Do you write books?

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7:49pm Sep 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 119
Do you write books? Do you have questions about what a name for a cute, quirky girl you should choose or a muscular bad boy? Or do you just want to explain you plot to see if it remotely makes sense?

This is your place!

Only constructive criticism. If your critique has no way for anyone to improve anything, then you will not be allowed to post here anymore. Offer suggestions.
Absolutely, positively NO stealing! There is no point to it. People can tell if you are are not a very sophisticated writer and suddenly use words such as kerfuffle(It means chaos) or adversity (state of misfortune).
Be nice =D and, obviously, do your best when you post.
Don't ask for people to give you a plot, or even a twist. If you ask questions, ask specific questions. 

No-Post List:
Nobody! ^^

Awks moment when a platerpus appears .-.

7:53pm Sep 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 119
I'll start us off.

I would like people to provide positive criticism:
My plot idea: This boy doesn't like girl A. Girl A mysteriously dies but people believe it was through something called Energy Overload (basically you shove so much energy into someone it makes their heart pump so fast it stops) Then you find out that there was blood on Girl A's shirt meaning it was a physical attack and it is revealed that the boy actually killed the girl.

Too complicated? =)

Awks moment when a platerpus appears .-.

7:53pm Sep 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 417
* Peeks in *

I'm here to help give people idea's :P

7:58pm Sep 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 417
I would totally read that book :D

Sounds really interesting, not too complicated at all :)

8:04pm Sep 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 119
Yay! It's a pretty complex book overall though. =)

Awks moment when a platerpus appears .-.

8:10pm Sep 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 417
Well either way sounds good :)

You should post it on Res so I can read it ;P

8:16pm Sep 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 119
I might rmail you a bit of it if that's ok?

Awks moment when a platerpus appears .-.

4:54pm Sep 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 417
That's fine :)

2:55pm Jan 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 158
Hey, (:
I like the idea! It's great!
Just make sure to make it not too obvious that the boy did it. He would automatically become a suspect in the readers mind, since from the start he doesn't like her. So there would be no dramatic twist to the story, and the reader might be disappointed. Still, it's a fantastic plot line!


11:01pm Jan 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 141
Okay, so my plot spreads out over a few books and gets pretty complicates, so I'll just start with book one. The main character is Renae( stil looking for last name on all characters) she gets 'blackouts'. Basically what happens is that she looses controll of her body and tries to kill herself. Afterwards she has no memory of it. It starts off in her hospital room and she is kidnapped by Cade. (short for Caden). He is a worlock working for a secrete organization, their motives are hazy at best, but they appear to be the good guys. Cade and Renae quickly fall in love and Cade breaks up with Lily, his previous girlfriend of 2 years. They were wayy in love, so she is confused about the break up. ( will be explained in book 2). They are searching for a cure for Renae's , um, curse of sorts.  They find out that Lucifer is in need of her but they don't know why, and the blackouts are becoming more intense and frequent. In the end of book one Cade drowns in a pool of blood. 


10:36pm Feb 7 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,133
Necroposting is against the rules. Please don't do it again. <:

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