Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

finish the story writing contest

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12:43pm Jan 2 2009

Normal User

Posts: 5

Okay you have to finish the story about being kidnapped best story wins 5,000 tu please note that MY STORY HAS TO BE FINISHED WERE I LEFT OFF NOT WERE THE OTHER PERSON LEFT OFF ok?



I woke up to find myself alone in some sort of a room. i took a glance around all i could see was boxes and dust. I was very confused and thougth possibly i was dreaming. I got up and ran towards the stairs and to the door. i hit the door as hard as i could but it would not budge i screamed and threw my self at the door nothing. but as soon as i did that i relized i had made a mistake know i could here walking, i ran back down the basment stairs and back were i was once sitting i began shaking crazily. i couldn't belive it. The basment door flew open. There standing in the door way was a black figure a 6 foot man with a gun in his hand.



1:05pm Jan 5 2009

Normal User

Posts: 677

The man lifted the gun, pointing it right at me. In a deep, commanding voice, he said,

"Get up."

I was shaking badly and struggled to get to my feet. What did this man want from me? How did I even get here? My silent questions remained unanswered as I slowly lifted myself from the cold concrete floor. Motioning impatiently with the gun, he growled out the words, "Hurry up already, I don't want to be late."

Even thought I was only a few feet away from him, the shadows completely engulfed his features. With a rough shove, he pushed be out the door and into a poorly lit hallway. I felt freezing steel bite my wrists as he wrenched my hands behind my back and slapped a pair of handcuffs on them. Another shove sent me walking quickly down the hall. I was very aware of the gun's barrel resting at the small of my back. The hallway I was following branched off into two different hallways, one well lit and the other dark. The well lit one had two doors in it, a red carpet connecting both of them. The man behind me cursed and threw me towards the darker hallway, while he closed a curtain, blocking the light and my view of the doors. My brain registered a moment of opportunity. The man was further away now and I could see a door through the gloom up ahead. Before I could even do the math of whether I could make it through that door before he shot me, my body moved. Legs pounding, heart pumping, adrenaline rushing... I heard him yell but I couldn't make out the words through the echo. after what seemed like an eternity, I reached the door. Spinning around I turned the silver knob with my cuffed hands and went in backwards. I pivoted once more and continued to run for my life. There was a bit of a problem now though. The room in front of me was filled with people and dozens of different shiny things like amulets and old pottery. further ahead I could see a man presenting a golden statuette and crying out,

"30,000 to the man with the blue tie! Going once... going twice... 40,000 to the lady in the red dress!"

An auction? What was I doing at an auction? As the people waiting backstage saw me burst through the door, several things happened at once. First, a startled man dropped his old pot and another tripped over the shards. Second, somethign that sounded like a pit bull started  barking. Third, I got tackled from behind. of course, I just had to lose consciousness again. When I woke up a few minutes later, I was tied to a chair, a bright light shining in my face and the same man from the stage before saying,

"Our next item is a healthy young female human. Can be used for work, breeding, or animal feed. The bidding starts at 5,000!" As the price for me went up, I strained to see through the light. I wish I hadn't. The crowd in front of me was not like a normal crowd of people. The woman in the red dress had fours arms, one of which she was using to hold up a panel with a number on it. The man with the blue tie only looked human from the waist up. From that point down he could have passed for a horse. I barely noticed it as I was sold. A voice coming from a creature that was half bird half human said,

"I want her for my dogs."

I felt a sharp pain as a needle was stuck into my neck and I almost instantly felt tired. I didn't even have time to think my last thought. It all ended with, What the hec-

(sorry, I got really into detail and I wanted to go on, but I had to get off ^^ this was fun)

Photobucket "Nobody ever stumbled on luck while sitting down."

9:17pm Mar 3 2009 (last edited on 9:26pm Mar 3 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 185
(if you saw what I said earlier,scratch that.I need a bit more deion of whats going on)

French rule, Brits suck.
Chantico Banner.


7:09am Mar 4 2009

Normal User

Posts: 917

The man went torwards me and grabbed me roughly by my arm.

"Come on," he growled. He pulled me to the basement, where two other men wear a similar black clothing like my captor. "Here's the kid," the man said.

"Good," the first man said.

They got in an intense conversation about me and other stuff.

As they spoke, their attention drifted away from me, so I decided to sneak away quietly. I was amazed that they didn't even noticed me. I tried to go up the stairs and break down the door, quietly this time. As I analyzed it from ceiling to floor, I noticed the hinges were old and falling off.  I looked around for an ob
ject that might help me pry out the hinges and found a crowbar. I grinned and started to pry. As expected, the hinges came off easily. I lowered the door to the ground quietly and ran outside. I looked around and saw, to my horror, the lair I was trapped in was in the middle of no where. Literally, foreverything that surrounded me was total blackness. I looked below myself. The ground was not there, yet I am still standing. I started to run, thinking that I would find my way home somehow.

Suddenly I heard shouting. The men found out that I escaped! As they shot their guns, I kept running and running, although in the back of my head I knew it was futile. I slowed down, for I grew tire. That was not a good idea, however, because on of the bullets shot found its way into my head.

I fell to the "ground" and lay there dying, my consciousness slipping away as I cried. I heard the men shouting and arguing that I couldn't be killed but that I was to be given to some guy who bought my soul. As confused I was, I sent a silent prayer to God to protect my family, so they won't have to expirience this torture.

At the end of the prayer, my eyes closed, my movements stopped, and my breath is no more.


10:52am Mar 4 2009 (last edited on 10:54am Mar 4 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 185

(screw that,I'm going to try.I came up with this when I took my aunts dog out.........)

He came over and tied my hands behind my back,then led me up the stairs and into a van and started driving.After what seemed like hours,we stopped outside of a lab and he led me in,leaving me in a cell where I waited to see what would happen.Not too much later a man in a white lacoat came and took me into nother room,strapping me to a table.I don't know what happened next,I blacked out.Waking up surronded by trees and a stream not too far away,then I tried to get up.

Upon noticing I was closer to the ground then normal a thought ran through my head I must be a wolf or something,but that can't be! I walked over to the stream and looked in,and indeed I was a wolf,a black wolf with gray markings and red eye.I walked around to get used to walking on four legs instead of two.I was running very soon,I knew what wolves ate and where they stayed,what they're natural enemys were.

I ran for a while,eventually finding more wolves "and who do we have here?"


"well come with me,I'll get you some food.I'm Relana" the female wolf appered to be the Alpha female,pure white and I saw another pure white male wolf and figured he was the Alpha male "who have you found Relana?"

"Ember,shes most likely new"

"hello Ember,I'm Kiku" I nodded and sat while Relana went to get some food,she returned with a fawn and I ate,I was hungry.When I was done I insticively went to a stream to wash the blood off.I could get used to this if they didn't find me and turn me back

French rule, Brits suck.
Chantico Banner.

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