This is my story I wrote for my black Ebilia, Sangai. I hope you enjoy and comments and constructive criticism is appreciated.

Hello, my name is Sangai and am a black Ebilia. I am living with ImmortalChild10 or as her friend calls her, Morty. I am the eldest of her pets and therefore the wisest. I live along side a Jaaku on Morty’s profile. He is the real trouble maker but I am here to tell you our story and how we came to be.
As you can tell we all were born from eggs and before I get into our stories…I will let you know a little about myself. I was originally owned by LadyTsunade who one day was role-playing with Morty and the topic of Ebilia’s came up. LadyTsunade offered to give her me and then the trade was set. I am happy with Morty and am happy to know that she will never sell me or give me away. I do not know much about my past because honestly, I was not paying much attention. Now that a few things have been spoken about me and where I came from I shall now tell you our tale. I do not know if it is happy or sad, please you be the judge.
Chapter 1: The journey
One cold, rainy night Morty and I were walking along side path near the graveyard. Morty loves the rain and at that time I did too. It was around Halloween and the great egg hunt for my kind and jaaku’s were currently going on so any eggs we found we took in to our arms to raise and shelter. The night was long and our walk was beginning to seem endless. I could tell Morty was getting rather restless as we kept on with our slowly going journey. I stepped in front of her and begin speaking. “Morty…We found enough eggs. We can go home now and rest by the fire.” Morty looked down upon me with sad eyes and for a moment I was confused. “I can’t, Sangai” She spoke. “We must find more. I’m broke and I know I can sell a few and make a better life for you and me. You need food and I am broke so this walk is all I have.”
Her words brought me sorrow as I understood her drive. She kept going for me, to make me happy. I immediately felt grateful and therefore began walking again. I gently brought my sharp canines around the velvet bag she was carrying. I took it from her cold hands and carried it so she wouldn’t have to. A few hours went by and we only collected two other eggs. I convinced her to walk us home and we could incubate and hatch our eggs that we had found.
It turned out that we went home and hatched all of our eggs. There were six total and all of them were Ebilia. She immediately fell in love with the little ones and promised she would never sell them leaving us in a tu rut. We were wearing down to our last piece of tu with six little mouths to feed and keep happy along with Morty and I. I told her that I would take care of the little ones while she went out to play games to see if she could raise anymore money. I often take care of the other creatu for Morty while she’s gone or out to raise tu.
Chapter 2: New arrival
I was actually surprised when she came home with xAdamLambertx, the natural Jaaku. She was so excited. I looked up at her with excited eyes happy to have a new friend that was a little wiser than the little ones I was babysitting. “Sangai…You know my friend Matt. She just gave him to me knowing how much I loved what his name meant!” she spoke. I swear if she had a tail it would be wagging wildly. Her eyes were huge and full of delight. It was so much happier than I have ever made her so I didn’t quite understand. “His name is one of my favorite idols. He is now part of our family so I want you to treat him with the upmost respect and be nice to him as I have been to you” Morty spoke. I simply nodded and complied with her wishes. How could I be mean to a fellow creatu? Plus I do not have a mean bone in my body. I watched as Morty left the room leaving me and the Jaaku to get to know one another.
“Hello, xAdamLambertx” I greeted with a soft tone a little unsure of how I was to go on with this. I am so used to little ones and newly hatched creatu. Never had I been known to meet older creatu. “Hello. I’m very happy to be apart of your home!” He spoke, his yellow eyes wide with excitement much like Mortys’. “Our home is a very generous one so how did you come about meeting Morty? If I may ask. I do not wish to upset you or anything…” I spoke tilting my head. “DevilAngelKia was giving away her pets in her showroom and I was sitting there at the end of the pages waiting to be bought or given away. She was a nice owner, but admitted that her heart did not lie in her creatu. I felt sad that I had no place to go or friends within her show room. Then Morty saw my name and immediately told her she was interested in buying me. DevilAngelKia replied to her telling her that I was absolutely free and told her to set up a trade and she did! Now I’m here…Where is here exactly?” He asked the purple smoke swirling around him.
“Here is Morty’s home on Relcore. She loves all her pets but now that your hear, I am afraid that she will end up loving you more than me” I spoke honestly, for I never found the need to lie. “Love me more than you? She’s not the type to do that is she?” He asked a little shocked. “I don’t know” I replied sighing. I wasn’t sure at all and I prayed this would not be true. I kindly smiled up at him though and gave a slight nod. “Come, friend. We should get some rest and just see how time treats us.” I led xAdamLambertx to our room and lay down for the night as he came next to me, resting his own eyes as well. It had been a long day for us both and well deserved rest was needed.
About a few weeks later Morty left once again out to gather tu for us. She had placed the little ebilia’s she hatched in her show room to wait to be pulled out at a later date and loved. It turned out that I was right about xAdamLambertx. She ended up loving him so much more than me. I seemed to be old news to her. I was just sitting there getting older day by day. She did not let me starve though and treated me as a mere pet, not a companion as she treated xAdamLambertx.
Chapter 3: Breaking Point
I couldn’t take the mistreatment anymore. I hated to be thought of as a pet and not a friend or companion as I once was the day we walked threw the graveyard that one cold day. I waited all day for Morty to come home and when she finally did I threw myself at her, placing my paws on her shoulders as I looked into her eyes with my own glowing yellow ones. “Why do you love him more than me?” I yelled breaking my calm composure. “Sangai. What are you talking about?” she asked me only to cause me to back up and shake my head. “You don’t see it do you? You treat him like he’s a god and me like a pet and nothing more” I spoke growling slightly as anger rose within me.
I have never been mad at Morty but I couldn’t take it any more. The treatment, the way she looked at xAdamLambertx and not me. I used to be looked at like that. I used to be cared for as he is now. I didn’t understand what had changed! I felt my heart sink as her voice filled my ears.
“Sangai…I am very sorry you feel that way. My goal was not to treat you as just a mere pet. You are my friend and my first black ebilia. I love you just as much as I love xAdamLambertx. You both were given to me by very dear friends. I love you equally” she spoke. I wanted to believe her. I wanted to trust that that information was true, but it was not.
“You lie…” I sigh averting my eyes to the ground. I couldn’t look at her as she stood there lying to me. “Sangai…” She spoke with confidence in her voice as she placed her hand upon my cheek. I glanced up at her anger and sadness showing within my gaze. “Do I really treat you that badly?” She asked and I could only simply nod. I was at a loss of words. There was nothing else I wished to speak to her about. She understood my point.
“I’m so sorry. I hadn’t noticed a difference in the way I treated you two. I was just so excited and….” Her voice seemed to die off as she lost her train of thought. “No… I have no excuse. I’m sorry Sangai. I shall treat you two the same from now on. I did not mean to cast you to the side. I didn’t know how much it hurt your feelings” Morty explained bringing still no joy to my heart.
“You have to do more than promise…you have to show me” I spoke feeling my words were way to harsh but I did not care. She deserved them. I stood up and turned my back on her walking away. I did not turn around to see her face, nor did I care if I had broken her heart. She had broken mine long ago when she first brought home that Jaaku.
It had been not even a few days after that painful conversation that Morty changed. She changed her methods reading to xAdamLambertx and me every night. We got fed the same thing, and played with all the time together. Her whole attitude changed towards me, treating me the same as she did the Jaaku. I felt my heart beginning to brighten. She had really felt sorry for what she was doing! She did care for me after all. I was no longer a pet to her. I was once again her companion and friend.
The End
There is our story or well mostly mine. xAdamLambertx has his own but it ties into mine therefore, he does not really speak much of it. So…I hope you enjoyed and I would like to give advice to all the fellow creatu owners on Res. Treat your pets with respect and try not to get caught up in one more than the others. It sucks watching the one person you love turn and love someone else.
Thank you for listening to my story.