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3:03pm May 17 2017 (last edited on 7:43am Sep 8 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 493
                                ~ Lumi's ~
~ Welcome Traveler ! i see you have stumbled upon a small box ~ But whats this.. ? its moving ! you better act quick ! before it gets away !

Price ~? 500 tu per Box !


~ Lumi's ~

Welcome to the World of Lumi's ! Lumis are little creatures whos body glows as bright as a Lantern does ~
quite often they will live inside of the same box they have hatched outside of ~ a Lumi will take about a Days to hatch its during this time its best to leave the babe alone and not peek inside ! its after a day the babe will ob merge into your new born ! its during this stage you will catch a glimpse of what your new baby looks like ! it will take roughly 3 days until your new little babe grows into a teenager it then will take 5 days before it is a full grown adult ! 

Lumi's do have male and female genders and it takes two to tango ~ before you can have a baby of your own ! 

Lumis will not lay eggs inside of their own boxes they will find a new box to make a nest inside its then they will lay up to 6 maximum of an egg cluster ! 

Currently there is no Aging potion ! - Please wait my friends ! one will be available soon ! 

Currently there is no Freezing potion !  Please wait my friends ! one will be available soon ! 

Breeding - You must feed your Lumis a Glowing Gummy before being able to bread them ! Insert image of glowing Gummy

Breading - Takes up to two days !

Price ~? - 1mil to breed 

information about Lumi's ~!

Lumis enjoy eating Glowing Things or Gummies   ! they  enjoy gummies  !  its quite often you will catch this creature eating Glowing sand or the stuff inside Glow in the dark sticks ~
They also enjoy Sleeping inside of their own box it isn't often that you will catch them sleeping inside of any other box unless they are nesting ~  they also enjoy wondering they will explore your bedroom ! they also enjoy a large amount of water ~! but dont worry these little babes can stay under water as long as they like ! so if your bathroom is flooded you can expect one of these creatures inside of it ! Lumis are timmered.. please try to take slow steps towards them as well as gentle movements ~

Areas you can find boxed Lumis~ 

Under Park Tables -

Inside a Super markets Spare boxes -

Ally Ways -

left over Birthday party boxes !

-not Available yet to come in the future  !- 

Would you like to look in the Ally Way ~?

Would you like to look under the Park Table ~?

Would you like to look in the Super Market Boxes ?

Would you like to check the Empty Party Boxes ~?

~ Must Already have a Lumi ! ~ - Not Available Yet to come in the Future !- 

~ Your Lumi looks like he/she wants to go for a walk ! Where will you go today ~? 

1. Lets go to the Park !

2. Lets go to the Beach !

3. Lets go to the Movies !

4. Lets go to the Mall !

Prizes for walking your Lumi ! - a Lumi Egg,a Custom Lumi,Lumi Clothing, Gummies !,Glowing Sand,Special Effects,pebbles,starfish,popcorn,a soda,a balloon,unknown specials ! 

EVENTS ! - not Available yet to come in the future-

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~
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