"People think our biggest fear is not getting what we want. They're wrong. Our biggest fear is getting what we want because then there's one more thing in our lives at risk at losing."
"I would rather be called stubborn and annoying than beautiful or incredible from my boyfriend. Why, because if he calls me annoying or stubborn, I know he loves me just the way I am." :)
"Life is NOT like a rollercoaster. It is not planned out in advance, you are able to crash at any point, and those chains that pull you up the difficult parts don't exist."
"Life isn't about how many days we live. It's about how many days we have that were worth living through."
"Don't ever think of the end as the end. Because all it really is is the step before a new beginning."
"Even if perfection did exist, no one would know it. Because everyone's eyes sees things in a different way. Some may see flawlessness, others may see a disaster."
"Learn to listen to yourself. Because in the end, when there is no one else to guide you, its the only hope you have left."
"Music is really the most beautiful thing that ever existed. Because no matter how many things have changed in the world, the meaning in the lyrics will always stay the same. Not even time, the most powerfull thing of all, can change it."
"People are easy to forget. But the effect they leave us, the small parts inside of our hearts that they pressed a change, some sort of shaken wave, is something we're all forced to remember."
"We need hardships and bumps in the road during life. Otherwise, if everything was perfect and smooth sailing, would it really be an accomplishment making it through?"
"Everyone has a weak spot. Something that they can never beat or win against. But maybe its not such a bad thing. Maybe it's helping us figure out what about us is so strong."
"I always wondered what it must be like to be in love. Whenever they touch you, to want to wrap your arms around them and press yourself as close to their heart as you can and never let go. To want to spend all of eternity with someone and know that this feeling can never die out. To fall into without looking, and know that they will always catch you."