Hey everyone. I'm Shaaka.
I'm a writer. I've written several short stories and am working on a few books. One of my short stories from school even won a county prize, I'm pretty sure. It's been a few years, so I can't remember very well. But I know it won something.
So I've decided to do writing commissions for you guys. I looooove to write, and will take any opportunity to do so. But I require payment in return.
I have no idea as to what to price my stories at. I'll post around in the SB and maybe someone will give me a price range, but I don't know.
Here are some things that I will take as payment:
NC Jelly Beans.
And (perhaps) whatever else you deem worthy.
I only have one example as of late. I will post more as I get some commissions.
Example 1: Vaderhadrien's Story (Vaderhadrien's pet page on webaweba's profile)
Commission slots:
1. Lathrine (2)
Completed commissions:
- none -
Order form:
Story Type (pet page, etc.):
Main Character:
Point of View (First/Third):
Basic Plot:
What the character(s) look like:
Anything else?: