darkgrimm since Jan21/16 | Engaged to DarkGrimm since June 4th/23

9:10am Feb 4 2018

Normal User

Posts: 493
woh.. whats this.. Shiny your babys grew ;w; ~! they are now pesky little teenages !

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

2:53pm Feb 4 2018 (last edited on 2:53pm Feb 4 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 139
They look fabulous!
It's got a fish. xD


4:46am Feb 9 2018

Normal User

Posts: 493
Update ~ guys with me going back to Collage i might be a little slow getting the outcomes out however ! 

The Artist Oddessia has made these two babys who are now up for adoption ! however because these two are a special Adoption it will cost 5mil each ! to adopt one ! please send tu to myself ^^ i will send it out to Oddessia with her extra gift included for creating these !

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~
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