Little Bits~

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11:12pm Mar 16 2011

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Posts: 1,161
Little Bits~
Welcome to my "Little Bits" thread.
I'll be posting short stories, well not even stories really.
I'm basically just practicing my writing.
You may enjoy it, who knows?
Critique is welcome, as well as comments.
Thank you,

Pieces so far:
♥Skulls and Bones
♥RIP Abby
♥Watermelons after school


deviantart: punkeon


11:13pm Mar 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,161
My first piece. c: It's not really a piece, but it's still practice.
It's my fursona, Alren's story.
It's how she got the permanent skull on her head and how she got all of the bones sticking out. ^^ 
Alren ran after the rabbit, never losing sight of the rabbits small white tail bobbing through the bush. She sprang out at it, claws unsheathed. Instead of her claws sinking into the rabbits soft white rump, she dug her claws into another wolves silver pelt. The other wolf shrieked and spun around. It was male.

“Do you have a problem?” He growled.
“Besides the fact that you just ruined my hunt?” Alren snarled, shaking out her black pelt. 
“That was my rabbit.” He replied.
“I had it first!” Alren shrieked.
“Says who?” The mysterious wolf snarled.
“Me.” Alren growled.
“Really?” The wolf asked tauntingly.
“How dare you?” Alren shrieked. She lunged at the wolf, but he easily dodged and slammed her into the ground. 
“Hey, you’re pretty funny. Now show me what you’ve got.” The wolf barked. Alren charged towards him and bit into his ear. It ripped right down, so he raked his claws down her ear. They sliced two neat lines in her left ear. She whimpered and leapt back. 
“You can have it then. It’s gone anyway.” Alren said as she stalked off. 

She heard paw prints behind her and she whirled around. “What do you want?” She screeched with such fury that the wolf shrank back a little. He tossed a rabbit at her paws. She stared at him in astonishment.
“For you.” He barked.
“Er, thanks.” Alren replied. She picked it up and continued to her cave. He followed her, so she decided to test something. She ran to her cave and went inside. She turned around and the wolf was gone. Alren sighed in relief and started to turn when she saw a flash of silver. The wolf padded out of the undergrowth and smiled at her. “Are you following me?” she asked.
“Maybe.” He replied menacingly. Alren rolled her eyes and curled up in the corner of her cave. She quickly ate the rabbit and rested her head on the ground. She felt fur brush against hers and heard the other wolf curl up by her. She sighed and drifted off to sleep.

When she woke she saw the mysterious wolf still curled up, asleep. She prodded him with one paw. He woke, startled and jumped to his feet. When he looked around and only saw Alren, he relaxed.
“What are you doing, sleeping in my cave?” Alren asked.
“Dunno.” The wolf shrugged. 
“What’s your name?” She asked.
“Zane. Yours?” Zane asked.
“Alren.” Alren replied.
“Alren... What are you doing here?” Asked Zane.
“It’s where I live. And if you’re planning on staying, you’re going to have to hunt for yourself.” Alren told Zane.
“I’m perfectly capable of doing that. And does that mean I can stay?” Zane asked, his eyes gleaming.
Alren nodded and stalked off. 

She sniffed the air. Trees, ferns, and... Raccoon! Oh, that’d make a tasty meal, Alren thought. She tracked it down by scent and saw it. It was on the ground, nibbling on a nut. Alren dropped into a crouch and crept forward. She pounced, but, like yesterday, got a mouthful of silver fur. She lay on the ground, stunned for a while. Then she jumped up and spun around.
“Zane!” She barked.
“I had it!” Zane growled.
“Why do you have to keep trying to kill my prey?” She asked.
“It’s not my fault!” Zane mumbled as he stalked away. 

Alren ended up catching two mice, and a squirrel. She got back to her cave and gulped down her food. Zane got back with the raccoon they had seen earlier and ate that. 

A few months went by, and Zane had become Alren’s best friend. More than friends. They were in love. 

Alren got home with a nice big fat juicy hare and dropped it on the ground. Zane shared it with her, and they wolfed it down. Alren saw that Zane had a small piece of meat of the side of his mouth and licked it off. She laughed and lay down. Soon it would be winter, and they would have to be prepared. Zane licked Alren between the ears and lay down next to her. Suddenly there was thumping on the ground. Alren and Zane shot up at the same time and looked toward the entrance. It was a bear.

The bear stormed into the cave and cornered Alren. She lunged at it, but when she was in mid air, it slammed her down with it’s monster of a paw. The whimpered and wheezed, as all of the air was forced out of her. Zane jumped on it’s back and ripped with his teeth and claws. The bear whirled around, throwing Zane off it’s back. It reared up and stood on two paws. Then it’s front paws slammed down on Zane’s side, crushing his ribs. Killing him. Alren got up, and realized that there was six sharp bones were sticking out of her skin, three on her neck, three on her rump. There was blood on her shoulder from where the bone had been crushed. She had blood streaming from her cheeks, and the scars on her ear started to sting. 

She screeched and charged towards the bear. She ripped one of it’s eyes out and raked her claws down it’s spine. It howled in pain and started to run away. Alren sprang onto its chest and ripped at it. Eventually she got deep enough and ripped out it’s heart, avenging her mate. It fell onto the ground with a huge thump. Alren stood over the bear and howled in triumph. Then she spun around and ran to Zane. He was limp. She nuzzled his cheek and licked between his ear before curling up by him and falling asleep. She stayed like that for weeks, but eventually she needed food. She limped weakly out of the cave.

She ended up catching twelve small mice. She gobbled them up then lay by Zane’s dead body. She went back to sleep and stayed like that for a few more weeks. Zane’s skin was all nearly gone, and he was basically just a skeleton. She got up and hunted again and got about the same amount as last time. She ate it and then ripped Zane’s skull off. She ripped the jaw off and put it on her head. 

She stayed like that forever, six bones sticking out of her skin, and the skull on her head. Somehow the skull formed on her head, and she can no longer get it off. The skull also formed around her eyes, so now it looks like she was born with it. The has the permanent markings of blood down her cheeks, so there is blood coming from under the skull. She still has a crushed shoulder with blood coming from it, so she limps her way around. Alren is rarely seen, and often shy’s away. Then one girl came along...

That one girl is ME. c: Even though I made Alren up, in this story I found her. ^^


deviantart: punkeon


11:16pm Mar 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,161
Piece two. I have wroten a short story about the death of Abby. Based on a true story, and how Abby died. Rest In Peace.
Abby lay on the deck, fidgeting and trying to get comfortable. At last she found a comfortable position, and she lay still on her back, her front paws tucked into her belly. The abyssinian let her heavy eyelids shut and she started the process of getting to sleep. Suddenly she heard something that got her jumping up, wide awake. It was the bark of a dog. More barks sounded in the back yard. Abby looked around, terrified. She jumped up onto a deck-chair and looked around once more. All of a sudden three big dogs burst out of the gate to the house, their eyes wild. Abby ran as fast as she could and leaped over the fence. She ran more and more until the barks died away. She swung her head around to see how far away thew house was. The house wasn't in sight. She had no idea where she was. She spotted the black smooth thing that the shiny fast metal things roared across. She decided to cross it, as she was sure that was the way. When she was in the middle of the road, she heard loud roaring. Extremely bright lights came into view and Abby squinted to see what was behind them. They were getting closer now, and she could make out the shape of a fast metal thing. She knew these were very dangerous and and she tried to scamper off the black smooth path. But she was too late. Abby felt a sudden pain burst in her side and she yowled in agony and flopped onto the ground. She felt the metal thing pas.s over her and she tried to drag herself off the road huffing, mewing and extremely sore. Abby heard her owners calling her name and she tried to mew back, but nothing came out as she was too weak. She made one last effort to drag herself to the side of thew road, where she couldn't go any further. The flopped onto the ground and mewed in agony. She heard footsteps and felt something stroke her side gently. Everything was getting blurry as somebody lifted her limp head. Abby heaved one last painful breath and closed her eyes. She felt herself slowly drifting away and then everything was gone. Abby had died.

In memory of Abby, the loving abyssinian, who put up with everything I did when I was four to her. We all still love you Abby, and we miss you.


deviantart: punkeon


11:16pm Mar 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,161
My third piece. This is actually a recount, as it happened the other day. It was the funnest after school time in my life.
I glared at the girl furiously. That idiot. She had a monobrow and her eyes were extremely wide apart. She had picked a fight with us a few weeks ago, and wouldn’t drop it. She even rubbed mashed up banana into Niamh’s hair. How could she? Niamh is only 138 cm’s tall! I so badly wanted to punch her then break both her arms. But then I’d get in heaps of trouble, and lose my bus privileges. I’d probably be expelled too. So I just glared. We were only ten year old year sevens, after all. Well, nearly eleven, but oh well. 

Caleb, Niamh’s boyfriend who was a year eight and was twelve, and Niamh sat behind Erin and I. Poor Niamh had gotten scared of the girl, and yesterday Caleb had asked Niamh out. So he sat by her now, making her feel protected. When Niamh was in year five Caleb asked her out, and they were boyfriend, girlfriend for two years, until he dumped her on his birthday. Now, he still likes her, and she still likes him. So, back to the bus scene, I was chatting away with Niamh, Caleb would talk with us too, and Erin was leaning over listening to our conversation. It was something about monobrow girl, who’s name was actually Christina. 

Niamh felt uncomfortable going out of the door, because of that girl, and how she always hurts her. So, Caleb and I solved the problem by me going in front, Niamh in the middle, and Caleb at the back. That way, Niamh would be harder to pick out. And it worked! So we got out peacefully, pulled the finger at the girl on the bus and started walking home. 

Then we remembered what happened yesterday, and how Sabrina and Jane had bought a water melon for a buck. Niamh and I had a dollar each, and Caleb had nothing. So we all ran across the road and bought a water melon each. Caleb asked us what we were going to do with them, so we showed him instead. We drew faces on our watermelons. Then he asked what we’d do now, and I replied;
“I’m gonna smash it against that concrete pole, over there, so I can eat it now.”
Niamh wanted to take hers home and eat it.

I smashed it on the pole, and it actually split in half! Then I nearly dropped half, and Caleb took it off me and thanked me for something I didn’t give him. He started eating it anyway, so I didn’t want it once he had done that. Niamh ended up cracking hers on the pole too and gave some to Caleb. 

Once all of the insides were gone we had a watermelon fight. We tore up our pieces and threw them at Caleb, because Niamh and I didn’t want to throw it at eachother. Naturally, Caleb threw pieces at me, not his girlfriend. By the time we were done I still had two pieces and Niamh had half a watermelon still. So she gave it to me and I put it in the middle of the road. We would see if it got run over later. 

We came to Niamh’s street and Caleb and I waved goodbye to her. Then Caleb realized that he had to pick up his sister, and it was already 3:30pm. I yelled “Bye” one last time to Niamh, then ran after Caleb, ready to throw my two extra watermelon pieces at him.

Yeah, I was ten. c:


deviantart: punkeon


11:23pm Mar 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,161
I found this story yesterday.
I wrote it when I was nine, so don't blame me for it not being very good.
I woke up on the ledge of a stone cliff. Cold. Scared. Alone. The thing that I was scared of was, what was going to happen to me? Would I survive for more than a week? I’m a gray wolf, one of the most common species of wolf. I am 10 in dog years. (That’s like... 1.5 human years) I got separated from the pack in a snow storm. Thats when everything went black. I thought I was dead for a second, but then I realized that, how would I be able to think if I was dead? 

So I was alive. My pack must have found me too weak to carry on and dragged me up to this sheltered ledge. Thats when it hit me. The pack wouldn’t come back. They would have left by now. They had abandoned in me. I was the youngest female in the pack though! I thought to myself ‘toughen up! Your not for sure going to die... yet.’

I shook the thought out my head. My stomach growled. I was hungry. So desperately hungry I would not think about anything else. I needed food. I knew a good forest called Moonstone forest. That had a lot of hares, but it was a 3 hour walk away. I thought I could handle that. I proved wrong. 

Sure I got there and all that, but when I saw a hare, my stomach took over. I was running, chasing actually. I pounced. Darn! Missed it! But that didn’t slow me down. I was still charging at the hare. For the second time I pounced. This time my claws dug in to the hares white rump, staining it with blood. I pinned it to the ground snarling and snapping. My teeth sunk into it. I lapped up most of the blood. Then I ate the rest of the meat and left the carc*censored* there to rot. 

Suddenly I heard a rustling in the bushes. Then a low feline growl. Out jumped a young snow leopard. My age to be precise. She did something a thought was a smile with her mouth. Then suddenly a voice or something came up into my mind. Coming from her. It said ‘race ya!’ I said back ‘sure but I’ll win!’ We raced. 

In the end it was a tie. The snow leopard decided to stick with me and help me find my family. As the days p*censored*ed we got hungry. Hungrier than we’d ever been before. I decided to go and hunt. I crept into a forest and the bushes rustled. A rabbit shot out of them. I ran as fast as I could, chasing the rabbit, getting closer and closer. The rabbit and I were out of the forest now, the rabbit clinging onto its life. A cliff was appearing in front of us. Suddenly the rabbit turned. I tried but I couldn’t top, I was going to fast. I tried skidding but it didn’t work. 

I was going to die. Suddenly there was no ground below me. I was falling. Plummeting to my death. My side hit the ground with a thump and I whimpered in agony as I felt my rib bones brake. My vision was going bleary and I could hear the snow leopard at the top of the cliff whining. I heard a shot. A gun-shot. Hunters. The snow leopard went rigid then fell and hit the ground beside me. Barely alive I told her in my mind ‘goodbye.’ She did the same. I wheezed my last breath and went limp.

Lol, I know, it sucks. 


deviantart: punkeon

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