Wolfspi's writing commissions

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6:40pm Nov 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 681
Wolfeh, I'll give you a nattie ebbie and 1mill 4 2 stories, one for each. :D


7:30pm Nov 15 2009

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Posts: 1,447
Again, each story is technically 1 mil and a nattie Ebi is only 100k (unless it has a super extremely epic name). Also again, I'm not keen on taking pets unless they're super awesome pets. I'd want more than a nattie Ebi and 1 mil for 2 stories.


7:11pm Nov 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 681
Alright, Then cancel my order plz D: Sorry


7:13pm Nov 16 2009

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Posts: 1,447
Alright, I could have written one story for the 1 mil, so if you decide you want just one of them, I'll be open.


7:15pm Nov 16 2009

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Posts: 681

Hmm... So tempting D:

KK, how about ONE story with both of them for 1 mill? I wuv a good story! ;D

How long it shall take :D


8:06pm Nov 16 2009 (last edited on 8:11pm Nov 16 2009)

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Posts: 1,447

Lol, I'll try to fit them both into the story, I have a good idea of what to do, just gotta get it written down. Since it's only 1 mil, it won't be super long, but it'll be enough to explain what happened (although more payment is always appreciated XDD). I'm currently in the middle of Kittz's commission, but it's going to be a really long one and she's already got the first part of it so I'm sure she'll understand if I do another one in the meantime. I'm also trying to think of a topic for chezzeh but nothing is coming to my head and it's quite frustrating.

(So to all those waiting for a story, sorry if I'm working out of order).

Anyway, couple the stories that are already being ordered with the fact that my teachers have deemed now a good time to pile me with essays and I'm not sure when it'll be done. I actually have a good mind to just do it now while I'm taking a break from writing essays. If it isn't done tonight, it'll hopefully be done by this weekend, but I make no promises. It'll be done by Thanksgiving though (November 26 in case you're in a country that doesn't celebrate it)

For the rest of you, your stories are longer and more detailed or I have 0 idea of what to type, so I make no promises on your dates.


10:18pm Nov 16 2009

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Posts: 1,447

Lucky you Vamp, I got a burst of inspiration and your story is done. Now if only that could happen on my essay for English I'd be in heaven. Everyone else, I'm working on yours, I promise, I just figured it'd be best to get Vamp's done while I had the idea fresh in my head before I forgot it and took a month to do the story XD.

Chezzeh, I'll get an idea for your soon, I hope.

Kittz, you've gotten chapter 1, I'm working on number 2 so I hope you can wait a bit :p

Yaizh, I'm working on it, that's all the update I can give you. 


2:29am Nov 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 583
Just pop in to say wow, I've never seen writing commissions become as popular as yours! Though I can understnad why from the looks of your stuff ;)


8:44am Nov 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
Thank you very much Raru, I didn't expect them to become this popular. Hopefully this is a good sign for when I apply for writer, plus this is excellent practice and a lot of fun.


10:44am Nov 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 681
lol, thx wolfeh :D


2:33pm Nov 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 89

.......ok,to be honest,wolfspi,i wasn't all that interested,in the beginning,of your stories.i read the first paragraph of your Generation story,and for some reason,i couldn't even bl

it was like reading a good book! xD and i nomrally don't like stuff like that,you have true talent as a writer,you know that?


I'll give you 3 million,once i get it,for a fight story,but i can't give you the details yet,as i need to sell one of my DKs before i even get the money to pay...I'll Rmail you though!


again,your stories are excellent! i think I"ll go back and read them all xD


Peruse my Gallery, and my Showroom!

12:14pm Nov 28 2009

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Posts: 1,447

I can't wait for your commission Cory. As you can see, I'm running low on stories to write, I'm almost done with all of them (maybe Kittz's will take a while, I hope so, I don't want the only thing in my list of things to write to be school stuff, that would be aweful).

Anyway, on a similar note, finally done with Yaizh's story XD. Sorry for taking so long, I hope it was worth the wait.


3:40pm Nov 28 2009

Normal User

Posts: 3,469
Look through my showroom, for a pet you like, and I'll get an order together, kay? I might be willing to sell some pets that are in catagories listed as 'Not for Sale' but most of those aren't.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


4:04pm Nov 28 2009 (last edited on 4:05pm Nov 28 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,447

Well, I reeeally generally don't like taking pets so I would need some huge overpay in them, but I took a look, here's what I found (not saying that you'd pay with these, just saying these are the only ones that caught my eye at all):

  • Alistr the albino Ahea
  • Baaj the nattie Liyure
  • BlindMagic the nattie Omni
  • Guardian_Angel the nattie Vogar
  • JackRabbit the albino Roditore
  • Pachydermatous the Gondra (maybe, less likely than the others)
  • RibbonDance the nattie Kioka
  • Saen the azure (?) Ebilia (also maybe)
  • SilverEasterEgg the silver Easero (again, maybe)
  • Wyrda the nattie Liyure
  • Zheras the orchid Jaaku (again, maybe)


4:07pm Nov 28 2009

Normal User

Posts: 3,469
wolf: Eh...sorry. All of those are no-sells. Would you take an art trade?

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


4:09pm Nov 28 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
heh Fox, I think we had this art trade discussion before.


4:12pm Nov 28 2009

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Posts: 3,469

We did? Well, my art has gotten better, in any case.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


4:14pm Nov 28 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
lol, I've seen your art recently. I agree that it's gotten better but still not quite on the level I would trade for. I've got a Yaizh commish coming for one story, so while yours is good it's not quite on that level yet. Sorry.


9:07pm Nov 28 2009

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Posts: 300

Type of Story (pet page, profile page, something else): Pet Page

Subject of Story (which pet, you, a friend, some random animal, etc): Sinvad, my Lime Gondra

(Optional) Topic of Story (if you have a specific topic you want written about, a day in their lives, their history, whatever): A race between him and his best friends, Carrish, and Bello. Carrish is the leader of their little trio of troublemakers, but Sinvad is the fastest, and he has great pride in this. Not to mention that flying fast is his favorite hobby. Lots of freedom, and it's an adrenaline rush.

Style of Story (narrative, flashback, first person, whatever): Third-Person or First-Person. Whichever you prefer.

Mood of Story (happy, sad, doesn't matter, etc): Invigorating

Length of Story (really short, as long as you want, whatever): Up to you since this is a trade. I'm guessing kinda short? :B

Background (a little of what the main focus of the story likes to do, their personality, just a little something to work off of): Sinvad is one gondra out of a trio of troublesome brothers, but out of the three, he is the most clever, and the fastest. Like teenagers, they roughhouse with each other constantly, always trying to one-up each other. They race, they fight, anything to try and outdo each other. Carrish, an indigo gondra, is the oldest in the little group, the strongest, and can sometimes be a bit of a bully, but he's Sinvad's best friend. Bello, a blonde gondra, is the most shy of the three, and is the sheep in the group. He follows the two around because he looks up to them for being stronger, braver, and older than he is.

Cost (how much you're willing to pay for this): Full-body sketch of your oC.

Optional: What they look like (if you want me to include appearance, I need to know what they look like XD. If it's a pet, I can see that for myself): c: See pet-pages, though they're basically just typical gondras for their listed colors.


I think I did this right. >3>;;;

Luckysquid is unpacking from her move!

9:41pm Nov 28 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
I'll get on this ASAP (and yes, you did it right). If it's too long to fit onto a petpage (probably won't be but you never know how a story will go until you start writing), I'll take screenshots for you.

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