( Not real life!!!)
BIG THANKS! TO Dartmith! My editor!!!
- And maybe my Co-writer?...)
Chapter 1Losing my mind and life-
My name is Luni Barter. I am blind. It would be very hard to type but before the life shattering blindness problem I learnt how to type while looking at the computer. Now I cannot do what I did before. There is no light in this dark world. Just blackness. A soul sucking darkness that no humans or supernatural beings can ever break through. It has troubled me so much. A year before my blindness my parents were in a car crash. I was in the car. There was a red van. Neon red and with dents all over. The person in the car looked evil. Like a killer. I was terrified and warned my mother. She said it was fine. She didn't listen. If she had listened that day she would be here. I saw that creepy van head towards us. " Mom! Dad! watch out!" I screamed. The van crashed into our black, VW station wagon. The horrid sounds of shattering glass filled the car. "Mom! Dad!" I yelled as I saw them lay dead. I was scared and I froze. My arm had sharp pieces of glass embedded into them. I pulled them out and shook out of my trance. I called the ambulance crying hystaricly.
My parents didn't make it but I could never forget them. I didn't sleep that night. I could fall asleep the rest of the week either but after a year after I got a bit better. I decided to go outside after my fear of that happening again to someone else. Or even me. I walked silently slowly and carefully. I acted like a flower flowing slowly through wind. I had to run across the street. Cross the street I mean. The light turned to the walking sign and I was the only one. Suddenly I saw him. The guy who killed my parents just a year ago. He gave a smirk as evil filled his eyes contorting his face untill he looked like the moster he had been the night he killed my parents and he ran at me. The world was dark ever since then.
I don't remember what happened in between that but I remember waking up as a mummy rapped in bandages. I was in the hospital and only my nose and mouth weren't covered. I heard the door and someone came in, " Hello, its me. The doctor" said a female voice, " I am here to take of your bandages" She added. Slowly I felt air touch my skin. I felt more excited then ever to take off the bandages on my eyes. They kept taking it off and then I heard footsteps as the Doctor whent to leave the room, " Take off the ones on my eyes doctor" I said excitedly. " They are off." She said. I could feel the pain in her voice. " No! They aren't off! I cannot see!" I said. I looked to see the doctor but there was pitch black darkness. I froze. I was instantly shot into a deep depretion. Ill never see life again. I am typing this, crying. I miss my life. Seeing to my best friend, climbing trees and so much more. Ill never get this back.