Will Write for Tu!

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6:04pm Feb 10 2010 (last edited on 7:10pm Feb 10 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,009

I NEED tu. So, if you need an AMAZING profile story, call me!! Please! I need tu badly! If you want a story/poem, fill this out....

1. Username

2. Characters

3. Setting



6. (?) Twist Ending

7. Genre



I will ask for 1,000 tu for every paragraph. I will also accept rare eggs, colored Creatus, and rare items.. I prefer tu though...

Here is a copy of my writing...

I watched glumly as Angel fiddled with her plastic doll on the couch. She coughed a few times and rasped, " Gina...can..you..get...me...some...water?" The poor 5 year old had a stomach virus, along with a scratchy voice. I nodded and trodded to get my sister some water.

 Sirens wailed. Red. Blue. Red. Blue. The to bright lights flashed and the noise exploded in my ears louder than it should have. Everything had happened so fast. The bloodcurdling scream, the bang, the unconsiousness. My mother, father, and I were speeding along in the ambulence, watching the near broken body of Angel. She had collapsed, almost immeadietly after I left her alone on the couch. No help. My mother's eyes were blinded with tears, watching her little girl grow weaker, second by second.

 "It has effected her Cerebellum." Dr. Wilson reaveled to us. Angel lay on the hospital bed, unable to move a limb. I stared in horror as my eyes trailed the tube up her nose, leading down to her throat so she could swallow. A wave of shocking electricity washed over me. She couldn't even swallow on her own. All Angel could do was bl
ink without any help. A monitor stood stifly at her side, counting her heartbeats as if they were soon numbered. Another scary machine make freak noises, helping Angel breathe. Dr. Wilson showed us on an X-Ray that there was a dangerous and life threatening amount of fluid between Angel's skull and brain. He then pointed out that the Cerebellum was the bottom part of your brian, aiding all of your movements. Angel's was damaged. The small hospital room was decorated with posters and pictures that friends and family had made to cheer Angel up. They didn't work. The sun lazily rose up and made the sky glitter like a million diamonds. "Look Angel," My mother whispered. She gently turned Angel's head and rejusted her arms and legs so she could see the beauty. A wail escaped from Angel's chest. She couldn't talk, whisper, moan. The small, tortured girl brokenly gazed at the sky through the open window. The spring breeze rustled her hair. Agian, tears filled Angel's eyes, and she wished it could be all over, forever.


"Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." ~Stephen King
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