All I am is a face
Lost within the crowd
Sep'rated by clothes nor race
My voice is not loud
I speak out my opinions
To myself, not to be heard
I hide among the minoins
Not uttering a word
Slowly my voice grows louder
People start to halt
Fear turns into powder
Almost to a fault
A crowd gathers ever nearer
Their minds begin to change
Once I was a fearer
I'll never be the same
I sport a gleeful smile
Forget of cynics
Boundaries are lost
And differences mix
I help change the world
In a way however small
I wear my independance
As a world-changer call
I am any person
Who speaks for what
They think is right
I am a child
Who said they thought it wasn't fair
That a bully took their ball
I am a teen
Who rejected temptations
Of smoke and drink
I am a woman
Who risked jail
To fight for voting
I am a man
Who decided that being a
Manservant was not enough
I am another race
Who boldly took my place as a minority
And fought descrimination
I am me