Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

My Res Fanfic

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8:52pm Dec 10 2008 (last edited on 11:11am Dec 11 2008)

Normal User

Posts: 350

Yea, more please.


1:59pm Dec 12 2008

Normal User

Posts: 2,148
Thanks guys. n.n I'll be adding a chapter on Sunday, hopefully. I started another fanfic on another site so its' going to be alternating. :3 *used all my creative juices* xD


8:13pm Dec 14 2008

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

            When I awoke in the hospital bed, the first thing I noticed was my sight. It was blurred. I figured I must have lost my glasses in the trip there. As I stared blankly at the ceiling, I felt my eyes… fix themselves. The blurry dark spots on the ceiling tiles became perfect circles, and the wavy, distorted lines became straight, crisp sides to the rectangular panels that comprised the roof above my bed. I was shocked, to say the least. I got up to get out of the bed, but a steady hand quickly shot up and gently pushed me down to the bed. I turned to see who it was.


            My lips slowly curled into a smile and my hand grabbed his. He was here, with me. Joy welled up inside me, and along with that joy, came sorrow and grief. Soon my expressions showed my true feelings and he patted my shoulder. He knew exactly what I was thinking about. “It’s okay, Whitney. I came willingly.” He explained solemnly. I relaxed back into the bad and sighed with sadness.

            “I never wanted you to get caught up in this…” I whispered. “You had something good back on Earth, and now you’re stuck with me on Res.” I squeezed his hand and exhaled once more.

            He shook his head. “I’m not stuck, Whitney. I’m more so just a figment of your imagination, but I’m here to help you get stronger for as long as you need.”

            My head turned back to him and a grateful smile creased my features. He was so self-sacrificing. Matsuzi would give up the world if just to help me for a moment. “Thanks.” I managed to say through a choked throat.

            “Oh! You’re awake!”

            I turned to the doorway where I saw Roo, Talon, Holly, Flash, Pencil, Adrie, Rozi, Ter, Kaffr, Varg, Magey and Dawn all in my room. It was strange how they managed to sneak in without me knowing, but it was a pleasant surprise to know that that many people cared about me.  I sat up in my bed, wincing a bit to the pain in my right arm. I glanced down to it and saw it wrapped in a white bandage. No blood or anything. How long was I passed out?

            “Thank God you’re safe, Roo said and practically tackled me in a hug. I smiled and patted her back. I wasn’t much for public displays of affection, and hugs classified as such.

            Everyone had brought me bunches of purple flowers, all picked from the forest on Atquati, I assumed. I smiled gratefully and laid back as I related to them the story of what happened to me in my house. They listened intently and offered a few suggestions as to what exactly it was that attacked me. No one knew for sure. I didn’t really expect anyone to know. A few times, a Valabex came in to check on me. I assume she was a nurse by the way she was dressed. I was told I’d be able to leave today. Which was a bonus, because as much as I loved being there, I wanted to be with my creatu more.

            “How long was I in here for?” I asked while glancing around. Hoping some one had an answer.

            Everyone remained silent for a moment. No one wanted to really answer. I thought to myself. “Good lord. Was it that long?”

            “About a week, Whitney.” Allen had appeared in the doorway and walked in. He looked… casual.

            I nodded to him. “That’s not too bad.” I said. Roo smiled a bit sheepishly at that point. I glanced to her and quirked a brow. “What?” I asked.

            “Staff has been selected, Whitters,” she said. My eyes widened in surprised. So soon? Really? “You’re one of them.”

            My heart made a loud thud and then stopped. The machines I was hooked up to gave a flat line as indication to my mini-heart attack. Panic quickly washed through their expressions, though I exhaled quickly and my heart started up again, and my laughter ensued.

            I couldn’t believe it. In spite of all this, I was a staff member. I felt in shock. “Who else made it?” I asked.

            Allen raised his hand and spoke. “Myself, Riyo, Raru, and Tori were accepted. As well as you. Patrick wants to see you as soon as you leave, though. He sent me to bring you there.” I nodded again, not sure how to take this.

            Around thirty minutes passed before everyone finally got up and left. I swung my legs over the bed and got out of it and gathered my things. I quickly changed and walked out of the hospital where Allen was waiting for me. I took timid steps towards him. I always felt awkward around him. Wasn’t really one of those “omg he so dreeeeeaaaaaamyyyyyyy~” kinds of awkward, it was the. “Don’t screw up you idiot.” kind of awkward.

            We went the whole way to the staff area without talking. I didn’t want to say something to offend him, and apparently he didn’t want to talk. When we got there, Tori, Gelgarin, Raru, Ricki, Zarabeythe, BillyBob, Hail, Riyo, and Patrick were all talking to each other. When they saw me, Raru, Riyo, and Tori ran up and gave me a quick hug, and expressed their thankfulness that I was alive and well.

            “Glad to have you here, Tainted,” Patrick said finally. “We’ve got your name coloring and the staff tools that you’ll need ready. Though first we’ll need to brief you on what your responsibilities are.”

            Zara then stepped up and began speaking. My arm throbbed. I placed my hand over it lightly and paid close attention to my job deion. “You will be able to ban users after a week of training, as for now, you can only issue warnings to the users. Referrals now are for you to send a message to your superiors to let them know who is in need of a banning. The user will be taken care of immediately. You will not be paid for your training. After this week, if we find you promising, then we will give you an allowance of fifty credits biweekly, or five million biweekly. Whichever you’d prefer. You will job shadow me for the first day, and then afterwards, you will be dependant on yourself. We will be keeping track and we will ensure that you uphold the law, as well as enforce it. Favoritism is out of the question.”

            My arm continued to throb and thoughts flushed through my mind. She was like a drill sergeant. Granted, she needed to be with me, or else I’d feel like I could slack off at any given moment, though really, just out of the hospital I come and into the arms of a tedious speech and job. I didn’t expect a fun ride.

            Once everything was said and done, I went to get my name coloring, and staff tools. I half felt like a police officer getting ready to go on patrol. Once I was done, I walked out to greet my “host”, per se. Zara nodded and turned around and walked out of the staff area.


            “It shouldn’t be hard for you to catch on, Tainted. You’re a bright user from what I’ve seen around in the forums before the Merging,” Zarabeythe said to me. I nodded and watched as she exerted her power and authority over the citizens of Res.

            Training went by in an uneventful manner. I didn’t get to see the ban hammer used. Which was like not getting to see a peace officer shoot their gun. Which begs the question, why do peace officers have guns? Well anyways.

            Once I got back home, my Creatu greeted me with open arms and cheerful greetings. I hugged both Zyxel and Allen at the same time and expressed my gratitude to them for saving me. It was my bed time, so I climbed up the stairs to my bed and laid down.


            I dreamt I had taken over Rescreatu. I looked… strange. My eyes were lifeless, yet I had a cruel grin on my face. My friends were all captured and slaves to my infinite power. Patrick? There was no Patrick. He was gone. I had absolute control and I felt corrupted with it. Relcore had become desolate and barren. Atquati’s ocean dried up. Scria was covered in a thick, black smog, and Reiflem was my domain.

            My creatu had no say in what I did. Whatever I did, they had to do. And nothing could oppose me. My arm gleamed with an ominous purple-black light, the arm that was bitten. I was clad in a dark metal crown with rubies encrusted within its dark matter. My clothing was as black as sin, and I felt… rage. Despite being in power and having everything I wanted. I was with hate. At that moment, I began to rise up to the sky, and as I did, I felt a power building. I was absorbing something. Once I was at the peek of my limit in the air, I unleashed a black wave and utterly destroyed the universe.


            I snapped to consciousness, shocked at what dream I could have concocted. I expected to feel my pulse rise and my heart pound, but nothing. My breath wasn’t even uneasy. I went to rub the sleep from my eyes, but my arms wouldn’t move. Or rather, they wouldn’t correspond. I tried to glance down to my arms, but my eyes wouldn’t move. I attempted to speak, but not a word came. I had to be in another dream. Just like those ones where you finally can glance down and you’re naked in public. I figured I could force myself awake again. So I tried. Nothing happened again.

            I was staring at myself in the mirror at this point. Wondering what I was to do with myself. Suddenly, my body began moving on its own. Unraveling my arm bandage and revealing the bite marks underneath. It was glowing. I stared in shock, though my facial ex
pression didn’t show. Instead, I looked up to the mirror and grinned evilly.

            “Welcome, LeTainted, to your new Hell.” I said.

            I couldn’t believe it, what was going on? Who was in control of my body?! ‘WHO ARE YOU?!’ I shouted within my mind.

            “I’m you now, LeTainted. Enjoy the ride. It’ll be a long one.” And with that, my body left my house.


12:18pm Dec 17 2008

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

At this point, there will no longer be any first person coverage of the events that occurred in Rescreatu. The only records shown of what happened were written documents left by the one person who experienced everything first hand.


            She was… unstoppable. That thing that had taken over and claimed the name of Whitney went out and caused havoc; though that was after she gained full staff control. Whitney was like a juggernaut with little to possibly no remorse over the lives she ruined and the things she’s destroyed. She was nothing short of a virus to the citizens of Rescreatu, a virus that wanted to plague and infect the very ground she walked on, the very air she breathed.

            Her reign of terror started when she managed to attain an overly vast knowledge of Rescreatu, even underground things that none of the other staff knew about. If anyone else had known of these things, an immediate investigation would have been done to see if this staff member was organizing them in order to gain more power. However, Whitney was such a trusted soul and had never given any reason to not trust her; everyone thought she had an open ear and keen senses to have found such foul play.

            Her rise to the top was a quick one. She ascended above the most coveted staff members and instantly gained access to the in-depth parts of all Rescreatu, though she wasn’t quite an Admin yet. No, she was so close; she could almost feel the whisper of power breathe against her ear. She had to make room for her power.


            Getting rid of BillyBob wouldn’t be too hard. He spent most of his time alone training his creatu, a small accident with the weights would take care of him easily, though Zarabeythe was definitely a force to be reckoned with. Whitney knew she’d have a rough time taking care of this one. She spent her days watching Zarabeythe, examining where she went on her dailies, what time she went there, and how long she spent. There was a problem. Zarabeythe didn’t have a pattern. Her movements were so erratic and out of the blue, she would have to take a 1/50 chance of being in the right place in the right time, or worse. Improvise.

            BillyBob was, as expected, exercising his creatu at the training center when Whitney walked in. She brought her own creatu, Allen with her, and he began to work out on his own without her coaching. Whitney had taught her creatu to be independent and do things without her holding their hands and showing how. They had become… advanced.

            She strolled up to BillyBob and his creatu, Sinbad. Sinbad was jogging at the moment, and BillyBob was watching, ensuring he wouldn’t strain himself. “Hey BB.” Whitney said in a casual tone as she approached.

            He waved to her and flashed a brief smile, then resumed watching his Mirabilis jog. Or rather, waddle.

            “Such a talker, BB! Please, just stop you say too much!” Whitney exclaimed, sarcasm dripping from her sentence. A questioning glare was given to her as she leaned up to the dumbbells stacked up on the metal holders which resembled closely to a shelving unit. “Here, lemme ask you an easy question. How is the training going?” She raised her right arm above her head and leaned more onto it, crossing her ankles and tilting her head to lay against her slanted arm.

            BillyBob watched her curiously. “Good…” He said. It was clear he didn’t know why Whitney was acting this way, or what she wanted. Instead he gave her short answers or no answers as she asked him questions.

            “Well, Billy,” Whitney said while standing straight and stretching her shoulders up. “Looks like you’re done here. Have a good one.”

            BillyBob didn’t have the chance to turn around and ask what she meant. By the time he got half way to facing her, the entire shelving unit fell on him and his creatu.

            “Your arm seems to have gotten better!” A voice shouted to her. Whitney spun around and spied HarryPotter standing there with his Kioka, Equus.

            A heavy sigh escaped past Whitney’s lips as she shook her head and lowered it. “Such a pity, I was hoping I’d be alone with ol’ Billy here.” She said while walking closer to HarryPotter. He stepped back and furrowed his brows, his Kioka stepping forward in defense. Allen, the silver Vogar, then lunged at the Kioka and took him out.

            As the two creatu battled, Whitney lifted her right hand towards HarryPotter. He quickly grabbed a heavy iron bar and ran towards Whitney. As he did, her arm began to glow a dark purple hue and HarryPotter was forced to stop dead in his tracks, Equus as well, although Allen had no problem overpowering the Kioka when they were fighting. “You are done here.” And with that, they both were absorbed in the purple darkness.

            Instantly Whitney’s arm went numb and dropped to her side. She collapsed to one knee and breathed heavily in exasperation. Using her power was a bit of a chore, as she wasn’t really using actual magic, but instead was affecting the coding around her to do her bidding. She was altering reality all on her own.

            Her Vogar stared at his master in shock, wanting an explanation for this sudden burst of energy. She weakly walked over to him and slumped over on his back. “We may be trapped in this place, but that doesn’t mean that it has become real life. If Patrick can code, then so can I.” She said and sat up on her Vogar’s back. “Go to where Zarabeythe is. Make a stop in the staff forum. I don’t think anyone is there yet.”

            With that, Allen nodded and took off at amazing speed to the staff forum.


            Zarabeythe just happened to be there, waiting. When Whitney approached, Zara snapped her attention to her and stomped up to her. “We have some issues, LeTainted!” She shouted in fury. Whitney watched with a relaxed ex
pression as Zarabeythe unloaded a whole spiel of how Whitney was not doing her job. It was then that she noticed the Vogar. “Creatu are NOT allowed past the gates. Why is he here?”

            Whitney smiled a bit more and shrugged a little. “Golly, I don’t know, Zuzu,” she said with a bit of snide. Zarabeythe opened her mouth to protest, though was overpowered by Whitney continuing her explanation. “I think you power is too much for you to handle alone. I’ll give you the choice to either give me the exact same power you have, or I can just take it from you.”

            The flustered Zarabeythe was not amused by Whitney’s proposal. She stomped her foot and pointed a firm finger at Whitney. “You will not treat your higher ranks like this! You are fired!”

            Whitney’s grin grew into an insane smile. “You can’t fire me anymore, Zuzu. You have been overthrown.” Whitney’s arm grew purple again and the color on Zarabeythe’s username above her head vanished and Whitney’s username filled with that crimson hue. Zarabeythe then turned around and ran into the admin building, with Whitney following close behind.

            Zarabeythe fled up several flights of stairs until she reached the top floor and began approaching Patrick’s office. Whitney, however, suddenly appeared from the ground, rising slowly from a purple and black portal. She placed her hands on her hips and laughed. “Patrick isn’t in, dear; it’s just you and me now.”

            Zarabeythe turned around to run away, but was met with another creatu, a black and purple Omni. The Omni looked… odd. It was twice the size of any Omni she had ever seen, and the fur had no shine to it at all, and it had large horns on the side of its head. The Omni stepped closer and growled at Zarabeythe, who stepped back and into the deathly cold hands of Whitney.

            “Looks like you don’t belong in here, Zuzu, time to put you in your place.” The door next to them swung open and Zarabeythe was tossed in. The confined area of the closet seemingly encased Zarabeythe like a tomb and the door locked. As she frantically flicked the light switch to turn it on, she screamed out for help, though nothing came. No help, no relief, no light. Outside of the closet, everything was silent. Whitney opened the closet and peaked in. Zarabeythe was gone.

            “You should be a magician, Whitney.” The Omni said with a grin in his voice. The Omni had reverted to its natural state and was walking alongside the evil Whitney.

            She laughed and patted the Omni’s head. “Oh that time will come, Rykushio. The biggest magic trick is drawing near. The climax of the show is just a step away. The best magic trick of all, is making all the humans disappear.”


3:00pm Dec 18 2008 (last edited on 3:03pm Dec 18 2008)

Normal User

Posts: 130

This is so cooool xD

I love it Whit ;P


9:27pm Dec 20 2008

Normal User

Posts: 1,895

Zhee Banner photo Zheebanner_zpsdf3c459f.png

9:59am Dec 21 2008

Normal User

Posts: 350
I know...I keep coming back, hoping theres


9:55pm Dec 22 2008

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

There won't be more for a while. I'm taking a nice long Christmas break. n.n

Next time I post will be the new chapter. :3 Thanks for being frequent visiters. :D


2:17pm Dec 25 2008

Normal User

Posts: 1,210

Oh,kewl...And im meantioned in whole two places.Omg!Makes me feel so speshul C:

 Anywayzz...It would be awesome to see another chapter or two after your break.Your little 'what if Whit was the new Pat' story is turning out very interesting xD


4:29am Dec 26 2008

Normal User

Posts: 125
xD Awesome, Whit. I want to read more~

11:41pm Dec 27 2008

Normal User

Posts: 1,007
*sits staring at computer*  Too much awsomeness for me to take!!  *faints*  But I must...keep...reading!! I love it Tainted!!!

And here we witness the rarely seen Pippit in her natural habitat. Let's observe

12:22pm Jan 2 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

            “Urgent meeting is being called, everyone is required to attend. Meet at Relking Island immediately.” Patrick’s voice resounded over the entire galaxy, breaking the silence of the morning.

Three weeks had passed since Whitney’s plans were set into motion. During that time, a search and rescue team with well trained creatu and people had combed every corner of the galaxy with a fine-toothed comb in search of the two missing admin, though to no avail. Every minute of the time they were hunting, Whitney made sure she personally was with Patrick, assuring him that good would come of this, and also managed to perform the duties that the admin normally would have done, as well as maintained peace throughout the planets. Several users had become aware of the disappearances of BillyBob and Zarabeythe, and joined in the efforts to find them.

While others were looking, Whitney had taken upon herself the labor of hiding the damaged BillyBob’s body. He was still alive, unfortunately, so Whitney had to place him where no one could find him; her home. The phrase “skeletons in your closet” became all too real to her, though she easily pushed the idea of a suffering man in her home aside and buried it in the thoughts of her twisted mind.

As the announcement was made, everyone got to their feet and teleported themselves to Relking Island, where the staff members were standing along side Patrick, except for two. Everyone turned to each other and murmured their concerns. Had BillyBob and Zarabeythe quit? The mass’ whispers became louder and louder until it was shouting, causing a massive headache to the others who were being silent.

            Patrick raised his voice to the group, causing them all to instantly fall silent. He took a deep sigh, then proceeded. “Two of our administrative users have gone missing,” the clamor arose once more, with panic this time. The other staff members stepped up and shouted for sections of the group to be silent. Once they were again, Patrick continued. “We had a search party not too long ago, their information is not stored in the data banks, meaning their entire existence here has ended. Now we need two of our staff members to take their spot…”

            Whitney crossed her arms and heaved a sigh. “What a nice way of telling them that they died,” she whispered. “Are we really in this much denial?”

Gelgarin shrugged. “What else was he to say? Who wants to hear that death has a grip in this world, when we’ve all become so accustomed to the peace and tranquility that this reality has provided for us?”

“Too true,” Ricki said. “Let the brighter ones put the pieces together, they can handle it.”

“After much thinking and debating, I have come to a decision of who my new administrators should be,” Patrick said as he turned back to his remaining staff members. “Gelgarin, Ricki, please step forward.”

A wave of approval washed through the citizens of Rescreatu. Smiles beamed on their faces and many clapped to show their joy and appreciation of this decision. Everyone was enthralled, except one.

Whitney’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She openly showed dislike for this decision. As Ricki and Gelgarin approached the top of the podium, Whitney shook her head and raised her arms. “No, no, no. This won’t do,” she exclaimed. Silence befell everyone, and all eyes turned to her. She walked up to Patrick and stuck a finger in his face. “I didn’t spend weeks brown nosing you for nothing, Pat. You could just do what I planned for and make me admin.”

“What do you think you’re doing, LeTainted?” Patrick asked. His voice was stern and his face showed anger, much anger. The other two stared at her in disbelief, as well as the other members, although Allen rolled his eyes and stepped forward to pull her back.

“I’m doing what I planned on doing, ever since I took over Whitney’s mind,” Whitney said while laughing and grinned evilly. Her hand reached over and grabbed the scrolls that would have been bestowed upon Gelgarin and Ricki. Instantly they dissolved and the username above her head turned red, crimson red. Patrick grabbed at her wrist and tugged her down to the ground, though she laughed. “Oh Patrick, you fool. You never saw it coming, did you? You never saw this nightmare coming real! Your precious world is going to crumble, Patrick! Say good bye!”

Whitney flicked her wrist around so she was gripping Patrick’s wrist with her hand as well. Instantly the color from his username was starting to drain into the normal black hue. As he struggled to free himself, he could feel his powers vanishing. Allen ran over and tore Whitney away from Patrick just before the color was gone entirely, all the while, Whitney laughed insanely. As she stood, her form began to change, twist, and grow.

Before them stood a seven foot tall beast. Its flesh as black as sin, and a tangled mane growing from its neck and rolled down its back, much like a cape would. Sharp spines jutted from the back of the creature through the hair, all the way down to the thin, whip-like tail, where two large scimitar-like blades were. The front claws of the vile beast were as large as any average human’s body and the claws as long as an arm. The hind legs were shorter, but could be just as deadly. Fangs protruded through the lips of the beast in awkward angles, causing a snaggle-toothed appearance on the beast. Its body was remarkably skinny near the hind legs, it looked as though it would snap at any given moment from the weight of the upper body, though it didn’t. Its eyes were mere slits, but the color was so haunting, that anyone that day that looked directly into them could tell you the essence of evil resided in that monster.

The creature slowly opened its mouth, the scraping of its fangs could be heard and it caused many to cover their ears. A piercing roar filled the air, causing many people to flee back to their creatu, except for the staff members.

Gelgarin and Ricki had picked up Patrick and began running with him, while Allen, Tori, and Raru were distracting the beast that once was Whitney. “Let him flee,” she shouted, her voice was double toned, as though two people were speaking through her mouth. “I have no use for him! I have all the power I need!” She laughed manically and swatted at the three staff members, though they easily avoided the strike.

“What do we do?” Raru asked the other two with a panicked voice.

“We get to shelter,” Allen said while pointing for them to run. “Go to wherever Patrick is, and we’ll regroup.” As he said that, they all vanished.

The monster grinned happily; things were going according to plan once more. Soon, Rescreatu would be gone. As the beast began to summon its power, a strange force inside itself tugged on its power. The beast stopped and glanced down, staring at its chest in shock, raising a claw there and coughing a bit. A bright light was emanating from the hallows of the creature’s lungs. The beast groaned and wrapped its arms around its stomach as the light moved down there. Soon the creature was enveloped in the light, and it began shrinking. The bright light covered the area for several seconds, and then it subsided back to two beings.

Both were women, young of age. Red haired and pale skinned. Their clothing matched, and their eyes were closed, though one of them was holding two scrolls close to her body. She was the first to open her eyes. She stared at the reflection of herself, and glanced down to the scrolls. “I have them…” she whispered in disbelief. “I have to go.” The young woman got to her feet as fast she could, and began limping over to the shore. The other young woman’s eyes snapped open and she turned to her twin. “No you don’t!” She screamed.

The scrolls bearer turned back and stared in fear as the other one jumped to her feet easily. The young woman gripped the scrolls tighter, and as she did, they absorbed into her, giving her power. “No! You idiot!” She screeched angrily and lunged at her look-alike.

Just as she did, the twin squeezed her eyes shut and thought of a safe place, then vanished.


12:54pm Jan 2 2009 (last edited on 12:55pm Jan 2 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 815

Pwnful work, Whit. 8D

I love the way you describe things... I could picture everything all so clearly!

(And lyk. thanks for the cameo somewhere on the first page. I feel sphechul =33)

Yeah, so this is really good o-o; Suspense-filled at the end toooo.


WE WANT MOARRRR. DX -makes riot-


12:57pm Jan 2 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,007
*joins riot*  I love this Tainted!! *wishes she had half the writing skill you have*

And here we witness the rarely seen Pippit in her natural habitat. Let's observe

1:03pm Jan 2 2009

Normal User

Posts: 829

It's awesome Tainted x33

But I could only read to the first few chapters xD

It's totally late here, it's 3am and I even slept yet x3


#13, The Key of Destiny
Event Horizon & Magic Hour


1:36pm Jan 3 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

            “She got away with the scrolls,” she said with a hard ex
pression. “Now I only have half the power I could have. I need those scrolls. I need Whitney.” The creatu beside her were twice the size of any normal creatu, and their colors were dark, all of them. The Omni nodded, as did the Vogar. There were others with them. A Liyure, two Easeros, two Meikos, two Verams, an Aukira and Draqua. All their colors were dark, specks of light dotted their appearance, giving them an astrological appearance, though their eyes showed nothing as awe inspiring as the stars.

            “Saosin, Allen, I want you both to find her. Bring her to me so I can take the power back from her. I need that power if I’m going to make Rescreatu a peaceful place.” The woman said. The two creatu nodded, then darted off from Relking Island.


            Whitney’s sudden appearance startled everyone in the dimly lit area. She stared at the group who had gathered around the table. Their creatu reacted in a matter of seconds. A ghastly looking Zenirix leapt from his seat and pounced on Whitney, pinning her to the ground, while the others surrounded her. She remained motionless, though fear reflected in her eyes. Patrick spoke up first. “You have a lot of gall to come here after what you’ve done. What makes you think we won’t get rid of you right now?”

            Her voice was faint and cracked several times, as though she hadn’t spoken in days. “Because it wasn’t me doing that, it was that beast that bit my arm. Please you have to believe me!” The Zenirix’s lips curled into a snarl and a low growl emitted from his throat, the other creatu followed suit and closed in around her.

            Allen spoke up first. “Prove that you are who you say you are,” everyone turned and looked at him. “Prove it. Tell us something only the real Whitney would know.”

            Whitney stared at Allen, racking her mind for any sort of knowledge that they would share with her, which only she, and they, would know. There wasn’t anything she could think of instantly, and every second mattered. It finally dawned on her. “Allen, you and I met previously on another site, before Res. The economy there was crap. The quests there wouldn’t take away the items that they asked, so people kept doing the same quest over, and over again to get more money. You tried to make it so the items would be taken away.”

            She wasn’t sure if he’d remember. After all, she wasn’t that much of a memorable person, and that site wasn’t much to reflect on. Allen nodded and turned back to the table. “That’s her.” He said simply. Flare, the Zenirix pinning her, glanced to his owner, Patrick. He nodded to Flare and the Zenirix dismounted. Whitney got up feebly and glanced up to the others. Rozi was there, so was Ricki, Kaffrin, and Gelgarin. Ter was in the other room, along with several of her friends, and people she didn’t know very well, but considered them honorable and trustworthy.

            “Are you okay,” Rozi asked as she and Kaffrin approached her and picked her up from the ground. “Do you need to lay down?”

            Whitney shook her head and closed her eyes, holding back the tears and gritting her teeth. “It was so horrible in there…” She whispered.

            “You can tell us when we set you down for a rest.” Kaffrin said while escorting her to the other room.

            Once the three got to another room, several others stared at Whitney and jumped up and began shouting curses and their distaste for her. She winced, visibly hurt by their words. Rozi noticed this and snapped back. “You guys are so stupid. Just shut up. This is the real Whitney, she had nothing to do with that crap. If you don’t like her being here, then get out. We don’t want you here!” The room instantly fell silent and everyone glanced down and seated themselves. Rozi huffed. “Buncha cowards.” Then she and Kaffrin took her to a bed to lay down on.

            Whitney closed her eyes and curled into a ball, worn from everything that happened in the past few weeks. She wouldn’t sleep though, she couldn’t. Memories of what happened haunted her mind constantly, it would cause nightmares if she slept, and she worried that if she did sleep, then the monster that infected her body would come back.

            “What happened, Whit?” Rozi asked.

            As she did, the entire room gathered. It was like story time in the nursery, because everyone sat down cross legged and stared at the pale faced Whitney. She stared back in their faces. The people she didn’t know very well, LostHope, Pippit, EbiliaLover, and Ping were all dotted along the area with her friends, Lyrical, Pandoryn, AriaKaye1, Uwibami, Mugiwara, Tsu, Petz, House, Riyo, Meg, Classy, Yosha, Dawn, even Allen was standing in the door way, leaning against the pane as though he owned the place, they all sat around waiting to hear what the story was, waiting to hear some answers.

            “It started the day after I officially became a staff member,” Whitney said, distantly. “I woke up and had no control over my body. I saw everything she did. I know what she did with Zarabeythe, and where she put… oh my god. BillyBob. He’s hurt badly, I need to get him.” She said while sitting up quickly. Whitney jumped up and ran to the door, as she opened it, two large figures stood before her.

            The Omni and Vogar were there. Whitney gasped and fell backwards “Saosin, Allen, what’s happened to you?” She asked in horror. Her creatu reached at her, though Gelgarin and Patrick pulled her out of reach. “Flare, hold them off!” Patrick yelled. The Zenirix complied, as did the other creatu.

            The Omni and Vogar were obviously not hindered by the attack of the creatu. They swatted them off like flies and struggled to get into the small building. Whitney, Patrick, and Gelgarin held their positions in one corner of the building as their creatu feebly attempted to ward off the larger creatu. Whitney watched in horror as her once beloved Omni struck three creatu down with one sweep, and her trusted Vogar toss seven other creatu flying across the room. It was then that Whitney remembered she still had admin power. There was only one way to get rid of these creatu. She stood up and pushed past Gelgarin and Patrick and raised her arm to Saosin and Allen, who were struggling to reach at her now.

            As she stared at them, she felt her emotions well up and push the tears to her eyes. “I’m so sorry.” She said while her arm glowed red. As she slowly closed her hand into a fist, the Omni and Vogar began to vanish. She dropped her arm and stared blankly at the doorway where her creatu once were. The whole room stared at Whitney, who fell to her knees and leaned against the table. Her other arm began to glow and her fingers clenched into a fist. “No one will use my creatu for evil… If I cannot have them, then no one ever will.” She said to herself as the light in her eyes vanished, and all hope in her heart fled.


            One by one, the creatu that had surrounded the vile Whitney began vanishing. She glanced around in a panic. “No, no, NO!” She screamed and trying to grab at them. “How dare she! How dare she do this to her own creatu! I’ll show her. I know where she is now. She’s mine… her power is mine.” Her eyes turned crimson red and she began to run from Relking Island. She was a virus. She had no ability to teleport anywhere. The vile Whitney had to walk wherever she needed to travel, but woe be those who were there, when she found what she was looking for.


            Billybob was recovered, by a shop keeper none-the-less. Previously, Whitney had ordered a specific item to be delivered to her house, and when the shop keeper got there, he heard a man shouting for help. The search crew was met there with a note explaining where he was and how he got there. All the while, Whitney was forced to remain in hiding until the threat was gone. She had related to everyone what had happened, and where everyone had gone. Zarabeythe could not be found, however. That magic closet worked for no one, so the plan was to immobilize the threat, take away its hostile powers, and get answers, though easier said than done.

            Patrick had spent countless hours working on an item set that would help the army take down the virus. No one knew exactly what it was except for himself. Whitney wasn’t even allowed to examine the product until it was completed, and then she would have to duplicate it many times. After days of working, Patrick came out of the room holding a large platter with a sheet over top. “Finished!” He exclaimed proudly. Everyone quickly gathered around the project to see what wonder Patrick had cooked up.

            He tore the sheet away from the table to reveal a blue and silver armor underneath. The sapphire blue dominated the silver lining, though together the color provided a beautiful harmony. There was a helmet with a clear visor, shoulder armor, arm armor and massive gloves. The body armor was bulky and as were the leggings and boots. Everyone stared at the armor in shock. The word “junk” floated through their minds until Patrick put his hand through the gloves and held them up. Instantly they fitted to his hand, shrinking and shaping until it was a perfect match.

            ‘Ooo’s  and ‘Aww’s were heard through the room as Patrick displayed the abilities of this armor he just created. The gloves could turn into almost any weapon imaginable. Hammer, plasma gun, sword, and it even came with the fork and knife for those times when you need a bit of sustenance.

            The display continued until Patrick put down the gloves and began explaining everything. “This armor can adjust to anyone. It can protect you from the strongest of attacks, so long as it doesn’t involve burning you to a crisp from the inside out, then you have no hope,” the group turned to each other and gave concerned looks. “But that won’t happen, see, because Whitney’s here, and she has half of the power, and without that power, the Virus can’t do anything to us!”

            Just then, Whitney’s arm began to glow an ominous purple and black hue. She glanced down to see what was going on. It was the same arm that the virus had bit prior. Whitney stared at it until the light enveloped her whole body. She could feel a life force peeling something away from her. The group turned around to face Whitney as she cried out in agony. The tendril of darkness slipped through the walls of the fortified building and into the open sky outside. Gelgarin ran out to see where it was going. In the distance, a matching light was glowing. A small figure was slowly growing larger, and becoming darker. “The virus is here!” Gelgarin shouted while pointing out to the flat field several miles away.

            Whitney then collapsed to the floor, weak and breathless. She propped herself up with her hands and gasped for air as she felt all the power she had drain. Patrick stared at her and shook his head. “We need to end this, now,” he said firmly while turning back to the armor. He reached for it, but was stopped by Rozi.

            “You’re the only one left who knows everything about Rescreatu, and with Admin powers. If you go down, we’re doomed for sure.” She said with a frown.

            Whitney glanced over to see the two arguing over who should go, Ricki was helping her stand. She then spoke up. “I will do it.”

            Patrick turned to Whitney and shook his head again. “No, she may need you to complete everything. If she needed you before, she’ll more than likely need you now.” Patrick then turned around and began debating with Rozi again.

            Whitney watched as they tossed their words back and forth, she then moved away from Ricki, who then got between the two and tried to make things peaceful between the now arguing duos. As their attention was focused on each other, Whitney walked over to the armor and slipped it on quickly. As Patrick said, it fitted to her frame easily. She walked out the door slowly and stared at the dark creature. “I’ve got nothing left to lose…” She said with a hallow voice. With that, she teleported to where the Virus was.

            Rozi and Patrick spun around to see Whitney had vanished, along with the armor. Rozi proceeded to punch Patrick’s arm and say. “Good job! She’s gone now because you’re being a stubborn a-“

            Allen covered Rozi’s mouth and rolled his eyes. “Whitney needs our help now. Instead of having a name-calling war with Patrick, let’s grab some weapons and see what we can do to help.”

            With that, everyone in that small building collected whatever weapons they could, along with shields, and ran off to meet up with the enemy.


3:32pm Jan 3 2009

Normal User

Posts: 130

I already told you this, but your writing is amazing ;D

I love this fanfic thingy a lotttt.


6:07pm Jan 4 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,895
*Claps hand excitedly and jumps up and down*Ahm famous!I was in a story!

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9:17pm Jan 4 2009 (last edited on 9:17pm Jan 4 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,731
This story is epic. I demand more.


6:17am Jan 5 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,007

*jaws drop again*  Is wonderful Tainted!!  One of the best stories I've read in a long while!!! and I've read alot....

And here we witness the rarely seen Pippit in her natural habitat. Let's observe
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