So, if you can't tell from the ti[injection]tle, Meg is into poetry. I am going to be posting poems on here quite often, and if you get spurred to write one yourself, and it is really good, feel free to post it. Also, double spaces and periods for me mean a strong pause. Here is my first selection:
When you hang on the edge of your first breakup, wishing it could end, I’ll be there.
When you feel betrayed, hurt, and unloved, I’ll be there.
When your life is but a shadow, and your heart yearns for
more, I’ll be there.
When you have no one left, and your soul feels empty, I’ll
be there.
When you are lost and oh so lonely, I’ll be there.
When you can take no more, I’ll be there.
I’ll be there in the dark of the night.
In the silence of your heart.
In the shadows of your soul,
I will always be there, loving you for all eternity,
And even though you will never love me back,
I’ll be there.