And then I found her... (A story.)

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8:18pm Aug 12 2009 (last edited on 9:39pm Aug 13 2009)

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Posts: 6,511

Yeah, I've always wanted to make a book where people read it right after I posted a chapter. Then people would see my geenyus! :O

Just kidding, I'm not conceited. And I know how to spell genius. >.>




And then I found her...

Chapter one.


     As stupid as it sounds, I met her at a party. My friend, Sarah, was pretty popular then and she still loved me. As a brother, that is. She invited me to come to the party, and told me she'd tell everyone but a few people to go home by the time it was eleven p.m. I agreed to come, since she was my friend. But I dreaded having to come knocking on her door and seeing about 10 people try and look through the window.

     This is a few?

     It was now tweleve in the morning, and we were playing seven minutes in heaven. I sat in the corner, listening to my ipod. Sarah had yelled at me for a few minutes, telling me to put something in the hat. I finally slipped something in, hoping no one would mind.

      Forty-two minutes pas.sed, and six girls and six boys had been in the closet. A girl named Haylee was forced to pick something out of the hat. She immediatly pulled her hand away as soon as she stuck in the hat. "What the hell was that?!" She cried, looking at her index finger. From my spot, I saw she was bleeding. Not a lot, just a bit. The black haired female reached back in and pulled out a rusty razor blade. I smiled.

     "Now, who put that in?" Haylee said, looking around. I raised my hand reluctantly and said,

     "That would be me." She turned to me, glaring. I stood, still smiling and said, "Sorry. Didn't think anyone would get injured from merely touching it." I said, taking the blade from her fingers and wrapping it in a cloth so I wouldn't get hurt by it myself. 

     "You should do it in the bathroom, so you can get a band-aid." Sarah said, opening the bathroom door. I hid in my hair before entering the bathroom. Haylee followed soon after, holding her finger.

     "Look what you did." Haylee pouted, shoving her finger in my face. I shrugged, getting out the first-aid kit. I slid a band-aid out of its packaging and wrapped it around Haylee's finger, not saying a word. "Thank you, it feels much better. But you know what would make it perfect?" She said, smiling.

     "What would that be?" I asked, not looking at her. I put the first-aid kit back and threw the band-aid wrapping away.

     "A kiss!" She said sweetly, batting her eyelashes. The blood rushed to my cheeks as soon as the words left her lips. I sighed, acting annoyed. I took her index figner and kissed it quickly.

     "Better?" I asked, looking away again. She frowned, pulling her hand back and looking at her finger. Her gaze floated back to me.

     "I meant on the cheek, but this will do." Haylee said quietly, her voice brightening at the end of the sentence. I smiled at her, and she beamed. Almost reluctantly, I pulled her close and gave her a swift kiss on the lips. She put a hand over her mouth and exhaled through her fingers.

     "Didn't I say on the cheek?" She scolded. I could see a smile playing on her lips, but I didn't do anything but frown and sigh. "Why did you put a razor blade in the hat, anyway?" Haylee asked, tilting her head. I didn't look at her. She gasped. Fast as can be, she grabbed my right arm and rolled up my sleeve. I could see the surprise on her face when she didn't find a scratch. I slid her hands off my arm with my left hand.

     "You thought I was a 'cutter', did you not?" I said simply. Haylee nodded. "Well, I am." I muttered, looking away. "But not like all those emo-wannabe's. I don't have a stereo-type plastered over my face. I'm the outcast of the group. The 'other' section." Haylee nodded as if she understood. She decided to change the subject, almost as if she knew the mood in the room was heavy.

     "Whats your name, anyway?" She asked. I managed to utter, "Criss," before our seven minutes alone together was over, and I was exited from the bathroom.




Thats it for chapter one, guys. o.o Whoever is reading this... u.u




Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


3:51am Aug 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Moar. >O

Nao plz. ewe



8:24am Aug 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 917

I agrees with Rika.




4:01pm Aug 13 2009 (last edited on 9:38pm Aug 13 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 6,511

Awws. Thats so nice. X3 I'm gonna make another chapter nao. :o


And then I found her...

Chapter two.




     After that party, I couldn't stop thinking about Haylee. I wasn't even sure if she heard my name. The days dragged on, and I myself had to drag along with them. Every-so-often, I'd see my friend Sarah and she'd say nothing about Haylee. Absolutely nothing. A month had pas.sed, and Winter had replaced Autumn. The snow fell softly as I walked home from school. No, I didn't have a car and I didn't take the bus. The bus is full of idiots.

     "Criss!" Who could possibly know my name? Besides Sarah and who ever she talked about me to. I turned to see Haylee, one arm flailing in the air and the other carrying books which kept falling out of her grip. She smiled when I turned around and ran towards me, stopping once or twice to pick up a book. I stood there, stunned. I felt like a deer in headlights.

     "Damn you, Criss." Haylee muttered. Now that snapped me back. "How could you let a lady run all the way here, dropping books and whatnot." She said, glaring at me. I knew she was joking then, cause from what Sarah's "friends" had whispered among themselves, Haylee didn't want to be a proper lady. I fixed my scarf and looked down at my feet.

     "Hello to you too, Haylee." I said. I looked at her through my hair. She was smiling slightly.

     "Where you heading to, Mr. Not-emo?" She asked. At first I was thinking, What? Mr. Not-emo?Where did she get that? Then I realized she got it from me. I grinned and looked up at her.

     "Home." I replied, flicking my head. Haylee tilted her head and looked around. "What?" I asked.

     "Well, If you're not going on the bus what are you doing out here?" Haylee asked, looking back at me. I frowned. She expects me to have a car?

     "I walk." I answered simply. I was surprised to hear her answer.

     "So do I. It's good for your cardiovascular system." She's smart, too?! Wow, I think I found my dream girl. I thought, beaming. Haylee stared at me, confused.

     "Oh, uh. Yeah, I know it is. But thats not the reason I walk home." I muttered, starting to trudge through the snow. She walked right beside me, not letting me leave just yet.

     "You don't have a car." Haylee said, taking my scarf. "I don't either." I looked at her and grabbed my scarf from her hands.

     "Um, this is mine." I said, irritation shading my voice. She pulled it back.

     "I know it is, I'm fixing it to look better." She replied, putting it around my neck. Haylee loosened it here, tightened it over there and then you had that kind of picture perfect thing. Not only did it reflect the cold air, but it was quite fashionable too. "There. Now you look all model-like and whatnot. Except, you're not a girl." Haylee said, stepping back to examine her work. I smiled. I wasn't sure if she could see it, since my scarf was covering my mouth.

     As we walked, she was constantly changing the subject. This girl, I thought. She never seems to run out of words to say. By time I was at my street, I knew her like the back of my palm. I sighed, actually exhausted from listening to her. She handed me a slip of paper and said, "Don't look at this yet." I took the paper, confused.

     "Well, this is my street. You go that way." I said, pointing to the curb. She nodded, trotting happily over to the curb.

     "Buh-bye!" Haylee chirped, disappearing around the corner.

     I took a deep breath and yelled, "Bye!" back. I turned to my house and began stepping up the steps leading to my front porch. For once, I was happy I had gone to school. I looked at the slip of paper in my hand.

     Oh, she had given me her number!



Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


6:29pm Aug 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

Oh mai. o:

*will get her story worked on*

Lul. I need to finish typing up chapter one, then 2, and what I've written of three...XD

Short attention span FTW. o:


7:09pm Aug 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,511
You has ADD? o.o

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


7:27pm Aug 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
ADHD, actually. :D


8:55pm Aug 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,962
Wow!  O.O  That was good...  no, excuse my lack of adjectives...  amazing!  =D  I love it!  I might have to post my own stories on here when I actually get some progress into them!  xP  I feel your pain, Rika.  T-T

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

9:37pm Aug 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,511

*hugs ADHD Rika* I loves you though. :o


lola~ Why thank you. X3 I'm going to post another chapter today, since I have nothing else to do. T.T

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


10:05pm Aug 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 917
I luz your story.. :D


10:09pm Aug 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Ahahaha. xD I'm easy to love since I am, as Jade puts it, a dork. |D Proud dork, though. P:


5:17pm Aug 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,511

Rika is a dork! That is why she's soo cute! How do I put it? She's just adorable! X3 ( Put that to the tune of "Barbie is a biitch" o.o )



And then I found her...

Chapter three

    It was the afternoon, and the slip of paper was in my hands. I slid the paper in between each finger carefully, as if the slightest pull on it would rip the paper to shreds, and I would never be able to read it. I stared at my cell phone, then the piece of paper. I was hesitant to do anything but stare. And yes, I did have a cell phone.

      I slipped the paper through each of my fingers, and it slid in and out with such ease as I had become a pro at it. I stared at the paper, though the numbers had become invisible. It didn't matter though, since I had memorized the number long ago. Without thinking, I picked up my cell phone and dialed the number quickly. Then, I listened to the ring.

     "Hello?" My heart literally skipped a beat. She had answered, and she sounded exactly the same way over the phone as she did in person. 

     I cleared my throat. "Its Criss. When you gave me your phone number, I guess you meant for me to call you, huh?" I retorted, stumbling over each word. There was silence coming from the other end of the line.

     "A pleasant 'hello' would be nice." Haylee muttered. I smiled slightly.

     "Hello," I said quietly, still smiling.

     "Okay, well. Yes, I did mean for you to call me. And it took you long enough. Five days, to be exact." She said, literally scolding me. She had counted the days. At that time, I didn't know what that meant. Nor did I notice it.

     "Sorry. I was, uh, nervous." I replied, rubbing the back of my neck. I heard her giggle and felt as if she was grinning.

     "Nervous boys are cute." Haylee murmured. That made me grin as well. She giggled again, this time sounding like a silly little girl. I swallowed and shook my head slightly, making my bangs fall over my eyes and half of my face.

     "Well, uh. I guess...yeah." That sounded so stupid! I thought, exhaling loudly. I cleared my throat again and said as fast I could, "Would you like to go on a date sometime?" Then I thought, Did I just ask her out? Why'd I do that? There was silence from the other end, and I thought she was going to reject me.

     There was a sweet laugh and then she said, "Sure!" I sighed in relief, and she told me to pick her up at seven. Before I could say, "How am I going to pick you up?" she hung up, and that was that. I'd have to live through the embar*censored*ment of having to walk with my date. Unless I could get a car before next friday. I sighed. Sweet. Now I have to beg my parents for a car.


Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


6:32pm Sep 3 2009

Normal User

Posts: 97
 Oooh! I luvz it!

7:48pm Sep 3 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
It's awesome! Keep writing, Kira!

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


7:02pm Sep 4 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,511

Ahhhh. But I got bored. XD

Alright, finee. In a bit. O>O

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


7:42am Sep 5 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,713

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


9:36pm Sep 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Awww. xD

*stares at Life is Love* ....It's mocking me....D;

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