Down In Death's Basement

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8:37pm Jan 30 2011 (last edited on 8:40pm Jan 30 2011)

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'kay so I wrote this a little while ago and for some reason I stopped writing it because I started to put myself down and thought that it wasn't that good so...I need your help. I kind of want to continue it, but I need to know how good it is first, so just read this small bit, and tell me what you think. I'm open to opinions and suggestions and trust me, I won't be upset or anything if you don't like it.XD

Down In Death's Basement


by Io Ia Leondra

Dear Journal,

Have you ever had a strange feeling about someone? A feeling made you shiver like little spiders were weaving ice up and down your back? Well that is just how I felt about Mrs. Grittle. A few different things freaked me out more then others, like how she would stay in that huge, old house of hers for weeks without going out or anyone coming in...I never even see her turn on the light or walk past a window...Not that she needs lights for she is blind too. Her two foggy white eyes always seem to be able to look into your soul though, it is like they can see all your secrets and flaws. I can also hear her sometimes at night for she talks in her sleep about strange things like witches and such.

Have you ever noticed how people also tend to ignore or laugh at you when you try to tell them these things? Well that is what happened to me. I tried to tell my family that Mrs. Grittle wasn't normal and was strange and evil, but they never listened, they just sat there trying not to laugh while they told me that it was just 'my imagination' and that I should stop worrying about it. So I have decided to take things into my own hands.

Isis Silvianna Bast

-Chapter One-
Dying to know

Isis looked over at the clock next to her bed. It was 5:00am and she hadn't gotten any sleep last night. She sat up straight as she heard something outside her window and jumped as a small meow came from her cat, Isis. She sighed looking at the cat the was curled up by her feet. “Did you hear that too?” Isis asked picking up the cat. She got up and walked towards her window and looked up at the pretty clear sky. The moon was full and each star sparkled like tiny little teardrops. Then she heard the noise again and her attention was pointed towards the opening door of Mrs. Grittle's house. She watched as an old lady wobbled out of the house with a scary looking man behind her.

Isis narrowed her eyes as she watched the old lady walk to the p*censored*enger side of her car and feel for the handle before opening the door getting in. The scary man went to the drivers side and started the car. Isis looked down as she heard a small purring noise come from Ebony's throat. “Yes, I know.” Isis said picking up the cat and walking back over to her bed, “You heard that too...” She Laid down and stared up at the ceiling trying to go back to sleep, but no matter how hard she tried her mind just wouldn't let sleep take over.

Isis sat back up and stepped up from her bed and slipped on her slippers. Isis walked down the long hall of room until she came to the kitchen. She walked over to the sink and poured herself a gl*censored* of water and looked out the window at the empty house of Mrs. Grittle. She set her cup down and walked over to the front door. She unlocked it and poked her head outside. Isis stood there for a little while trying to think out all the possibilities that could go wrong.

She finally stepped outside and closed the door quietly behind her. She tiptoed over to Mrs. Grittle's house and looked around for an open window or something. She couldn't find anything except a door that led under the house and down to basement. She opened the door and narrowed her eyes trying to see what was down there, but everything was to dark to see. She jumped as she felt something rub against her leg and looked down at the small black cat named Ebony. She let out a big sigh before turning her attention back to the dark hole that led down under the creepy house. She stepped down onto the unsafe looking ladder and watched as Ebony came after her only instead the cat just jumped down and landed on its paws with a soft thump.

Isis took a step down. She held on tightly to the ground above her in case the ladder fell apart while she was on it. Isis took another step down. She heard someone pull up into the drive way and hoped that it was just a random person that was lost even though she already knew that is was Mrs. Grittle just from the sound of the foot steps as the person walked over to the front door and unlocked it. Isis took another step down and let out a short, but loud scream as she felt the step crumble from

under her. Her nails dug into the dirt trying to hold her body up, but she knew that she couldn't pull or lower herself down to the next step. She heard footsteps coming towards her and figured that the only thing that she could do was let go and fall to the hard ground below. Her fingers grasped at the hard dirt and rock above her as she told herself to let go. Her body didn't seems to hear her though and her hands only held on tighter to the earth above. She heard more footsteps come towards her and a sweet old voice call out a 'hello?'. Isis closed her eyes let released her grip on the earth. She felt herself falling only for a few seconds before she landed on the ground below in a small pile.

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