Aha. I've been so inactive in these forums, and I've been meaning to finish up my large amount of incomplete stories. Perhaps I will. For once, I'm actually posting something that's finished, hurhur. Was written for some contest thing in my school, and it's not very good, but hey. I'd like some critique on it. Forgive me for the odd layout; I emailed it to myself and the darn thing won't align itself correctly, lol. Some parts are cheesy, but mrgh. :B
Do you think of them?
A new day rolls out in front of you-;
Eyes eager, awaiting your choices.
Pot luck of chances and change.
Do you think of them?
They who do not cry-
Because they have run out of tears.
They who wonder what nightfall will bring to bestow upon them.
They who wonder if they have a future to hope for.
Do you think of them?
A child without a shoulder to lean on,
Gazes at the remnants of her whole childhood now gone.
Trees once so capable and proud,
Find little sanctuary fallen among the rubble-
Which once housed her precious possessions.
Do you think of them?
They who stare at everything they once held near,
Because it’s all but stayed the same.
They who envy just one bowl of rice,
They who pray for that change.
Do you think of them?
You awaken from innocent slumber,
Dreams fresh, or dreams forgotten.
Thinking of your simple luxuries-
That so many would die to have.
Breakfast. Friends. Love. Simplicity.
But do you remember them?
When you chew your meal,
Do you realize your evidential luck?
A day soaring overhead,
An eagle with outstretched wings- reaching out.
Their lives are like a kettle-
About to boil over with pain;-
And over the ridge of life.
Will you empty their kettle of cries,
And fulfill what they’ve wanted?
With hope?
With childhood, with innocence.
Do you think of them?
Do you think of them?