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9:36pm Jan 22 2010 (last edited on 2:05pm Mar 13 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,557
Day one: The beginning

Awakening to the sound of thunder, his eyes shot open.  Didn't do much good


The place was dark.  All he could see was pitch black, he even tried putting his hand

in front of his face.  Nothing.  He touched his nose with the tip of his middle finger,

and it felt like ice.  Strangely enough he didn't feel cold.

He tried to gather his bearings.  He tried to stand, but bonked his head on

something metal, making rather amusing tonal quality, that if he wasn't in this kind of

situation he'd laugh.

However, he wasn't enjoying any of this...  He put his hand up and it touched a metal

bar.  He moved his hand over, another metal bar.


He put his hand forward and it hit into another row of what felt like bars.  It became

apparent to him, he must have been in a dog cage or something.

He gave a good bit not to panic.  He moved his hands to the side and tried to push,

but nothing budged.  If it was a dog cage or something, it was very sturdy.

He turned around and stuck his hand out again, and he apparently found the exit of

that small jail cell, for the fourth wall had just swung open with ease, including the

slight creak.

After climbing out and standing for a good stretch, he realized how much his back

was apparently in a bad position, for all of the cracking and the stiff feeling.  He still

couldn't see anything.  He *censored*umed he had somehow managed to end up in a large

shack or something.

There was an odor.  He couldn't place it.  It *censored*aulted his nostrils and threatened to

make him vomit every time he dared to inhale.  However, even though it proved

great difficulty, if you can get past that pungent odor, it smelt like he was in a very

woodsy area.  He was afraid to take a step.  But he did.  He didn't bump into

anything, so he figured it's be safe if he continued...

Upon the next three to four steps, he touched something.  He jumped, and pulled his

hand back as if whatever he touched slapped his hand back.

It felt cold, and it was obviously a plastic material.  From his guess it was a plastic

bag that was hanging.  He didn't touch it long enough to even begin to attempt to

find out what was in it.  Curious yes, stupid, no.

It was a thought that occured to him it was possible he might have been in a large

freezing room for meats and such.  The room did seem unnaturally cold, and it didn't

occur to him until now that he was shivering until a chill went up his back.  He then

*censored*umed it was when the disgusting odor made him dry heave again.

He must've been in a large freezer, the lights were out...  Or the power.  That horrible

ordor must've been from the dead cattle, and the disgusting ob
ject he touched

must've been some hanging meat, along with the cold temperature, it seemed

obvious.  He just wished he could find the exit, but that wasn't the only thing. 

How the heck did he end up in a meat freezer?! Did he p*censored* out and someone

dragged him? Was he kidnapped? And if he was kidnapped...  By whom?

He had taken a good three wide steps to the right, to make sure he was out of the

way of the at-the-moment *censored*umed hanging cattle.  He streched his arms out again

to try and see something and started walking again, hoping he'd touch something

other than dead animal and hopefully get out of that room before he vomitted for

real.  After he was out he'd be able to figure out how he ended up in there in the first


After a few more steps his hands that were now almost fruitlessly groping around

had touched stone. He would *censored*ume it was the wall.  Nice flat surface, and sturdy. 

He moved to the right by three steps, knowing not the make a left, else he might hit

that bag again.  The thought made another shiver go up his spine....

After a few steps he had walked into apperently the corner, making him jump again.

He felt the smooth rock edge turn to a corner and turned, walking slowly to the right


After about four more steps the hard concrete turned to wood.  He sighed in relief.

The wood meant a door. Now he could get out of that disgusting room.  Hopefully

there'd be a light, but he'd not get too far ahead of himself.

He didn't want to see that room.  He wished it was a meat room, but what if it

wasn't? What if they were dead bodies and he was going to become one?! But he

held the thought of it being a mere meat room, hoping that explained the cold, the

smell and the thing he accidentally bumped into.

He went into the next task of finding that damn door handle.  Even though it took him

about twenty seconds to run his knuckle over the round peice of metal, it seemed

like it took him hours.

He took in a deep breath -still ignoring the desire to vomit- and held it for a moment,

then turned the knob.

Eyes shut, he slowly opened the door.

He expected there to be a light and a reason for his eyes to squint, and it to

be...Like...An outside-ish enviorment.  But no.  It was what looked to be a long

hallway with two ways to go and lighted only two windows on the end where the fork

was.  The moonlight was dim and barely providing any light, but it worked.  He still

could barely see anything, and it seemed like the hallways were black, but what dim

lighting that could be spared showed that the wall was concrete.

Sort of gave him the castle vibe, and he looked around to see if there were any

armors or something midevil-ish, or to see if over his head on the wall hung a pair of

axes or something like the movies, but nothing.  He couldn't see anything, to


Not wanting to see inside the room he was confined to, still surprised the door was

unlocked even, he quickly stepped out and slammed the door.

The thought then occured to the man that what if something was done to him in his

sleep? Like D.N.A or, Like, Shaved head or something.

The thought quickly made him run a hand thorugh his hair.  lad he still had his 'cop

hair,' as his sister liked to jokingly call it, he padded himself down lightly, everyhting

still seemed in place, However, the thought of making sure he was still a he occured

to him as well.  He didn't care if nobody was around or not.  If there were cameras or

something he didn't want to do a crotchgrab in a place that he had no idea what was

going on.

He wasn't sure if his kidnappers wanted him to stay put, or what if these guys were

serial killers, and they were filming him, and they were keeping him as a trapped rat,

and they were waiting for him to to 'escape' and then they'd kill him? Then again, all

this elaborate thought could have just been for naught, and his kidnapeprs were just

stupid, lazy idiots and just forgot to lock the door.  If the last thing was, in fact, the

scenario, and he doubted, he'd probably be able to escape, but as said.  He

doubted it.

Something also occured to him.  First off, that terrible smell was gone, thankfully, but

he still smelled an outdoor-like place.  The air was clean and cool, unlike when he

was in that meat room, the place wasn't too warm, but it didn't make him shiver.

He started walking down the hallway, reaching the fork not quickly enough.  He

looked down both of the smaller hallways.

On his right, it was about six feet away and if he walked into that hallway on his right

was a blue door.

On his left was an even longer hallway, as long as the first, and there were no dim

windows there, so he couldn't tell what to find.  So, of course, he took the right.  He

turned the knob, pushed.

There were no windows in this room, and everything was dark. He ran his hands

over the wall to hopefully find...

The switch was almost too easy to find. His hand ran over it and large overhead

lights came on.

He immediatly closed his eyes, not expecting it to be so bright, hoping his eyes

would adjust soon.

Squinting slightly when he finnaly did open his eyes, he found he was in a bathroom

of all places.  Not that he had a problem with this, as a matter of fact he this gave

him the perfect oprotunity too...

After stepping out of one of the stalls, the thought occured to him.  The water was

apperently working, the place was surprisingly clean.  It was obvious someone had

to have been living there.  Now, what he wanted to know what if there were any clues

as to how to get out of here.  But first....

He went one of the sinks to wash his hands.  There was no hot water comming out,

but the cold would have to do, after all he was just washing his hands.  Not that the

thought of a shower never occured to him.  He didn't know how long he'd been there.

Then again, it couldn't have been very long.

He examined himself in the mirror.  He looked the same, but was he? He had short

hair, as mentioned, his sister makes fun of it as cop hair, with dark red, almost

brown-ish color, he still had his green-ish blue-ish eyes, he was still tall-didn't

expect to get shorter-, he was still very skinny...Like he expected to gain weight? He

was wearing dark blue jeans, grey tee-shirt, and a brown jacket.

He looked tired despite the fact he was just alseep, but he felt fine, a little groggy at

the most, but then again, he was in a room that felt like ice and in a dog cage. Just

curious as to how he ended up in a place like this, and he knew he had to find a way

out before his captors, whoever they were, found him.

He was curious as to if he still had his wallet.  Then something else.  He stuck his

hand in one of his coat pockets and dug around for...

"My phone!" He said triumphantly.  His voice seemed kind of weak, but there.  He

flipped the red phone open, looked at the time: seven thirty-eight, and it was

September twenty ninth.

"What the hell? But the last time I checked, it was...  Was I unconcious for two

days?!" He gasped, at the realization.  How was he asleep for that long, and why

was he still alive in such good condition.  The only problem was the fact his throat

was dry.  A quick sip from the tap fixed that -not to get off subject, but another sign

he was in a decent environment was the water tasted good- but he didn't like this at


He tried to think of the last thing he remembered, which he did almost too easily.  It

hurt his pride, and it wasn't much of a story, but here it goes.



THIS WAS NOT MADE BY ME! My friend at Triond hasn't gotten it read there, so I offered to post it here for her.

Isn't this fun?

12:35pm Jan 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557

Isn't this fun?

6:26pm Jan 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557
>_>'  Bump....

Isn't this fun?

2:05am Jan 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557

Isn't this fun?

2:57pm Jan 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,511

o_o Tell your friend that the story's good.

It's like one of those books that have you, like, reined even when the story's barely begun. Like The Lovely Bones. I mean, it doesn't start all mysterious-like like in this book, but the way it was started (the whole concept, I suppose) reminded me of this.
o.o' It's great, okay?

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


6:31pm Jan 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557
(Thanks forThanks for commenting, she didn't know wether or not she should continue. She'll write the secodn chapter now. ^^  She said thank's.)

Isn't this fun?

2:05pm Mar 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557
Will get back to here. ._.'

Isn't this fun?
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