Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Frozen in Time

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5:00pm Mar 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,007

    I see you there laughing, yet frozen in time in my mind.  I see the smile, the joy, the wonder, but I hear nothing but a ghost of days past.  You laugh joyously, and live your life, yet I stand here hung in that moment you left me alone. 

    My ears ring with the steady tone of that dreaded machine that told me the truth.  One moment, you were there, smiling as always the next thaat tone brought me back to Earth, back to reality and I was alone.  ALONE! I stand still frozen as everything around me moves as in a dream.  I alone am lost, alone without my one, without my lamp, without you in those precious moments in which I saw your life leave. 

    Yet now as I stand here: the nurses rush by, the crash cart brought in, the shock that gave your life back sent, the congratulations given, sighs of releif let out.  I alone am frozen, staring at that once flat line that now breaks with the regular intervals of your beating livelihood. The flat tone no longer sings that dreaded song that cost me much, and instead the percussion once again plays; yet I stand there still transfixed by the line.

And now I see you here, standing there, laughing, joyful, happy once more, free of the restraints of that white bed in that dreaded place; happy, and unaware of the moment in which all was lost...


Sorry, random deppressing mood, thought this up....

And here we witness the rarely seen Pippit in her natural habitat. Let's observe

9:21pm Mar 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 917
I feel random and depressed before I read this.

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