It's Stupid, The Things We Fight Over [flash fiction]

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6:57pm Jun 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,551

Author's Note: So I was just randomly inspired to write this. I don't think it quite counts as regular flash fiction. But here it is anyway. No stealing, now! Read and PLEASE comment. Please? O.O 

It’s stupid the things that we fight over. Milk. Video games. Socks. Mayonnaise. Not even stuff like politics or religion. I mean, you’d think those are more important, right? She knows that my life is falling apart. Why can’t she forgive me for losing my balance for one second when the whole world is tipping? I’m really surprised that something so trivial in this imperfect hell hole when there’s thousands of others things to fight over could be the thing to turn her away from me.

But maybe I’m not so surprised. I’m used to it by now. Sure, we were strong friends. But I’ve been strong friends with others who’ve turned out to be jerks or something. The only thing is she’s been my friend longer. And see, I’m used to having to turn my back on former friends. So I can turn my back on her no problem. Even though it hurts. It always hurts for a while. But it’s so routine that it’s like getting a shot at the doctor’s.

There’s going to be a little prick and then it’s over with!

And so it’s over with. Done. Little prick, then it’s gone. I’m the one who’s willing to forgive. She’s the one who won’t come to me. They never come to you. Or when they do, you can tell it’s fake. At least I can.

She really was my friend. Really. People think that she wasn’t because we fought over such a stupid thing. But I remember the days before the fight, before she started getting all weird. But I mean, I knew we all had our problems. Hell, I have problems. Major problems.

So losing friends? It’s routine now. It’s getting tedious, though. I should just stop. Or maybe I’ve just got it in my head that one day a good friend will just appear right in front of me and I won’t have to do anything. Maybe I just think friendship is supposed to come without the prick, without the pain, without the fact that I’ll have to constantly forgive them and constantly forgive myself.

But the thing is that I’m tired. The world is tipping and I keep losing my balance and I don’t think there’s anybody out there who can deal with me. And I don’t think I’d be able to deal with them, honestly.

That’s what I keep telling myself, anyway. 

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