DragFormers Part~1
Blazier was part human part dragon ever since their race was born they had enemies super powerful but he did not know he was the chosen one. his father the gold dragon, his mother the emerald dragon. He thought his father was firebolt the fire dragformer (dragonman/dragformers) he was in his bedroom when he found out different he saw an adoption certificate stating that he was not supposed to know of his birth parents the dragons of legend. Now knowing this two Vampdragons flew threw the window glass shattered everywhere now he would have to stand his ground if he wanted to survive. "Power up" he said just then and became an awesome gold/emerald dragon. he beat them and decided to leave for a while and find his birth mother/father.
that was the first one I created when I was five please do not laugh, if you want to post comments go ahead! tle="Foot in mouth" />