Silent Darkness

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7:51pm Jan 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 8

You stand up. You look around. From deep in the darkness you hear a sound.

You stand up. Your heart races as you listen. The darkness is as black as is white the snow that glistens.

You listen attentively, but it is not sound that alerts you to somethings presence.

You see glowing red eyes, as bright as hot embers in a flame, and wonder how you could have missed them before.

They burn out at you from two feet away. Never blinking, and nor do you, for fear whatever it is will strike.

The eyes are large, and stand about leel with yours. Your eyes are burning. Suddenly, you cannot hold it anymore and bl

The darkness just got deeper. The last human image you see are razor sharp silver-red claws, reflecting the light of its eyes as it tears you to shreds.



8:02pm Jan 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1

I love the line,

"the darkness is as as black as is white the snow that glistens"

second line, seperate some things, instead of somethings but all is well.


after red eyes, expand saying things like the shape of the red eyes are like fiery and heated rubies... just expand more on the definition of something adjective wise=secret to great poetry!

so, when you mention the eyes a second time, deion wise... add that to your first deion of the eyes!

I like the start of it.

 the ending could be more epic.


but I love love love the start of it.


just expand on the ripping to shreds and you'll be good!




8:16pm Jan 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 8

You stand up. You look around. From deep in the darkness you hear a sound.

You stand up. Your heart races as you listen. The darkness is as black as is white the snow that glistens.

You listen attentively, but it is not sound that alerts you to some things presence.

You see glowing red eyes, as bright as hot embers in a flame, and wonder how you could have missed them before.

They burn out at you from two feet away. Never blinking, and nor do you, for fear whatever it is will strike.

The eyes are large, and stand about leel with yours.They are beautiful, in an odd, twisted way.The eyes are said to be the window to the soul.These remind you of a snake. You do not see a soul. What does this mean? 

Your eyes are burning, and you can see the anticipation in the beasts eyes. Suddenly, you cannot hold it anymore and bl

The darkness just got deeper. The last human image you see are razor sharp silver-red claws, reflecting the light of its eyes as it tears you to shreds, tearing through your flesh like butter through a knife.

It taints is blazing white fur with deep red blood, its muzzle barely recognizable as a living creature, working efficiently, a beast designed to kill and kill, and to never look back.


8:20pm Jan 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 8
Okay, new poem now...

8:26pm Jan 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 8

Pounding on and on, your lungs fit to burst out of your chest, running at almost inhuman speeds, the vast greenery of the forrest rushes past quickly.

You can hear the hot breath of some thing, big, a monster, running behind you, ready for the kill, ready to tear your skin right off your back, to drink your life essence.

But you don't dare look back. Just one trip, one stumble, and your his. His to devour, to swallow, to chew and to savour. His, and only his.

Ok, will finish soon, got to go.


8:26pm Jan 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 8

Pounding on and on, your lungs fit to burst out of your chest, running at almost inhuman speeds, the vast greenery of the forrest rushes past quickly.

You can hear the hot breath of some thing, big, a monster, running behind you, ready for the kill, ready to tear your skin right off your back, to drink your life essence.

But you don't dare look back. Just one trip, one stumble, and your his. His to devour, to swallow, to chew and to savour. His, and only his.

Ok, will finish soon, got to go.

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