Wolfspi's writing commissions

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6:45pm Sep 12 2009 (last edited on 10:22am Aug 3 2010)

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Posts: 1,447


OK, so, recently (or not so recently), I discovered that I couldn't draw to save my life, let alone well enough to enter contests. What disappointed me most was that there were hardly any contests for writers to show off their talents. I got lucky and was asked by mangoblossom to write a story for her black kioka, Generation. To my great surprise, mango loved it immensely and proceeded to pay me 1 mil for it. 14brokenmirrors (a player I highly respect and admire for her honesty and other traits), subsequently saw the story and said she would pay 5 mil for a story of that quality for one of her pets when she got one she wanted a story of.

This chain of events got me to thinking, why not open a writing commissions board? So that is exactly what I'm doing. I'd like at least 1 mil for my stories, but I might be willing to haggle a bit, and of course more is always much loved. I also accept credits if you think it's really worth that and occasionally items like Dye Kits and such if you so desire. I know it's a bit pricey, but a lot of people have said the stories are worth it, so I'm going with it.

OK, so, what I write. I write stories for pets, stories about your OCs, stories about you and your family/friends, stories just about you, whatever you want really. Just know, if you want something super long, I'll expect more than 1 mil just for the time and effort put into it.

OK, time for some examples.

The first example is, of course, the story I wrote for Generation, followed by some other stories I wrote, most the ones that were ordered here. Some are up on petpages and others aren't, I decided it was easier to just screenie them and post them here as pictures as opposed to petpages, so that's what this is. Just because there are many screenies doesn't mean it's a super long story. I can only fit about 1 page in Word with 12-point font for readability per screenie since that's as much as will fit on my screen. Some screenies are also just a few lines that wouldn't fit in the last one, blast size limits XD. This should also help you judge which stories you feel like reading and which you don't based on time constraints and such. They are not in size order, they are generally put up as I finish them so they're mostly in the order they were written. The exception is those I forgot to up up until later and contest entries, which I do not put up until the contest is over just in case.


Whole story of Generation (done for mangoblossom): http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=wvd72b&s=4

Bewitching's Story (done for webaweba): 

screenie 1: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2427479&s=6

screenie 2: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2wem9gj&s=6

screenie 3: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=16ly3yt&s=6

screenie 4: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=b67pr6&s=6

BlindSurvival's Story (done for girlsmackback11): http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=o10q37&s=4

Perceive and Zhur's Story (done for yoshirules):

screenie 1: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2lvolcg&s=6

screenie 2: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2w6tq8z&s=6

screenie 3: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=e7cis3&s=6

screenie 4: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=9beude&s=6

screenie 5: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2ynph80&s=6

A Random Halloween Story (not about a specific pet) (done for a Halloween contest): http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=14w3v4y&s=4

Asphal and Ninestostin's story (done for VampireShadows):

screenie 1: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2rhs2na&s=6

screenie 2: http://i46.tinypic.com/6ylksm.png

screenie 3: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=1zxp9bc&s=6

screenie 4: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=oghtu1&s=6

Zhoro, Bryen, ShadowSparks, Sthene, and Scuf's Story (done for xchezzehx):

screenie 1: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=168xt3l&s=6

screenie 2: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=iqls01&s=6

screenie 3: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2ivdyiw&s=6

screenie 4: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=w1pn4z&s=6

A Murder Mystery Story (featuring a few pets but also non-Res) (done for Raychol):

screenie 1: http://i50.tinypic.com/3h8pv.png

screenie 2: http://i49.tinypic.com/4gqjqu.png

screenie 3: http://i45.tinypic.com/35b9f1f.png

screenie 4: http://i48.tinypic.com/2qx6o06.png

screenie 5: http://i47.tinypic.com/k0lh1t.png

screenie 6: http://i46.tinypic.com/207xpue.png

screenie 7: http://i47.tinypic.com/ieks5z.png

Jude, Descend, Hephestia, and Jhana's Story (non-Res) (done for acidicfire):

screenie 1: http://i46.tinypic.com/30hx1k7.png

screenie 2: http://i45.tinypic.com/30hmna8.png

screenie 3: http://i49.tinypic.com/2uoqgba.png

screenie 4: http://i48.tinypic.com/w8m9o5.png

screenie 5: http://i48.tinypic.com/15oywle.png

screenie 6: http://i49.tinypic.com/j0e32a.png

screenie 7: http://i46.tinypic.com/259iaeo.png

screenie 8: http://i47.tinypic.com/2qvcvvr.png



Those are the examples I have so far, unless someone wants to see a roleplay example, but I don't know if that would help much. If you would like to see it, tell me and I'll be happy to put it up here.

So, how to order, you can post on here or rmail me. I'll try to check this at least once a day if not more, but rmail I'll obviously see the alert and get to it immediately, entirely your choice. Please give me a couple days to write the stories as it obviously doesn't happen in 2 seconds, it takes time. Also, I am in college and therefore occasionally have a huge workload. During that time, stories might take a tad longer, but I promise I'll do my best to get them to you as fast as possible while still making them as good as possible.

Please fill out this form so I have something to go on when writing the story and it sort of matches what you wanted instead of something completely random.

Order Form

Type of Story (pet page, profile page, something else):

Subject of Story (which pet, you, a friend, some random animal, etc):

(Optional) Topic of Story (if you have a specific topic you want written about, a day in their lives, their history, whatever):

Style of Story (narrative, flashback, first person, whatever):

Mood of Story (happy, sad, doesn't matter, etc):

Length of Story (really short, as long as you want, whatever):

Background (a little of what the main focus of the story likes to do, their personality, just a little something to work off of):

Cost (how much you're willing to pay for this):

Optional: What they look like (if you want me to include appearance, I need to know what they look like XD. If it's a pet, I can see that for myself):


Alright guys, I think that's everything, if I think of anything else, I'll add it, order away ^-^

Oh, just remembered. This should be obvious, but don't go claiming my stories as your own. Give credit where credit is due. If I see any of these stories up without credit to me, I will rmail you and ask you to put up a couple words, just "written by wolfspirit25" or something like that. If I see any of my stories being used and being claimed by someone else as their own work, I will contact a staff member and have that person banned for plagiarism.

I cannot stress this enough do not claim my work as your own, put a disclaimer stating that I, wolfspirit25, was the one that wrote it. 

Payment Details/What I accept

Price Reminder: In case you guys missed it, prices are at least 1 mil, I have gotten an offer of 5 mil on one before, super long stories will cost more than 1 mil

Alright, so, now it's time to explain what I take as payment. These are in the order I take them, so offer the things at the top before the things at the bottom (although a couple things are interchangeable in their positions on the list, but overall this is the order I want them in).

  1. Pure Tu
  2. Credits
  3. CS Items (Beans, tags, eggs. I don't really want cl*censored* change tokens, I still have 2 cl*censored* changes that I haven't used)
  4. Dye Kits (more expensive ones like GaS will be accepted before cheaper ones like Azure)
  5. Some other items (including seasonal eggs) (rare/retired/expensive/etc, I like overpay in items so be aware of that)
  6. Very good art (give me an example and I'll tell you if I'm willing to trade for your art)
  7. CS Pets (colored before nattie XD not like this is gonna happen or anything)
  8. Colored Seasonals (not cream or sepia unless they have the most epic names in existance. I'm talking silver, blonde, albino, stuff like that. I want overpay if it's pets. I also want a good name (although if it's an albino seasonal I'm sure I can tag them))
  9. Albinos (maybe blondes)
  10. LotR names (I like these, you may pay in them, but if you offer a name like "TheMountainOfShadow" I probably won't accept, I want really good LotR names)
  11. Very well-named non-seasonals (not looking for natties unless the name is out of this world)
  12. Dyed pets (I'm not crazy about these, but if it's good and has a good name, I'll consider it)
Please be aware, if you offer items, I expect overpay. If you offer pets, I expect extreme overpay, I'm not looking much for pets, but if I really like them or they're crazy overpay I'll accept them I guess.



  1. girlsmackback11 - paid
  2. yoshirules - paid
  3. webaweba - paid
  4. VampireShadows - paid
  5. xchezzehx - paid
  6. Yaizhbeen - paid
  7. luckysquid- awaiting payment
  8. Alchaeon - paid
  9. xchezzehx (commission 2) - paid
  10. acidicfire - awaiting payment
  11. Rainyy - paid
  12. 14brokenmirrors - paid
  13. Kittz - paid
  14. Marrhet - paid *coughfifteenmilandtwohundredcreditscough*
  15. Horselova - paid
  16. Kittz (character deions) - paid
  17. webweba (commission 2) - paid
  18. Staryulynn - paid
  19. webaweba(commission 3) - paid
  20. Fuffy88999 - paid


In Progress:

  1. Zeno
  2. Staryulynn (on hold)
Edit: Edited the form, added the topic of story category. For those of you that have already ordered (ok, that one of you) you don't have to change it, since I already know what you want.
Edit again: I try to work in order, but sometimes it doesn't end up happening for whatever reason (one story is quicker to write and I have an idea in my head, I can't think of anything for one already on the list, one on the list will be so long that I'm writing it in parts, whatever). Sorry if some of you have to wait a while, stupid school keeping me busy.


7:44pm Sep 12 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
I used to sort of have writing commissions!  I did petpage story commissions except I got frustrated with people refusing to pay. XD Good luck, I really hope someday that people will commission for stories as much as people commission for arts.


9:02pm Sep 12 2009 (last edited on 9:10pm Sep 12 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 507

Type of Story: Pet page

Subject of Story: BlindSurvival

Style of Story: History/Biography

Mood of Story: Doesn't matter

Length of Story: As long as needed

Background: BlindSurvival is a very happy, funloving, and caring Omni. She may be shy at first, but her personality can really warm up to a person over time. In her family, she seemed to be the one to stick out because of her name. (Ex. BlindFaith, BlindTrust, BlindHope... BlindSurvial.) Although her name didn't seem to match in with the theme of her sibling's names, BlindSurvival was still loved as much as everyone else.

Cost: 2Mil?

OTHER: Please note that BlindSurvial has many siblings; BlindFaith, BlindFinality, BlindTrust, BlindInsantiy, BlindJustice, BlindLoyalty, BlindMagic, BlindPride, and BlindTruth.

OTHER OTHER: BlindSurvival started out in the hands of Thundercan, along with the whole 'Blind' family. As she grew older, it was time for her move on, so just like the rest of her family, she was given out to another lucky, caring person. {Me :D }


9:08pm Sep 12 2009 (last edited on 9:12pm Sep 12 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,447

Sure thing girls, just give me a tiny bit of background and I'll get started ASAP

Edit: ok, thank you very much, I'll get started ASAP and hopefully you'll have your story within a couple of days. 


1:43pm Sep 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 3,469
I would order, but I dun have 1 mill. Good story though, and Good luck.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


1:49pm Sep 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 3,469

Type of Story: Pet page.

Subject of Story: RibbonDance, my nattie Kioka

Style of Story: O.O a flashback! Or a narritave, whichever you do better.

Mood of Story: Hrm...Depends on what you get from her deion. I guess a sad sort of story maybe.

Length of Story: As long as needed.

Background: RibbonDance came from an egg given as a gift. Her favorite pastime is chess, and she is the best of my creatu as far a s chess goes. Her two friends(Only and best) are Wyrda and Blind Magic, but there are times when she seems to not know who they are. She always seems alone, though she can be found with Wyrda and Blindmagic quite often. She carries a heavyness that comes from sorrow, yet she never shows anything but happiness. The sorrow comes from the lonliness that she feels from difference. She is quiet and careful, as well as caring and kind.

Cost: Would you take art?

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


1:52pm Sep 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
I might Fox, can you give me an example of your art? If I'm willing to do a trade, I'll start on your story ASAP. Sorry, can't start until I know I can be paid though ^-^


1:56pm Sep 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 346
Nicely done, I think it'd be a good use of a million tu. ;D

2:05pm Sep 13 2009 (last edited on 2:14pm Sep 13 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 3,469

Disregard this post, as it was denied.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


2:07pm Sep 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
Sorry Fox, the type of art I'd trade for is the stuff AcidicFire does. Not that yours couldn't sell, but I wouldn't do a trade for my story for it. So, if you decide you want to pay 1 mil+, I'll gladly take you up on the commission, until then, sorry, no.


3:54pm Sep 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 443
This is a great idea, I wish I was more skilled in the writing department! Good luck! :) -bump-


4:38pm Sep 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
Thanks Raychol, hopefully people will be as willing to pay a lot for good writing as they are for good art.


11:12pm Sep 13 2009 (last edited on 11:13pm Sep 13 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

Methinks I'll order one. |D

Type of Story: Pet page.

Subjects of Story: Perceive the silver Meiko and Zhur the silver Ardur.

Style of Story: Third-person narrative. Probably centered more in the view of one of the pair, rather than being omniscient. It doesn't matter on whom you focus more.

Mood of Story: Generally happy, adventurous perhaps, and anything that the day's excitement may create.

Length of Story: However long you wanna make it.

Background: I'm thinking that perhaps the story could be like, a run-through of a day Zhur and Perceive have, but more exciting than just an average day. Or something. ;o

Hurm. Personalities.. Perceive is nearly always quiet and calm, loves to think and observe, and likes high, windy places. She may get annoyed at times - usually by Zhur, actually - but tends to try dismissing it with a joking remark or simple sigh and shake of the head. In the occasional situation in which things heat up, she attempts to remain level-headed, but in very extreme cases, may lose it and become distraught, sometimes even to the point of tears.

Zhur, contrastingly, is quite childish and excitable; I usually tend to think of her as being physically small, as well, because of this. She loves sticking right by Perceive's side, even if she protests, as she did initially, but has actually become quite a friend for the formerly solitary Meiko. Zhur asks many questions and sticks her nose into everything that goes on, no matter how often things may turn sour and nip her in the tail. She's often oblivious to difficulties, as children often are.

Cost: Uhm. I donno. xD I'd be willing to go with a few million, depending on how much you ask in accordance with how long it turns out and stuff..


11:09am Sep 14 2009

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Posts: 1,447
Of course yosh, I won't ask for a specific price right now, I'll see what you think it's worth when you read it, of course, the 1 mil minimum still stands.


5:50am Sep 16 2009 (last edited on 7:45am Sep 16 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 437

*sneaks in* Hi Wolfspi :).

Still willing to do a commission with me? If yes, I found which pet I would like a story for. It would be my natural Veram, Poquah. Here is his petpage for reference:
http://www.rescreatu.com/petpages/?id=806432 (please copy-paste it to the address bar, the link changes the url for some reason)

I would like the story to mainly follow that line, so tell me what do you think. If it is ok, I send some more details in Rmail.

Cost: A banner similar to those I have on my profile, for one of your pets (unless you have some other picture idea in mind :D). Note: I prefer drawing anthro, but can do quad if really, really necessary. They look good, just never turn out as good as I expect o_0.
Note 2: I cannot draw in AcidicFire's style even if my life depended on it o_0.

Oh, and feel free to put this to the very end of your to do list. No hurries at all, and banners last ages to do too :).


9:32am Sep 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447

ASDLAKSdnv:OINDGV:LAS!!! I've been wanting to commish you forever Yaiz! Of course I'll do a story for you. Don't worry about the AcidicFire style, I meant that the art had to be approximately that quality, not that style. Yours certainly matches that requirement. Of course, since you already have so much stuff on his page, that must mean you don't want to stick this on his petpage. Does this mean I have literary freedom to make this as long as I want to? If so, this is going to be such great fun, I hate those petpage constrictions (I do them if needed of course, my stories can just be more in-depth without them). That line and his appearance gave me so many fun ideas already and I haven't even settled on exactly what to do with him yet.

Also, I have one pet named Kosuke, the name will one day be tagged to a black Omni (yes, this is one of my ultimate goals). However, he is also one of my roleplay characters and has a very specific appearance (which is nothing like an Omni XD), do you mind if I rmail you the details? I have no real preferences for the banner background and such if you make a banner. If you make a plain picture... still no preferences, I just have a very specific idea in my head of what he looks like, which I'm sure you'd be able to handle (nothing too complicated, just specific). Yes, I'm emphasizing the specificity of his appearance jus so you know what you've gotten yourself into ^-^


10:11am Sep 16 2009 (last edited on 10:18am Sep 16 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 437

Actually I do plan to put it on his petpage, but do not worry about the lenght, as I plan to write the story in Word or something, take screenshot, save as a picture and upload to Photobucket, and put it to the petpage as a picture :D. That way the real coding will be really short, only a picture link, still the whole story will be readable *aren't I just the smartest being aroundcoughcough* :D.

You know, I would really hate not giving you proper credit and not letting everyone read your story you spent so much time on :).

Feel free to Rmail me about the banner/art, I will also Rmail you some more details about Poquah and some possible ideas for the story tomorrow (it's past midnight here, and I still have homework to finish for tomorrow er... today?).


9:20pm Sep 19 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
Bumpeth. I'm working on the stories I promised you guys, really, I'm just kinda going through a rough patch right now so I can't promise they'll be done in the next few days. I swear I'll try to get at least yours in by next weekend and no later Yosh.


4:02pm Sep 24 2009

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Posts: 6,216


11:45pm Sep 29 2009

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Posts: 1,447
thankies Reeses, I shall bump as well.

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