So im making this book called 'Dislocated but not broken' and I want to know what you guys think of it.
WARNING SPOILER ALERT!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Doodle and Elmo are the best of friends; always have been, always will be.
But one unfortunate move by Doodles Dad and Doode gets sent packing to halfway around the country to New Zealand.
Will Doodle ever see Elmo again?
Introducing Doodle and ElmoThis is Doodle:
and this is Elmo:
and they are both inceperable.The pair are both total tomboys with a shared love for the yogscast and not forgetting the unforgettable pewdiepie and long to join the bro army one day. Doodle has lond brown hair with a fringe and Elmo the same Doodle has greeny-brown eyes and Elmo has _____ eyes. Doodles fave outfit is an orange top with a scruffy racoon in a bin on it wich says in red graffity writing '
It wasnt me' and some old torn grey tight jeans. Elmo's fave has to be her camo top with a broken heart on it and her tight grey jeans. Both of the girls feve rock band is 'three days grace'. Doodes fave member of the yogscast is Simon/honeydew and Elmo is Lewis/Xephos.
~Chapter 1~
Doodle rushed through the school gates and ran into Elmo who was mid-way into a burp off with Tweedie. Doodle cheered on Emo but when Tweedie let out a few second burp she switched team. Elmo looked at Doodle anoyingly, and Doodle just laughed," you've gotta hand it to him thats the best one yet!". Then the bell rand and the two trouble makers ran into the schoool building and let out there signature calls,"It's the Doodle Monster!!!"
and "Elmo Time!!!!" They then casually strode in to class and waited for the lessons to start.
When the girls returned to the coridor after maths they bumped into Elmo's mum who worked at the school. "Hello, darlings! How was maths?" Elmo's mum blurted out. Elmo blushed bright red and Doodle couldn't help but laugh as Elmo angrily murmered back to her mum saying " Mummmm, whats your problem? Im in year 6 now you cant do that anymore!" and then Elmo ran away and Doodle ran after her giggling.
In the Playground!