This is what happens when a Twilight vampire and an original-styled vampire meet. o_o; Oh and they are both male, so no, 'omg iz they going to datez !11!!one!11!!'. :/
And this isn't meant to offend vampire fans, i'm actually one myself (but not a fan of Twilight; I hate Twilight. >.< I'm a fan of the original vampires. :D); this is just for entertainment. And sorry if I offended you Twilight fans. ^^;
Mr. Sparkle Dude, the sparkly Twilight-based vampire, was frolicking under the sun, jumping in fron of women who pas.sed by him screaming, "YOU LIKE MEH SPARKLEZ!?" And then he'd pose like an ice-skater doing a trick and pucker his lips. Obviously, the woman would get scared and run awar, disappointing Mr. Sparkle Dude.
The other vampire, the one who wasn't Twilight based, was in some cave. There was no light in there, so his pale skin couldn't get fried and get sold at Mc. Donalds. Wait... they don't sell vampire skin, my mistake. :P I meant KFC; wait, but that place doesn't sell it either. >.< Okay, this time i'll get it right. I meant your mom would cook it for dinner. Yes, that was it- NO WAIT NO! That wasn't it! D8 Oh whatever, i'll just move on already. T.T"
So yeah, the other vampire was sitting in his cave. OMG DID I MENTION HE WAS READING TWILIGHT ?//??slash !111!!one!!11! So he was sitting there reading his Twilight book. AND OMG DID I FORGET TO TELL HIZ NAME !!111??one
Okay, so you just sit right there staring at your screen while I get his name prepared in BIG FANCY LETTERS. :D
Okay, here it goes...... ^o^
Wait, sorry, that wasn't his name. ^^; So just sit there wait a few more seconds so I can really make his name. ;D
Yes, thats his name. ^o^ So time to go back to the story. ;D
When Name got to the part where Edward started sparkling in the sun, and Bella was all 'omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg'
Oh whatever, I think you get the point already. ^^; So when Name got to that part, he puked. Wait.... do vampires puke? Whoops, sorry, I meant that he screamed like a little girl and started to wreck the book.
"IT'S STARING AT ME! HELP!" He shrieked, tearing the book apart.
To be continued. >:D While you're waiting for more I suggest you go to my 'Some stupid funny stories. xD' thread; it's in this section (the writing section), and is has many funny stories. ;D
For those of you who are too lazy to search through the threads, heres the URL:
Okay so heres the end of this first post thingy. :D I'll write more later, but it will be on a separate post, 'cuz I feel like it. ;D