Axel's Diaries

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8:57am May 7 2009

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Posts: 185

Well,this is a random thing I'm doing. It'll go day-by-day in,of course,diary form. I might skip days or switch to someone else's diaries later,no I will not say why yet it is very evil though Axel is my favorite character. This starts after Roxas joins so Xion isn't there (I won't consider her there till the new game comes out). I'm not saying any of this is true since its a fanfic of sorts.

Day 1

Today is Roxas' first day in Orgabization XIII. So today� we'll show him how things work and where his place is in the Org. First is breakfast,Zexion has made waffles and Luxord scones (some British thing,don't ask me). During breakfast I find that Roxas liks to sculpt things with his food,like volcanoes the syup was lava. Next we toured the Castle meeting up with Demyx,who tried to help but ended up getting us lost till Marluxia came around. Along the way I introduced Roxas to whoever we might run into,though I purposly snuck up behind Zexion and scared the crap outta him though he's told me many times not to... Here's what happened:

Roxas and I walked into the library where Zexion was reading. I walked up behind him,leaned over the back of the chair and asked "what'cha readin'?" Zexion jumped (figurativly) a mile then half-yelled "oh my gosh Axel! how many times have I told you not to do that?!" I scratched the back of my head and replied "I've lost track. Hey have you met Roxas?"

"not formally. Hello Roxas,how are you?"

"fine I guess"

"well,you'll get used to things around here quickly. My name by the way is Zexion"

Yeah thats always fun,scaring the Cloaked Schemer. Also farting around him (nose assualt!!. Well the rest of the day was uneventful,Roxas room somehow ended up right next to mine and eventually we went to bed.

Till tomorrow. Got it memorized?

French rule, Brits suck.
Chantico Banner.


10:58pm May 7 2009

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Posts: 11,785

Always saw Axel as a trickster.

But I see Demyx as a hyperactive goofball and Marluxia a perv....and Roxas is...actually pretty sane.

But that's my screwed up mind at work. ^w^

Anyways, good work! XD

Poor, short Zexion. XD


7:56am May 8 2009

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Posts: 185

French rule, Brits suck.
Chantico Banner.


8:15am May 8 2009

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Posts: 1,731

Hehe, nice.

I've always seen Axel�as a trickster, too, Demyx as more of a hyper always happy and sweet kind of guy, Marluxia as some freakish nature lover who always has something to do with flowers and Zexion as a serious 'don't bother me' type of guy. x3

Ah, well, keep going, it's interesting. :D


11:31am May 8 2009

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Posts: 61
ey chantico i dont mean to ruin this but who is axel and what is this based off of cuz ive never seen it before!

I'm Bringin Sexy Back! Can't Touch This! Cuz I'm Da Boss!

4:52pm May 8 2009

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Posts: 185
Kingdom Hearts 2,its a game series. Monkey

French rule, Brits suck.
Chantico Banner.


5:00pm May 8 2009

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Posts: 185

Day 2

Breakfast today went normally though we had cereal. By this time Roxas has met everyone and learnred (or rather picked up from me) to stay clear of Xemnas and Saix. He sometimes confuses Marluxia and Larxene,so Demyx and I came up with something to help.

After a while he was able to keep them straight. I'm getting yelled at through the door to do... something. I'm hearing "go do some library" but most likely its Larxene asking me to do laundry. Ewww.

French rule, Brits suck.
Chantico Banner.


8:41pm May 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
XD Axel should burn the laundry. XD

Axel = LOVE~!



8:45am May 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 185
You're funny Rika

French rule, Brits suck.
Chantico Banner.


8:37am May 13 2009

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Posts: 185

�������������������������������������������������� Day 3

Ah,the sweet sound of nothing. Never lasts long here,though Xemnas is usually gone all day. Anyway. Saix and I got into a fight over something stupid (a pair of Larxene's� underware somehow got into his room).I'm just glad he didn't go Berserk,othewise I'd still be in the infermary a bloody mess.

Roxas and I meanwhile,have bonded. Goofing off when we have nothing better to do,much to the annoyance of Saix (I'm glad he just tells us to stop). I have a strange feeling with Roxas. Simply put he makes me feel as if I had a heart. Hmm.... I'll have to talk to Vexen about this,though he'll tell me its impossible� 'cuz I'm a Nobody and we don't have hearts. Oh well.

Till tomorrow-Axel�

French rule, Brits suck.
Chantico Banner.


9:25pm May 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 917
lol Axel has a diary! Cool!


12:20pm May 14 2009

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Posts: 185
hiya 1ran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I misseded you!!!

French rule, Brits suck.
Chantico Banner.


9:17am May 18 2009

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Posts: 185

��������������� Day 12

I finally got to talk with Vexen. Of course he said that the feeling was impossible 'cuz I'm a Nobody. I freaking know that Vexen!. Well nothing special happened today,other then Roxas got his first mission today.

Yeah not much to report today. So.......Random fact! Demyx's room is sound-proofed so he doesn't bother anyone.

Till tomorrow-Axel�

French rule, Brits suck.
Chantico Banner.


1:55pm May 21 2009

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Posts: 185

((I don't feel like doing the math))

� � � � � � �� 20 months after Roxas joined

Marluxia and I were caught in Xemnas' room. I was only in there because Marluxia was in there,and I believe he took something (later to be revealed to be a telescope). Saix was the one that caught us,afterwards throwing us in the dungeon till Xemnas arrived. I of course tried to escape since I was innocent.

After what seemed like hours Xemnas and Saix came in and we were taken to the castle grounds,I knew what was going on.� After a few minutes,I had fallen to my knees by then,I felt the Claymore on the back of my neck. Though nothing happened I heard Xemnas try and confirm something "you would rather die then him?" Roxas nodded. I only know that since I looked up slightly,I mouthed thee word "no" though the claymore left my neck and Saix roughly pulled me up and a few yards away to watch.

Xemnas did kill Roxas and Marluxia,though I left before Marluxia was killed. Breaking free of Saix grip and returning to my room,I locked the door and didn't let anyone in.

(surprise coming)�

French rule, Brits suck.
Chantico Banner.


10:10pm May 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

Roxassss! D': Nuuuuu! Poor Axel.

If I were him, Xenmas's butt would be extra crispy. >(

Like when I kicked his butt in KH2 with the Bond of Flame Keyblade in honor of Axel. :3


7:51am Jun 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 185
Um,ok rika

French rule, Brits suck.
Chantico Banner.


8:25pm Jun 5 2009

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

Continue iiiiit! D':


...ANd yeah. I'm random. ;P


8:09am Jun 6 2009

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Posts: 185
I have it pre-written,I don't currently have my notebook with me

French rule, Brits suck.
Chantico Banner.


11:04pm Jun 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

That sucks. D;


7:00am Jun 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 185
and my friend spilled iced tea and accidentally set my book in it so I have to re-write a whole page. Not the next part though,the next part is kinda a continuation of this 'day'

French rule, Brits suck.
Chantico Banner.

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