Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Wolfspi's writing commissions

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5:25pm Sep 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,713

Type of Story (pet page, profile page, something else): Pet page

Subject of Story (which pet, you, a friend, some random animal, etc): Bewitching the natural Meiko

(Optional) Topic of Story (if you have a specific topic you want written about, a day in their lives, their history, whatever): Um... *thinking* I know! Surprise me. ^^

Style of Story (narrative, flashback, first person, whatever): First-person

Mood of Story (happy, sad, doesn't matter, etc): Depressed, Gothic

Length of Story (really short, as long as you want, whatever): Surprise me. ^^

Background (a little of what the main focus of the story likes to do, their personality, just a little something to work off of): Bewitching is a loner. He doesn't have any friends, nor does he really want any. They'd just be a burden to him. He feels as if he doesn't fit in anywhere in the world. He searches for only one thing in his so-far-meaningless life - his soulmate.

Cost (how much you're willing to pay for this): 1m. I can't pay any more than that, because that's all I have, unfortunately. D:

Optional: What they look like (if you want me to include appearance, I need to know what they look like XD. If it's a pet, I can see that for myself): Natural Meiko.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


10:57pm Sep 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
Lol, you left quite a bit to the imagination weba. I'd love to write this story, gimme a couple days, I'll probably get it done this weekend while taking a break from studying for my Bio test next Tuesday. Tomorrow I have to type up a computer program so that'll be taking up my time for a day or two, but it'll also give me plenty of time to think of a topic for the story. If the story is too long to fit in the character limit on petpages, would you like me to send you screenshots of the story so it fits (lots less text with screenshots than with the actual text) or would you like to make your own screenshots?


3:08pm Oct 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
I can make my own screenshots. Thank you, though. ^^

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


10:55pm Oct 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
*bumps up* working on yours weba, you gave me so much freedom I went a little crazy, realized it didn't fit what you said at all, scrapped it, and started over. Not sure if you'll love the angle I'm taking here, but if you want something changed when you finally see it, tell me. I started out with a non-story and it works into the story, I promise it doesn't sound too horrible.


5:03pm Oct 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
Okay. ^^

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


2:53pm Oct 20 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
bumpeth, more examples added to the examples section, all in screenshots this time instead of pet pages just in case things change.


8:46pm Oct 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
*poke up*


10:54am Nov 4 2009

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Posts: 1,447


7:28am Nov 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 444
Wolfspi, I would love to have a story from you.  ^^  Would you take an ebbie egg as payment though?  I'm saving up mah tu.

I have to get this thing to level 1,000. Please, help.

Click Me!


9:03am Nov 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
Hmm..... it's an item so I'd like overpay in items, just because that's how my brain works, can you add a teensy bit to it to make it overpay? If so, then I can do the story for you.


9:05am Nov 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 507

*Gives unecessary bump*


1:15pm Nov 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 444
Would 300k make it alright? An ebbie egg and 300k.  XD  Plus, what I was thinking about would probably be a more expensive story . . . . I might have to add on more anyway.  lol

I have to get this thing to level 1,000. Please, help.

Click Me!


3:13pm Nov 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
Heh, if it's an expensive story, then I'd want more than that, but if it's just a short regular one, that'd be fine, order away.


8:00pm Nov 7 2009 (last edited on 8:09am Nov 8 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 444

Type of Story (pet page, profile page, something else): Personal enjoyment (Might put it on mah profile, I'm not sure.)

Subject of Story (which pet, you, a friend, some random animal, etc): 5 pets of mine.  They are Zhoro, ShadowSparks, Bryen, Sthene, and Scuf.

(Optional) Topic of Story (if you have a specific topic you want written about, a day in their lives, their history, whatever): Just a day in their lives.

Style of Story (narrative, flashback, first person, whatever): 3rd person would be perfered, but if that doesn't work for you, just choose a pet to do 1st person of.

Mood of Story (happy, sad, doesn't matter, etc): maybe a little playful, but other than that, it doesn't matter.

Length of Story (really short, as long as you want, whatever): As long as it takes.  ^^

Background (a little of what the main focus of the story likes to do, their personality, just a little something to work off of):
Zhoro - Is like the leader of the group of 5.  He's the oldest.
ShadowSparks - Very laid back.  Is best friends with Zhoro.
Bryen - Thinks he's a very cool person so he poofs his chest out and tries to act really smooth.  The others make fun of him for it.
Sthene - The big strong one of the group.  Likes to wrestle and fight.
Scuf - The baby of the group.  All of them treat him as if they are his father.  Is very hyper and playful and gets into messes.

Cost (how much you're willing to pay for this): Like we talked about, I don't have much.  But, I'll give what I have, and if I can manage to scroung up some more.

Optional: What they look like (if you want me to include appearance, I need to know what they look like XD. If it's a pet, I can see that for myself):  These pets are in my Showroom under tha catagory Zaphao Gallery.

I have to get this thing to level 1,000. Please, help.

Click Me!


9:14am Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
Alright, as soon as I get myself out of this hole the teachers have dug for me, I'll spew out all of these stories that have been asked for. Also, I need the time to think of a story for chezzeh because I have 0 idea of what to write at this exact moment (granted, I just finished a reaction paper for a movie so my brain is fried and now I have to start studying for a bio test and maybe get a head start on my English paper and my research paper and start working on my Comp Sci project. But whatever, I should have at least one story by this weekend (unless my teachers throw more work on me, which is doubtful))


10:29am Nov 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 444
No worries, I can wait as long as I need to.  ^^

I have to get this thing to level 1,000. Please, help.

Click Me!


7:48pm Nov 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
*pokes to top* still trying to think of a fun idea for chezzeh, have the idea laid out for Kittz, it'll just be very, very, very long at this rate XDDD


5:39pm Nov 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,731
Bump and hope progress is well, Wolf. c:


5:53pm Nov 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 681

Type of Story (pet page, profile page, something else): Pet page

Subject of Story (which pet, you, a friend, some random animal, etc): Ninestostin and Asphal?

(Optional) Topic of Story (if you have a specific topic you want written about, a day in their lives, their history, whatever): History of these pets?

Style of Story (narrative, flashback, first person, whatever): Narrative

Mood of Story (happy, sad, doesn't matter, etc): a good portion sad in both, everything else, doesn't matter :3.

Length of Story (really short, as long as you want, whatever): semi-long

Background (a little of what the main focus of the story likes to do, their personality, just a little something to work off of):

Asphal: Asphal used to be in the military, working alongside humans. One day he eventually left. (why? Idk, can u write?)

Ninestostin: He was originally natural, till he dyed his coat. ( Can you write why he did it? lol)

( I pretty much wan't a history of their lives )

Cost (how much you're willing to pay for this): a nattie ebilia :D

Optional: What they look like (if you want me to include appearance, I need to know what they look like XD. If it's a pet, I can see that for myself): Asphal is a silver ebbie,with a gash that goes across his shoulders. and Ninestostin is a lemon ebbie, who wears a green bandana on his right front leg. If you could write how they ended up having these, I'd appreciate it.


6:13pm Nov 15 2009 (last edited on 6:23pm Nov 15 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,447

Heh, thanks for the bump Uwi, progress is going fairly well, now if only my teachers would stop dumping 5 essays on me in 1.5 weeks it'd be going even better.

Vampire (If I may call you that), a nattie Ebi is worth about 100k (maybe 300k out of season). As I previously stated, my minimum rate is 1 mil. Also, I'm not tempted to take pets unless they're super epic, plus I have several Ebilias, more than one of which is nattie. I'll have to ask for different price if I am to write this story. Also, is this a single story about the history of both of them? As in, are their histories connected? Or is this two separate stories about each of their lives? If it's 2 stories, one about each pet's history, I would have to ask for more than 1 mil because it's more than one story.

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