I hated reading after all the books my teachers made me read. Flipped has a horrible ending. I mean really, Julie just watches him plant a tree and goes "Maybe there's more to know about Bryce!" And the end. -.- I was disappointed.
My English teacher wasn't that strict. I only hated that one book- the other one, House of the Scorpions, wasn't that bad. It was elementary school teachers that bugged me. x_x
Pet you should read into the wild by erin hunter. WARRIORS rock for real. the books make me cry and make me laugh. heres a quote from the book sunrise.
"Well get those hotheads back to camp before they mess anything up more!" Firestar said with a mocking tone.
You have to read the book to laugh at it but it is so awesome! xD *falls over laughing from quote*
I'm on the final chapter of Fire Heart! 8'D Now to decide whether to work on the sequel or my other idea called Inner Demon. -sits in corner and contemplates- Maybe I'll read Warriors, I would have to ask my Mom to take me to the library.
MUST KNOW THE TRUTH!!! Is he gonna die? Is the gypsy going to fall in love with him or is she too old? Is the sword going to turn out to be a plastic souvenir from a family trip to Hawaii!?
It's not a Hawaii souvenir? YAY! Is his brother going to want attention too and cut his arm just like Voltrix? Is the Uncle going to become all selfish and decide to keep the sword with him until death? Is Voltrix going to chicken out and decide he doesn't want to prove himself!!?