Your HONEST opinion of my story idea

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12:57pm Jun 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 192

Hey! I know its been so long since I've been on here but I just got a story idea and I felt like posting it. I know, I have a million story ideas, and none of them work out, but I just read "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen (best authhor on Earth! Anyone else agree?) and I felt inspired. The names of the people, and heck, even the story itself is not set in stone, so ideas and criticism are highly advised.

"Sophie Johnson has always been known as her older sister, Bridget's, shadow. Bridget is gorgeous, popular, confident, athletic, smart, everything Sophie dreamed of being. Her only knowledge and experiecnes have been through watching her sister go through them, and mirroring every action and word she does. But when Bridget makes a mistake, a mistake so bad that her entire world is shaken, Sophie is snapped into reality and realizes her entire life has been based off of a replay of her sister's. It is then that Sophie meets Nigel, the school outcast who spends all of his time clutching a notebook and a pen. Nigel is mysterious, he's different, and observent.This scares Sophie. But as their two worlds collide, Sophie realizes that looks can be deceiving, and maybe there's more to a person than what you see. And as she struggles to forgive her sister and connect with Nigel, Sophie begins to realize that life is all about letting go of safety nets and finding who you really are."

This is an EXTREMELY rough draft, and barely shows off the story. So basically its about a girl who thought her sister was perfect and spent her whole life trying to be just like her, then finding out her sister isnt so perfect and is left standing for herself, meets a guy and all this other stuff.

What do you think of it? Be honest


3:27pm Jun 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,518
*stares* I think it's good! I mean, I probably wouldn't have come up with it.

Muffinz 0_o

4:02pm Jun 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 192
Thank you! By the way, i love your slogan thing. It's really cool :)

4:59pm Jun 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 51
I think it's awesome. You should so write it. I'd love to read it.

8:00pm Jun 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 192

Thanks! And I'll tell you whats in Nigel's notebook:

He always has a yearbook with him too. And he loves to study people, observing everyone. And whenever he sees someone or something they do, he finds them in the yearbook, writes down there name, and gives a list of words/phrases to describe them. And in Sophie's name, he writes

Bridget's Shadow


8:13pm Jun 27 2010

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Posts: 51

6:19pm Jun 29 2010

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Posts: 2,962
It sounds like a very interesting plot.  Mneh, I don't have anything in the way of critique or advice, but if I think of anything, I'll let you know.  Best of luck with writing it! ;o

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

10:27pm Jun 29 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135

That sounds a little like that Ellen Hopkins.

<3 So I love it. Keep wirting, please? XD


3:48pm Jul 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,318
Homg its awesome!


3:57pm Jul 2 2010

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Posts: 192

10:32pm Jul 3 2010

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Posts: 2,895
I love it!


1:14pm Jul 4 2010

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Posts: 1,191

I need to try getting into stories again.  I've honestly forgotten how to write anything but poetry/prose.

Could I write a series like this in prose form?

my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men

2:15pm Jul 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 192
Yeah! Go ahead. But just make it good :)

5:17pm Jul 4 2010

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Posts: 1,191
;) I didn't plan on purposely making it bad.

my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men

3:36pm Jul 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 109
I like it! Shows a lot of promise to turn into a good story. :) Happy writing! ))


5:18pm Jul 5 2010

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Posts: 429

It seems a /little/ cliche to me, but I think it could work if you really focused on making it unique and well..not a typical high school drama.

 I adore the name Nigel, but I'm not too fond of 'Sophie Johnson'. It does not sound real or convincing. 

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast

10:05am Jul 6 2010

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Posts: 1,191

It is a bit cliche, but hopefully whoever (:D Me.) writes it can get around that.


For the record, I'm working on it-- and I'd already planned to change the names. >n> Sophie Johnson doesn't ring. Would "Audrey Parker" work?

my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men

5:15pm Jul 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 192
Sure. Do whatever you want.

11:15am Jul 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,191
Posted it.

my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men

12:07pm Jul 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,009
WOW! Sarahdessen, you really do have great ideas! What shakes Bridgits world? You HAVE to write it!! I will LOVE reading it!!!

"Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." ~Stephen King
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