Wolfspi's writing commissions

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6:46pm Dec 29 2009 (last edited on 6:47pm Dec 29 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 557

That's a little insulting, lol. Of course I won't claim your work as my own.

It'd be on Ver and you play there so I can link your profile. :P


7:13pm Dec 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447

Teehee, awesome. And don't worry, it's a disclaimer I give to everyone ^-^. I gave you a very trusting one, most people I say "give me credit. If I see this work out there and not credited to me I'll..." and then I add either "rain my fiery wrath down upon you" or "eat your soul" and either way I continue to say "and you will be reported to a staff member and I will have you banned."

^-^ so I was very trusting with you, I just said "just credit me"


7:19pm Dec 29 2009 (last edited on 7:21pm Dec 29 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 557

LOL okay then, that's alright.

It'd be something like ..

**The above was written by (wolfspirit25).. please don't expect the quality of my RP to be this good.. xDD**


10:17pm Dec 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
XDDD I'm sure you're great at roleplaying, it'll match the quality of my intro or be better I bet.


9:33am Dec 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 557
I haven't roleplayed in around eight years.. xDD Hence why I can't write my own intro.. but I figure it shouldn't be too hard to get back into.. :3


12:17pm Jan 2 2010

Normal User

Posts: 167
<3 bump up. Hope you're doing well with your current comms!

check out my art at my -->photoBucket

1:55pm Jan 2 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
Thankies, I am, I'm just running out of them DX People need to order naow kplzthnx. (Note: this is not how I actually write for those of you that were too lazy to look at the first page before reading this)


12:57am Jan 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 437
Bump for you <3


9:27pm Jan 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
Bump, added a non-Res related story. It has some people based on Creatu, but it has nothing to do with Rescreatu and is a pretty good example of my non-pet stories.


1:09pm Jan 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
Also added the story I wrote for acidicfire, I hope you enjoy that one, it was very fun to write.


3:11pm Jan 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 167

bump! Just read it through again and loved it all over <3

Sorry I'm so slow on my end, things have gone horrible ever since school started x__x

check out my art at my -->photoBucket

3:54pm Jan 26 2010 (last edited on 3:54pm Jan 26 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,447

Lol, I understand how that goes, I start up again tomorrow x.x and I'm not happy about it (well, kinda). I'm glad you still like it, can't wait for some more commissions to appear here, I'm running out :p.

Also can't wait for you to gimme some more to write about those four or any set of them.


4:20pm Jan 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
*pokes to top* order?


10:45pm Feb 2 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
*drags up from the grave* you know you guys want some.


1:29am Feb 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 79

Type of Story (pet page, profile page, something else): Probably a pet page when I finish my lazy bumness. 

Subject of Story (which pet, you, a friend, some random animal, etc):My fursona (yah you didn't see that one coming!)

(Optional) Topic of Story (if you have a specific topic you want written about, a day in their lives, their history, whatever): Oh the adventures for the magical cookie through the lands of nutella monsters. 

Style of Story (narrative, flashback, first person, whatever):whatever

Mood of Story (happy, sad, doesn't matter, etc): happy, please don't make me sad. :(

Length of Story (really short, as long as you want, whatever): Whaever you want to make it. (please not really short)

Background (a little of what the main focus of the story likes to do, their personality, just a little something to work off of): the personality is me obviously and I would like them to be a green panda based on some characteristics I have. 

Cost (how much you're willing to pay for this): You knows I have monies all the time and I like payin for stuff I like. 

Optional: What they look like (if you want me to include appearance, I need to know what they look like XD. If it's a pet, I can see that for myself): You will get a pic of me to cry over my chubness.

Cookie peas?

1:40am Feb 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
Marr, I almost fell off my chair when I read that. This is going to take a bit of thought to figure out how to make a green panda while we're following the adventures for the magical cookie through the lands of nutella monsters. Hmm... oh the possibilities.


9:40pm Feb 21 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
*bump* You know you guys want one.


8:02am Mar 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 437
Bump ;-)


12:11am Apr 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,447

The story for Horselova has been completed and sent.

Oh no, what's this? There's no one on my waiting list. Hurry up people, give me some stories to write.


3:57pm Apr 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12
Sounds Cool Wish i had some kind of Talent =( (like Art to hand out to people.) i might do this some day. when i have 1 mil to spend =)

~the world that man does not see is beautiful~ ~dont give up on some ine u luv or u'll lose them forever~ http://dragcave.net/user/XDragonWolf13 ~life is a box of chocolates u never know wat you'll get~ ~love sees with the heart not the eyes~ *howl*
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