Mah book!!!! Please review!!

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7:51pm Jun 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 318

I need all the critiques I can get!!! I'm not very good, but I'm working on it!


                                                          Chapter one




Rain was trickling from the window, blurring the vision to the unkempt backyard. She could almost imagine that it was a fairyland, with pixie's and elves magically dancing around, except there was the lingering sudsy taste of soap in her mouth. Mrs. Harris had punished her for punching Lillian Dickson earlier that day. Lillian had teased her about her parents, she said, “Guess what Brook, I heard Mrs. Thompson talking to someone about how before your parents died they were going to take you to the orphanage anyway, 'cause they didn't care about you.” So I hit her real hard. What was I supposed to do? Let her get away with saying that? Well, that's what Ms. Harris said, but really, I bet she would've done the same. Oh I'm so sick of adults telling me what to do, I wish they'd just leave me alone. No matter what they say, they're not gonna change me or my mind.
     So now I'm stuck in this cold, lifeless room. I hate it here, people never listen to me and no one understands. They always say they do, but no. Just then the door hinge creaked, she looked around but there was no one there, then silence. She figured it was nothing, just some kid playing a trick on her, but still she was creeped out, and curious. But then the bell rang, signaling “lights out”. Some moments later a swarm of girls filed into the large room and started getting ready for bed, which consisted of putting on pajamas, using the bathroom and a few writing an entry in their journal. But I was to depressed, so I lied down and started crying, not able to stop. I cried and cried until exhaustion engulfed my body. Then all of the sudden I was in a street, but it was weird, almost Victorian looking, but I was still in London. The people walking in the streets wore dresses that looked like they were from the romantic
     Then I was back in my bed, with the sun streaking through the window. It was just a dream, I thought, but it was so vivid. I could feel the cold, melty snow in my palm and the freezing air on my face. But that was impossible, it was the middle of summer. I didn't have time to ponder it anymore though because all of the girls were already out of the shower and breakfast would be ready soon. So I rushed my shower, dried my hair the best I could with a towel and just as I slipped my shoes on the bell rang, signaling the time for breakfast had arrived.
Everyone rushed down the rickety old staircase and swarmed into the dining room like a hive of bees descending upon honey. But when we all dispersed to the many table's, Mrs. Thompson, the head of the orphanage, walked in with a boy who looked to be about my age. He had medium brown tosseled hair and chocolatey brown eyes. “This is Jason Quinn, make him welcome.” Mrs. Thompson said. The boy, Jason? Went and sat at the end of an empty table. He looked broken, like the last thing he had in his life had vanished. No one payed any attention to him, they just started talking and digging into the bacon and eggs. Jason didn't eat though, he just sat there, looking down at the table. I could tell he was using every last bit of energy to hold back tears, I knew this because many a time had I done this myself, but usually my attempts were futile.
     The poor kid, I thought, all the kids here were stuck up and only had pity for themselves. The thought of me befriending him hadn't occurred, possibly because I had never had a real friend and figured the last thing he wanted was some girl trying to be nice to him when he was all choked up. I had no knowledge on the events of the following day.

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

8:00pm Jun 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 255
Such an interesting story start! I think this is very nice, the only thing I noticed which might need a little editing is how you seem to switch from 1st to 3rd person. In my opinion, I think that you seem to be more comfortable-sounding writing in 1st person, so maybe you should stick with that? But it doesn't matter, either way it would sound just fine as long as you decide completely on one or the other. You should definitely keep writing this!

8:03pm Jun 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 318
Thank you! I know, I accidentily switch alot, sary about that! I'll work on it! Thanks for making me aware of that :)

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

5:43pm Jun 11 2010 (last edited on 5:44pm Jun 11 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 318

I changed the beginning a bit, so here it is! P.S. Sary about the paragraph spacing, I tried to fix it but I couldn't, it just messed up even more

Chapter one




Rain was trickling from the window, blurring the vision to the unkempt backyard. She could almost imagine that it was a fairyland, with pixie's and elves magically dancing around, except there was the lingering sudsy taste of soap in her mouth. Mrs. Harris had punished her for punching Lillian Dickson earlier that day. Lillian had teased her about her parents, she said, “Guess what Brook, I heard Mrs. Thompson talking to someone about how before your parents died they were going to take you to the orphanage anyway, 'cause they didn't care about you.” So I hit her real hard. What was I supposed to do? Let her get away with saying that? Well, that's what Ms. Harris said, but really, I bet she would've done the same. Oh I'm so sick of adults telling me what to do, I wish they'd just leave me alone. No matter what they say, they're not gonna change me or my mind.

So now I'm stuck in this cold, lifeless room. I hate it here, people never listen to me and no one understands. They always say they do, but no. Just then the door hinge creaked, she looked around but there was no one there, then silence. She figured it was nothing, just some kid playing a trick on her, but still she was creeped out, and curious. But then the bell rang, signaling “lights out”. Some moments later a swarm of girls filed into the large room and started getting ready for bed, which consisted of putting on pajamas, using the bathroom and a few writing an entry in their journal. But I was to depressed, so I lied down and started crying, not able to stop. I cried and cried until exhaustion engulfed my body. Then all of the sudden I was in a street, but it was weird, almost Victorian looking, but I was still in London. The people walking in the streets wore dresses that looked like they were from the romantic


Then I was back in my bed, with the sun streaking through the window. It was just a dream, I thought, but it was so vivid. I could feel the cold, melty snow in my palm and the freezing air on my face. But that was impossible, it was the middle of summer. I didn't have time to ponder it anymore though because all of the girls were already out of the shower and breakfast would be ready soon. So I rushed my shower, dried my hair the best I could with a towel and just as I slipped my shoes on the bell rang, signaling the time for breakfast had arrived.

Everyone rushed down the rickety old staircase and swarmed into the dining room like a hive of bees descending upon honey. But when we all dispersed to the many table's, Mrs. Thompson, the head of the orphanage, walked in with a boy who looked to be about my age. He had medium brown tosseled hair and chocolatey brown eyes. “This is Jason Quinn, make him welcome.” Mrs. Thompson said. The boy, Jason? Went and sat at the end of an empty table. He looked broken, like the last thing he had in his life had vanished. No one payed any attention to him, they just started talking and digging into the bacon and eggs. Jason didn't eat though, he just sat there, looking down at the table. I could tell he was using every last bit of energy to hold back tears, I knew this because many a time had I done this myself, but usually my attempts were futile.

The poor kid, I thought, all the kids here were stuck up and only had pity for themselves. The thought of me befriending him hadn't occurred, possibly because I had never had a real friend and figured the last thing he wanted was some girl trying to be nice to him when he was all choked up.

 soon breakfast was over and it was time for school, all the sixth and seventh graders flowed into the third floor cl*censored*room and took their places. “Today you are splitting into small groups, choose your partner.” Mr. Crawford, the science teacher said. Everyone immediately chose Soon breakfast was over and it was time for school, all the sixth and seventh graders flowed into the third floor cl*censored*room and took their places. “Today you are splitting into small groups, choose your partner.” Mr. Crawford, the science teacher said. Everyone immediately chose partners and soon the only ones left were Jason Quinn and I. It was a maddening situation. Every time we had done small groups I was always the odd one out, so I did it by myself, but now I had to actually do something with someone I was mortified.

You will be working on a project,” Mr. Crawford said, I sighed inwardly. “Pick a subject from this box to research and write a paper on it, no peaking or trading.” Jason just sat there, so I went to the back of the line and waited for my turn, I could hear moaning from some kids, and excited chatter from others. Finally everyone had picked one except for me, I reached my hand in the cardboard box and withdrew a small piece of paper, then walked back to my seat and asked Jason, “Would you like to open it?” He just stared at me, so I infolded it and saw “The milky way” written on it, I showed it him, he looked at it in a uninterested way so I folded it back up and put it in my pocket.

Mr. Crawford spoke again, “You will spend the next hour doing research with your partner. I expect it to be done in three days.” He said, and then sat down to begin reading a book. All of the kids immediately began picking books from the shelves, so I went and got a dictionary. It took some time before I could find the milky way, but when I did I turned to Jason and said, “Look, I don't want to do this anymore than you do, but the more we do it the faster it'll be done.” He looked at me, not exactly sure what to say, then he responded, looking away, “fine. lets go do some research.” And pushed past me to the wide floor-to-ceiling shelves. We stayed quiet the whole time we were researching, not brave enough to say a word. We had no idea about the events of the following day.

                                                Chapter 2

The next day seemed to be just like any other. I got up, had breakfast, did school and before I knew it it was 3:15 and I was walking out of the building to climb a tree. It was the best tree in the huge yard, tall and grand looking. I perched myself on a branch far from the ground. It was at that time that I heard a voice, calling my name. I looked around but to no avail, then I heard it again, it was barely audible, but she could definitely hear her name being spoken. That's where I first saw it, a little glimmer of light similar to that which you see on a hot day radiating from a car, but it was right beside me. It seemed to disappear before it was ever there. I rubbed the temple of my head. I must be tired, I thought to myself. But then everything jolted, and settled into place again. And I mean everything, the orphanage building, the kids, the ground, everything that she could see, yet nothing actually moved, it just sort of jiggled, like an old VCR movie that would jostle and then come into focus again.

      Then all of a sudden some kids screamed, and my vision blurred. The next thing I new I was in a hospital bed. I was terribly confused, so I got out of the bed and proceeded out the door. A nurse saw me and rushed up to me, ushering me back in the room. “W-what happened?” I inquired. I was drowsy and my head ached like I had been hit up side the head with a steel baseball bat... twice, and I couldn't quite balance myself. “You fell out of a tree, and are suffering from a concussion. Lay down and I will phone Mrs Thompson to pick you up.” And with that she left the room and I had no choice but to lay down and wait. I almost threw up a few times, but thankfully I didn't or I'd be covered in my digested lunch.

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
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