My Fail Poetry.

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10:45pm Sep 3 2010 (last edited on 10:47pm Sep 3 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 70

I am not to be held accountable if you die reading my poetry. Since this is your warning that I am horrid at writing poetry.

  1.  I Feel Lifeless:

I feel my soul disppear,
I feel lifeless.
My eyes fade to a shade of gray.
My skin is paler and a frown is etched on my face.
My blond hair falls in front of my eyes as my head hits the wall.
My body slides to the floor limply,
My breathing is slow and deep.
I need help,
Or I'll drown in the sea of my depression again.
Somebody save me,
My soul cries,
Chained in a gla ss cell,
That her tears slowly fill.
I hug my knees close to my body and buries my face in my lap,
Shielding my face from the world,
Someone help me,
I feel lifeless.

2. The Animal:

I watch the rain crash against the windowsill,
The gray sky darkens my room,
My thoughts dissolve into thin air,
And the room is filled with the sound of rain drops hitting the gla ss.
My gray eyes scan the outside world
I wish I could break free of this cell,
And dance in the rain.
But my soul locks the animal within,
The animal, which desperately wants to dance in the rain.
The animal, which calls for freedom.
The animal that craves companionship.
The beast that desires bloodshed.
The animal, who only wants to dance in the rain.

I'm looking for opinions, comments, critiques, ect. c:


1:47pm Sep 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 72
I Think These Are Wonderful ^^ The Second One Flows Better And Has Good Rhythm And The First Has A Lot Of Emotional Power To It X] Vair Amase Overall.. Have A DA? x

Enolaa The Boy Next Doors Imaginary Friend

1:57pm Sep 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 70
Yes I do have a DA c:


2:02pm Sep 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 72
OOoo I Shall Take A Look X] Love Poetry <3

Enolaa The Boy Next Doors Imaginary Friend

2:02pm Sep 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 72
OOoo I Shall Take A Look X] Love Poetry <3

Enolaa The Boy Next Doors Imaginary Friend

2:04pm Sep 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 72
Gah Sorry About The Double Post *Kicks Computer*

Enolaa The Boy Next Doors Imaginary Friend

4:20pm Sep 5 2010 (last edited on 4:21pm Sep 5 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 70

3. The Rain:

The rain.
It draws out my inner beast,
My heart beats faster,
And my hunger for blood is on the rise.
My muscles ache to run.
Rain awakens the reincarnated me.
Rain shoots the devil into my veins,
Like a syringe filled with drugs.
Under my flesh.
Into my blood.
Into my soul.
Into my brain.
The devil becomes stronger.
More aware.
More deadly.
The rain.
It encourages an inner take over.


4. Have you ever felt so low?

Have you ever felt so low,
That you felt you were buried deep within earth?
As the pain creeps from your heart and poisons your soul.
Your heart seems to disintegrate,
Into a black hole,
Taking every feeling of love and swallowing it whole,
Trying to repair itself.
But the truth is,
It makes the damage worse,
As more and more disappointment occurs.
The black hole spreads,
Eating your soul alive.
Leaving you a corpse.
A shell of who you once were.
The pain grows and takes over,
Your mind poisoned with fear.

You want to end this,
But you cannot bring yourself to pull the trigger.
To blast your soul from the hole,
into another realm,
Of peace and tranquility.
Where Pain,
and fear are nothing more than a myth.
Where the suffering gives way to a feeling of a new life.
You want to feel that euphoric sensation.
But you can't.
You're too weak.
You're too scared.
You tricked yourself into believing that the more love you take in the closer to healing you will be.
But you're too far gone.
It's impossible.
Your soul has been forever tainted with feelings of a shattered heart.
When you die.
Your soul will remain in the black hole.
Lost forever.
In agony.
So I ask you once more.
Have you ever felt so low,
That you felt you were buried deep within earth?


5. Igniting my Inspiration:

Music flows through my mind,
Igniting my inspiration.
My pencil dances on the paper,
Leaving trails of metallic silver.
The rhythm keeps it dancing,
The drums act like a heart for my ears,
Sending waves of inspiration to my brain.
A euphoric sensation builds in my heart as it roots into my core,
As music flows through my mind,
Igniting my inspiration.


4:12pm Sep 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 70

Another poem c:  

6. Pure love:

As my body trembles with each violent beat of my racing heart,
Pure love runs through my veins,
My ribs are beginning to crack.
My soul is released from her gl*censored* chamber,
She cries in joy as she slowly is resurrected,
The stitches that barely held the shattered pieces of my heart fall away,
The pieces fusing together,
Your love allows my soul to know what true love is.
My mind is holding onto you,
Not letting go.
I think of you when I awaken,
And I think of you as I drift off to sleep.
My dreams are obsessed with you,
You never truely leave me.
Although distance separates us for the time being,
You never really disappear.
Because each time I close my eyes,
There is your face.
Everytime the room grows silent,
I hear your voice in the back of my head.
My soul refuses to release her savior,
Her friend,
Her mate.
As my body trembles with each violent beat of my racing heart,
Love runs through my veins,
My ribs are broken,
But I feel no pain,
Just pure love.


7:28pm Sep 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 24
well its great to donate poems

4:11pm Sep 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 70

7. I Just Wish

I just wish I could go back to when I was younger,
Where pain was usually nothing more than scraping your knee,
And love was something you thought was gross.
Where most of us lived in ignorance,
Where we had something to make us feel secure.
I just wish I could bury my face in you and forget the days where you want to do nothing but cry.
I want to forget everything in my present and go back to my past.
I miss being a family,
I miss being with my best friends,
I miss everything I gave up,
I miss the holidays where the entire family would gather around a tree,
Instead of a broken family of 3.
You were there to comfort me,
When tragedy struck me,
You let me cry into you,
You were the only thing I needed,
To keep me from crying.
Now the pain grows,
Now that  I've expirenced a shattered heart,
You don't stop my tears,
You just make me remember what used to be,
And what will never be.
I just wish I could go back to when I was younger,
And forget this part of my life
I need a redo.

8. I Miss You

Tears flood my eyes,
As my body collapses under the weight of my sadness,
I can't help but cry.
I can't help it.
I'm weak.
Nobody can help me out this time,
Only keep me from drowning.
I ask of you,
Please be my oxygen I need to keep from drowning,
My heart is bleeding,
And i'm suffering.
I reach for the surface,
But My finger tips never pierce it.
My soul is back in her chamber,
This time they whip her with chains,
Pain and numbness travels through her,
She is helpless.
I cry out in agony and curl into a ball,
As a familiar song begins to play.
The tears streak down my face,
Rolling to the floor.
My hand grips my shirt,
Exactly where my heart is.
It hurts.
Make this pain end.
Mother looks at me with worried eyes and tells me to get up.
I can't.
I'm too weakened by this depression.
I scream in agony as my heart bleeds more,
Tearing open again.
My mother begging me to take the meds,
Begging me to stop.
To calm down.
I can't.
I miss you to much to calm down.
She kneels by my side and hugs me close to her body,
Mine trembling furiously.
My screams stop.
Inbetween sobs I weakly repeat 3 words.
I miss you.
I miss you.
I miss you.
I can't help but cry.
I can't help it.
I'm weak.
Nobody can help me out this time,
Only keep me from drowning.
I ask of you,
Please be my oxygen I need to keep from drowning.


4:47pm Sep 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,191


I really like your poetry, but you have the same problem I do for most of them.

They give a pretty picture, but have no meaning. The key to poetry is to be as concise and short as possible while being as deive as you can. Someone once said it takes longer to write short poetry.

...Anyways. You need to make the person feel something, or think a long time about something. Truly good poetry is poetry that you read one day and then a week later you're still contemplating.


Best of luck to you. <3

my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men
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