Well,this is a random thing I'm doing. It'll go day-by-day in,of course,diary form. I might skip days or switch to someone else's diaries later,no I will not say why yet it is very evil though Axel is my favorite character. This starts after Roxas joins so Xion isn't there (I won't consider her there till the new game comes out). I'm not saying any of this is true since its a fanfic of sorts.
Day 1
Today is Roxas' first day in Orgabization XIII. So today� we'll show him how things work and where his place is in the Org. First is breakfast,Zexion has made waffles and Luxord scones (some British thing,don't ask me). During breakfast I find that Roxas liks to sculpt things with his food,like volcanoes the syup was lava. Next we toured the Castle meeting up with Demyx,who tried to help but ended up getting us lost till Marluxia came around. Along the way I introduced Roxas to whoever we might run into,though I purposly snuck up behind Zexion and scared the crap outta him though he's told me many times not to... Here's what happened:
Roxas and I walked into the library where Zexion was reading. I walked up behind him,leaned over the back of the chair and asked "what'cha readin'?" Zexion jumped (figurativly) a mile then half-yelled "oh my gosh Axel! how many times have I told you not to do that?!" I scratched the back of my head and replied "I've lost track. Hey have you met Roxas?"
"not formally. Hello Roxas,how are you?"
"fine I guess"
"well,you'll get used to things around here quickly. My name by the way is Zexion"
Yeah thats always fun,scaring the Cloaked Schemer. Also farting around him (nose assualt!!. Well the rest of the day was uneventful,Roxas room somehow ended up right next to mine and eventually we went to bed.
Till tomorrow. Got it memorized?