Resmas,and the Tranced Uilus.

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8:28pm Dec 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
The winds howl as the snow falls.
The sound of a 'shrill' of endless calls.
Turn left then right,
Turn to see a darkened light. 
Uilus stands and face the night.
Colors of darkness and of bright.
Eyes so blue like a winter chill.
Singing its 'shrill shrill!'
You feel the call,like a grant to fly.
Its shrill' a lonely cry.
A hand of gesture for a friend to-be.
The Uilus kneeled on bending knee.
Like a Resmas star,light to the sky.
No more shrills' not one to cry.
Seated in the satin black feathers of fur.
OFF AND AWAY the uilus took off in a blur!
Below the frozen tundra sparkles like stars in space.
The Uilus light the way,by the colors on its face.
Down the mountians, and over the frozen lake.
The uilus landed, with a quick easy break. 
It's santa's shop and the Resmas tree from above.
Lights twinkle with pure joy and love.
Looking In your pockets the eggs warm and snug.
Leaping off the Uilus, to give a mighty hug.
But, as the creatu of legend was stories old.
The Uilus vanished before it was hold.
Sworen by the memory of what the eyes saw.
Maybe it was the Resmas spirit.. after-all.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

8:29pm Dec 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
I was hoping to try and publish this as a book for creatu to read.
But i donno how to do it.
Can someone help me with that?

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

5:24pm Jan 28 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,503
This is amazing! :D You should contact staff for that. :3 That would be AWESOME!

psalm 103:12 |-/

6:11pm May 8 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1

that peom was epic

4:38pm May 9 2013 (last edited on 6:06pm May 9 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
The winds howl as the snow falls.
The sound of a 'shrill' of endless calls. (The word "shrill" is an adjective. You are using it as a noun. I honestly have no idea what this line is implying.)
Turn left then right,
Turn to see a darkened light. 
Uilus stands and face the night.
Colors of darkness and of bright. (Again, "bright" is an adjective. You are using it as a noun. This line does not make sense. Also, I was not aware darkness had a color?) 
Eyes so blue like a winter chill.
Singing its 'shrill shrill!' (Again with the shrill. No idea.)
You feel the call,like a grant to fly. (I'm not sure "grant" is the best word here. Grant means to bestow or confer; to give or accord; to agree or accede to. Maybe, instead, "like a command/signal/shout to fly. I'm having trouble understanding what you really mean by the use of "grant.")
Its shrill' a lonely cry.
A hand of gesture for a friend to-be. ("Hand of gesture"? You mean hand gesture?) 
The Uilus kneeled on bending knee.
Like a Resmas star,light to the sky.
No more shrills' not one to cry. (This line does not make any sense whatsoever.)
Seated in the satin black feathers of fur. (Feathers of fur? What that means in that context is "fur feathers," which really does not make much sense.) 
OFF AND AWAY the uilus took off in a blur!
Below the frozen tundra sparkles like stars in space. (You need a comma in here or else it doesn't make sense: "Below, the frozen tundra sparkles like stars in place." Without the comma, you could be saying "below the frozen tundra" as in something underneath the tundra, instead of looking down and seeing tundra, which is what I assume is what you meant.)
The Uilus light the way,by the colors on its face. ("The Uilus light the way" is using Uilus as a plural, however in the second part of the line you use "its" when talking about "its" face. The "its" would indicate a single Uilus, not plural, which is not grammatically correct.)
Down the mountians, and over the frozen lake.
The uilus landed, with a quick easy break. (Did you use break just to rhyme with lake? When birds land, they don't 'break' easily. I'm not quite sure what you mean here with that word use.)
It's santa's shop and the Resmas tree from above.
Lights twinkle with pure joy and love.
Looking In your pockets the eggs warm and snug. ("Looking in your pockets, the eggs warm and snug.)
Leaping off the Uilus, to give a mighty hug.
But, as the creatu of legend was stories old.
The Uilus vanished before it was hold. (What was "hold"? I think you mean held, since you were using past tense. So was it the Uilus, the stories? Either way, it doesn't make much sense.)
Sworen by the memory of what the eyes saw. (Sworen is not a word. Sworn, however, is.)
Maybe it was the Resmas spirit.. after-all.

I figured if you want this to be in a Res book, you would want it to be the best it could be so I offered some critiques for you. Take from it what you may. 

hello my name is elder price
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