This is copy write! please DO NOT use it any way shape or form!
here is references~
Den- Son of the Moon spirit
Luna- Daughter of the Phantom
here it goes~
Moonlight cast the valley. It danced on all the green blades of gr*censored* and focused on the red. The red blades were survivors from long ago when Lancaster was around. The very field she sat on now was the very field a soldier had dies on. The field she sat on was Lancaster's Field. Named after Lancaster, the 1st King of the Dwellers. And on that field he and his kind faught against the mortals to keep their land. Of course with the power of the Dwellers whipped out all the mortals attacking them.
Now every time a dweller kills a living thing hey must come to Lancaster's Field and honor Lancaster who faught for them to have the freedom they have today.
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