the heat day

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12:09am May 31 2012

Normal User

Posts: 11

henry looked. everyone was dead. the whole neighborhood was dead and it was his fault. no it was...the green energys fault. the green energy that surrounded him, he cudent controle it, it was its fault.

the green energy was like a ball that surrounded him. it was a giant green sphere of energy and he was inside of it. it surrounded him whenever he was angry or in danger. it had a mind of its own to protect henry.

when henrey gets realy realy mad or is attacked the green energy is a shield. nothing can penetrate it. it can float and make spikes come out of it instead of just being s mooth sphere. the price is all the spheres energy comes directly form henrys soul. so while the sphere is making spikes and shooting lazers and flying around it all takes so much energy from henry. then he passes out but the sphere protects him and keeps him warm.

if any person who is a stranger tries to touch henry at all the sphere is like NOPE and forms around henry to block them out. the only way they can be allowed to touch henry is if he holds their hand and pulls their hand inside the sphere. then the sphere will recognise them as a friend unless they cause henry pain then they are locked out again.

but its not all fun. because of the sphere henry doesnt rly make friends, also people fear him so he is naturaly isolated from others

henry exists in the marvel universe soo there are othr mutants and everything
but henry is not a mutant bcause he could do all this since he was a beby

henry was mad. he was so mad. his sister was so dumb. she spilt diet coke all over his xbox. he was so freakin mad he cud punt her all the way to new york. he was so mad. a giant fist of energy emerged from the sphere around him. the fist had aa giant green glowing human arm sticking from it. henry shouted GRAAHHH and hit the floor of the apaerment with the gyant fist

oh my god
an earthcake
suddenly eerything in sea atle was shaking
everything fell down everyone died in seatle except henry
he was scared he was so mad bcus now eveyrone was dead
he killed everyone
but it wasnt his fault
his sisters fault
she killed everyone
henry did it.
he killed everyone.
henry wanted to cry
he curled up into a ball
a building started to fall down on top of him from the earthcake
the green energy formed around him and protectet him
henry cryed harder
he wished the green energy hadnt proctect him
he wanted to dye to

12:11am May 31 2012

Normal User

Posts: 11
that was chapter one
chapter 2 will be out tomoro :)

9:58pm Jun 19 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
Are you going to post the next installment?

hello my name is elder price
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