10:41pm Feb 23 2011 (last edited on 10:43pm Feb 23 2011)
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Well.. I've been bored lately, and I kinda started a writing project. Here's the gist of it. I decided to make a weird galaxy almost, of course it exists only in writing, (Though I really wish it really did exist. xD) That has around 13 planets on it. I decided to write about each planet, and create plant and animal life on them. o3o I'm currently on the first planet. So.. Here's the galaxy thingy. Galaxy #8,101,997 Eria (Air-ee-uh) This Newly discovered Galaxy found approximately 100,000,000,000,000 light-years away from our home galaxy, “The Milky Way,” Is said to have planets suitable for life. Robots that we have sent to the Galaxy, one to each planet, will likely tell us more information. This is a great step in the project to find new life somewhere other then our own planet, hopefully our research will not prove futile, as it has for many decades. Our first robot resembles more of a satellite, and was dubbed the GEX (Galaxy Explorer) model, though it is known to most as simply ‘Hope.’ This craft has gone to each galaxy (Controlled by supercomputer from Earth) to search in vain for planets that could hold life. Finally it came to our 8,101,997 galaxy, and it has found something. From what we can tell there are 13 planets, each immensely different from the next. They all seem to be circling around a sun, which is a lot like ours used to be back in the 20th century. Hope detects traces of life on each one; Though we still are not sure. We hope life as intelligent, or even more so intelligent, then humans may exist on these planets, but even the tiniest bacteria would be a wonderful find. All data shall be recorded on other documents. o3o It's from word, so I'm not sure about the quality. I'll post the planet and some plant an animal life on it if anyones interested. ;c

10:55pm Feb 23 2011
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Posts: 107
this is really cool i'd like to know more
10:58pm Feb 23 2011 (last edited on 10:59pm Feb 23 2011)
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Thank you. <3 Luckily I wrote a bunch before I made this thread. xD Planet #01 Fyer (Fay-err) Planet Name- Fyer Location- Closest to the sun Robot as.signed- #30C0 AKA HeatProof Other information- This planet, since it is the closest to the sun, has predictably the hottest climate. This planets atmosphere is mostly made up of volcanic gases, thanks to the hundreds of volcanoes on the landscape, which would be toxic to humans. However, it still seems that life exists, no matter how extraordinary that seems. When HeatProof landed on Fyer, it landed on the side of a large volcano. This volcano marks the center of the planet. It also seems to keep the planet in orbit, and makes all life possible on it. We speculate that this planet started smaller then it is now with the volcano, and it erupted enough to gradually make itself and the planet like it is today. The whole planet is vacant of any green plant life, although strange bushes with what seems like berries growing on them are present throughout the landscape. The planet is mostly made up of rock that has been created from the cool lava. The sky is a blood red color. There is a place on the planet that is nothing but volcanoes; we have decided to call it volcano alley. Near volcano alley is a lake of sorts, but it is not made out of water, but rather magma that has failed to cool. The planet seems to have no water on it what-so-ever, but rather pools of molten lava. It also seems that lava gathers in black clouds and rains down on the planet. We have decided that the lava and magma act as this planet’s ‘water.’ This may also mean that the creatures that live there drink it. There are many strange rock formations and caves. The volcanoes are constantly erupting and changing the landscape, earthquakes also frequently hit the land. The sky of this planet ranges from blood-red, yellow, and orange. This is because the closeness to the sun makes it take up most of the sky. The ground is black and rocky. The few species that live here are evolved to adapt to the environment. Most have impenetrable scales, or hard shells to protect them from the heat and harmful UV rays. The predators here are fierce, and the prey always seem to be hiding in fear.

11:05pm Feb 23 2011
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Posts: 107
It makes me think of a planet similar to Reiflem with a bunch of Dragon like creatures on it You may inspire my artistic side.
11:18pm Feb 23 2011
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xD I realized its reiflem-likeness when I was in the middle of writing it, but I tried to change it around a bit. And there actually is a dragon on the planet, which I'll put in my next post. xD .. That's good right? xD
11:19pm Feb 23 2011
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Posts: 107
yeah I like it I just saw a Reiflem-like planet when I was invisioning it Its awesome I love
11:20pm Feb 23 2011 (last edited on 2:12pm Feb 24 2011)
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Fyer Animal Species #1 Scientific Name- Draco Draco Common Name- Dragon Other Names- Fire Dragon, Common Dragon, Volcano Walker, Fire-Breather Food Chain Clas.sification- Omnivore Clas.s- Reptile Predators- Nothing; Top of the food chain. Diet- Anything that moves Planet- Fyer The first time Heatproof sent us images of this creature, we couldn’t believe it. We sent commands to follow it, and to make sure it was true. Now, we cannot deny it. Dragons, the creatures that exist from human myth and lore, exist on this planet. They seem to be the most intelligent life, and we even have reasons to believe that they have human intelligence, maybe even above. They hunt anything on the planet, plus they sometimes eat berries. They are immune to the effects of lava and magma, as they have been seen swimming in it, and they venture into volcanoes frequently. We believe that they live in an almost city-like structure in the large volcano mentioned earlier. They have vibrantly colored scales. They range from a bright red to stunning yellows and oranges. Their eyes are usually emerald green, or a vivid yellow. They are very large creatures, bigger then a tank. However, they are very agile, and their prey rarely escapes them. They are very good at flying also, their wings as big as their own bodies. They have sharp teeth and claws, from what we’ve seen. They seem to be very social, and mate for life. The mother and fathers even seem to stay with the young for years, much like humans do. The mother carries an egg for around six months, and it takes three months for the hatchings to emerge. The mother only lays a single egg, and the mother and father take turns guarding it. The young are very playful, and curious too. They are capable of expelling a burst of energy from their mouth. Although it isn’t really ‘fire’ it is very strong. They rarely use it, and the few times they do it is mostly in play. Heatproof had a frightful encounter with one of these creatures. As it was collecting samples of a Skeleton plant, (See the document about the Skeleton plant,) one of the dragons actually lifted it up with human-like hands. Heatproof is a very heavy robot, showing how strong these creatures are. The mas.sive beast looked straight into the camera, and its mouth became something that resembled a human smile. That incident was the last we have seen of these creatures, they seem to be sticking away from the robot as of now.

11:22pm Feb 23 2011
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Thank you. <3
2:13pm Feb 24 2011 (last edited on 2:15pm Feb 24 2011)
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o_o This one kinda sucks. xD It's the only plant life on Fyer. Fyer Plant Life #1 Common Name- Skeleton Bush Scientific Name- Mortuus Herba Planet- Fyer Edible Parts- Berries More information- This plant is very strange. At first glance it may look like it is dead, for it looks splintery and frail as if dead. However, there are multiple berries on it. The berries are in many different colors, although they usually consist of fiery colors. Different creatures prefer different berries. The bush seems to be fire-resistant, as it never seems to burn down. The seeds of this plant don’t need to be covered by soil. Instead they take root on top of the rocky ground, and grow. It seems that they have no leaves, but rather the stems themselves absorb the light.
2:21pm Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 9,641
This is beautiful. Don't stop writing. >8C
2:26pm Feb 24 2011 (last edited on 2:28pm Feb 24 2011)
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You tempt me to stop. 8u .... However, I have one document left to hold you guys over before I become unlazy. Animal Life #2 Scientific Name- Caecus Glis Common Name- Flaamdent Food Chain Clas.sification- Scavenger Clas.s- Rodent Predators- Mostly Everything Diet- Dead Bodies and Skeleton Bush Berries if food is scarce Planet- Fyer Flaamdents are a rodent-like creature. They are about as big as a small dog, and have small sharp teeth. Their fur is black so it matches the ground, enabling them to blend in to the ground. The thing that stands out the most about the flaamdents is their pure black eyes. They are completely blind, and find everything by smelling it out. They are great at smelling dead bodies, and can find food from over 100 miles away. These creatures are also very timid, and it took a while for Heatproof to get a clear shot of one. Their hearing is as great as their sense of smell. They usually stay alone, only coming together during mating season. The mother has live young, and takes care of them until they are around six months old, then they are left on their own. We have found that the young are actually born with sight, but thanks to a genetic mutation they loose their sight at adulthood, however, their loss of sight actually seems to make their lives better, rather then worse. They are the prime prey sources of most of the predators on the planet; although few are able to catch them since they usually hear or smell them coming.

1:15pm Feb 25 2011 (last edited on 1:17pm Feb 25 2011)
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My spark of insanity still lives. 8D Fyer Animal Life #3 Scientific Name- Avis Ardens Common Name- Phoenix Other Names- Flaming Bird, Ash-Riser Food Chain Clas.sification- Predator Clas.s- Bird of Prey Planet- Fyer These creatures resemble huge eagles. The feathers of both the males and females are the color of fire. When the sun hits the males’ feathers right it is a very spectacular display. The light reflects off them perfectly, giving the illusion of them being on fire. The tail feathers on the males are quiet long, and stream out behind the male as he flies like ribbons. This could be a way of attracting mates. Both genders have a crest on the back of their head. We believe that this helps their sharp caws reach out longer distances, we are not completely certain however. They have very sharp talons that enable them to pick up and carry away large prey for long distances. They are also used for fighting in the mating season, and over territory. They are specialized hunters. They fly silently, having feathers similar to an owls’. They track their prey and wait until the best moment to swoop down. When they do, the strike is quick. They carry the prey up to somewhere high, and then eat it whole. They cough up pellets consisting of indigestible material a few hours after they eat. During the mating season the males perform a magnificent display. They flip in air and twirl; the females watching to see which one impresses them the most. When one female decides which male is the most impressive, she flies to him, and they do a dance together. When they are done, the male leaves the female to herself. The female then creates a nest out of mixing ashes with her saliva that has a special adhesive in it. She then lays her eggs, usually three or four of them, and leaves. The climate is warm enough to make sure that they stay warm, and she circles around the nest in the sky once a day, making sure not to go too low so that predators aren’t alerted. When the young hatch, they seem to ‘Rise from the ashes’ in a sense. They are able to see and their talons are battle-ready from birth. They start to venture from the nest, but don’t stray from each other. They are unable to fly. The mother releases injured prey, (Baby Flaamdents mostly,) so the young can eat. She doesn’t go too close to them so they don’t get attached and so predators aren’t alerted of their location. As the young grow older, they start to practice flying. Now, the mother starts to visit the young less and less, and finally ceases her visits altogether. The hatchlings sense this and let out long, drawn out cries. After a while they learn to fly and hunt. After a few years they will be old enough to mate, and the cycle will begin again.

5:21pm Feb 25 2011
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Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:33pm Feb 25 2011
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:3 Thank you Breeze. <333
5:41pm Feb 25 2011 (last edited on 5:42pm Feb 25 2011)
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This one's kinda short. o3o Fyer Animal Life #4 Scientific Name- Bestiola Flammae Common Name- Flame Beetle Food Chain Clas.sification- Scavenger Clas.s-Insect Diet- Anything Planet- Fyer There are many sub-species of this creature, although all of them share a similar body structure. They all are around the size of Earth mice, and have six legs like our insects. They resemble beetles, and have very hard wing-casings The sub-species differences vary from different shaped antennae, to different patterns on their wing casings. Some have flame-like markings, some are all black to blend into the ground, others have very larger antennae then others to sense danger, some even have pincers. They all are scavengers, and feast on dead bodies and anything else they can find. They are very important since they clean the landscape up.