Help me finish Proselyte's pet lore by sending me random interview questions for fun!

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2:11pm Dec 2 2024 (last edited on 2:14pm Dec 2 2024)

Normal User

Posts: 168
SO long story short

I have this pet page for an OC I've been wanting to do/work on finish up for a while.

The basics of the lore is done -- the pet itself is a character I created for a fandom off site that got mirrored/dimensional warped into Rescreatu's, took on the form of an Omni to better fit in with the environment, and is basically doing the Jehovah's witness version of his religion.
His religion functions on the basis of doing seemingly meaningless tasks given to its followers on pieces of paper by Proselytes and being punished if they fail to do them, don't want to do them, or don't do them correctly.
However, followers of this religion get everything for free, from housing, to food, so on and so forth--AS LONG AS they do their 'Pres.cripts', as they call them.
They firmly believe Pres.cripts are written by their City (or cities, in this case) as formulated thoughts and wills that the City wants its people to do.
This is called The Will of the City.

To explain it as child-friendly as possible: it would basically be like signing up for a religion that you spontaneously get mail from that requires you to do randomnized tasks, which can range from something as simple as saying hi to five people or taking a ten minute walk in the specified direction, to morbid things like eating a plate of spaghetti made from hair or murdering your neighbor. That kind of thing.

What I want to do with his pet page is outline the basics of his home, his religion, etc., and then answer some questions or random comments as him
I have the basics down (who are you, where are you from, etc.), but I want to get some other, less generic, and even random questions (the entire religion is based off randomization, after all) to answer.

.. which is where you come in!

So, basically: I have no limit or restrictions on what you can ask, just keep 'safe for Rescreatu' ;)
Serious questions, stupid questions, funny comments, etc., if you can think of it, I'm happy to receive it.

I'll pick my favorites or ones that inspire me most and use them to answer/fill out his petpage and credit the one who asked it.

This isn't a contest or anything, just for funsies and some laughs!
Just have some fun with it.

Post them here, or rMail me if you're shy.

Go get 'em.


2:30pm Dec 2 2024

Normal User

Posts: 1,586
Have you ever been told to do something and then found out you enjoyed doing that thing a lot? Example: riding a bike, rock climbing, baking, etc?

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
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