Apple Tree Decoration - Missing Milestone Prizes

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12:34am Dec 12 2021

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
Hey guys!

While we definitely want to make sure that everyone's Resmas is fun and worry-free, there has, unfortunately, been a small snag regarding the Apple Tree Decorating Milestones.

If you turned in enough items -- not points! -- to warrant a milestone prize (or several tiers of them!) and you didn't receive the item, please let us know here!

If possible, please include the total # of items you turned in, what milestones you should have received, and what you didn't receive.

Thank you guys, we're working on getting this sorted as quickly as possible!


12:36am Dec 12 2021 (last edited on 12:39am Dec 12 2021)


Posts: 59


12:36am Dec 12 2021

Normal User

Posts: 56
Thank you... I turned 1400 orange baubles and at least 1000 pink baubles over 1700 candy cane candles and more item I can't remember.. I got the eggs just no branch antlers or dye kit ty again

12:37am Dec 12 2021 (last edited on 1:14am Dec 12 2021)


Posts: 84
Hi! Unless I missed the notifs, I did not receive any of the leaderboard milestone prizes.

As of this post, I have turned in 3500 Orange Glass Baubles, and 17 Blue Candy canes for a total of 7017 points

EDIT - I do have the trophy, the eggs, and the Yuletide Branch Antlers. I confess I have no way of knowing if I got the Snow Dye Kit or the RC as I already had several Snow Kits in my inventory and a decent stack of RC. However I still did not see any notifs / notices for the milestone prizes I did receive.

12:42am Dec 12 2021 (last edited on 1:37am Dec 12 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 1,185
Hello staff! I just wanna say I got all the milestone prices but the snow dye kit and the rc. I know I had at least 700 plus candy cane candies turned in, 5 red Christmas lights, at least 3 of each of those circle balls that come in orange, blue, etc. i turned in at least 3 or more tassel,2-3 ginger bread cookies (make and female), but I turned in so many multiple baubles and candy canes that I feel I at least turned in 1,000 items. I am not sure how to find out since I turned it all in before I say the problem in the sb.


1:48am Dec 12 2021

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
I got the trophy, eggs and antlers.
But not the Snow Dye Kit or RC. 

Assuming I was at 500 items for getting the antlers, I added enough to get to 2012 if I did my math right.
Not including before getting the antlers (and assuming I handed in exactly 500);

164 gingerbread women, 318 gingerbread men, 165 candy cane candle, 276 pink glass bauble, 389 orange glass bauble, 11 blue glass bauble, 31 yarns of different colors, 27 green glitter wand, 32 pink glitter wand, 15 silver tinsel, 5 gold tinsel, 3 sprig of holly, 64 different creatu baubles, 15 different creatu candy canes, 5 blue candy canes, 1 red candy cane, 10 green candy canes, 2 yellow glass bauble, 1 blue glitter wand and 1 wrapping paper.


2:21am Dec 12 2021 (last edited on 2:51am Dec 12 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 128
I did see the notification of receiving the trophy, eggs and antlers.
But not the Snow Dye Kit or RC. 

I handed over more than 3,000 items at the time and another 3,000 after but still did not get the last 2 milestone prizes.

Sorry, I don't have the exact numbers, I saw the post about there being issues with it after.
I mostly turned in the regular Candy canes and some Christmas Lights, Gingerbread, Wrapping paper and Balls of Yarn.

3:31am Dec 12 2021

Normal User

Posts: 461
I have handed in 3186 items in total but haven’t received the snow DK or Relking coins ^_^

Roditore Queen, Always

5:18am Dec 12 2021 (last edited on 6:43am Dec 12 2021)


Posts: 43
I currently have turned in  4,644 points. I received everything but the Dye Kit and Relking Coins. 

Hello everyone!

6:02am Dec 12 2021

Normal User

Posts: 558
Hi, i handed over 4k items (candy canes, glass baubles, candycane candles).
Got the trophy, eggs and antlers, but not the Snow Dye nor the RC.  


6:17am Dec 12 2021


Posts: 546
Hey. I turned in 3.362 points in items, mostly candycanes and baubles.

I got the first three milestone rewards, but not the last two.


8:00am Dec 12 2021 (last edited on 11:28am Dec 12 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 1,367
I can’t remember how many items I turned in, but I know I had over 1000 of one of the bauble colors and close to that of another that I turned in on top of hundreds of other items. I only got the prizes up through the Yuletide antlers and am missing the last two.

Edit: It says I’ve turned in 4350 items.


9:02am Dec 12 2021


Posts: 394
The last two milestones have been fixed. If you qualified to received them already, the next time you decorate the tree you should receive the milestone(s) you missed.

9:51am Dec 12 2021

Normal User

Posts: 87
You have contributed 6,737 decorations to the tree!

SO far I have only received prizes up to the antlers. I have not received the snow DK or the RC coins.



9:53am Dec 12 2021

Normal User

Posts: 87
Nevermind. Must have been fixed. I received both prizes after submitting some more decorations.



12:00pm Dec 12 2021

Normal User

Posts: 558
Same here, got them both by handing over 2 more items


2:11pm Dec 12 2021 (last edited on 2:13pm Dec 12 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 124
You wanted me to re-post here so here is my first report.

So far I have handed in 3000 turn -ins as you are calling them and have only been notified that I have received the first 3 turn in awards. I have not received anything after that. Should I have received the Snow Dye Kit and Red coins as well at this amount?

I did add more items and all I was given was the dye kit. I did not receive the rel coins. So I added more and still nothing.

I did notice that the glass baubles are marked for 2 points but they are only giving 1 when handed in. 

As for how many items I have handed in I have no idea excepts for lots. To bad this issue was not figured out before this activity was started. There should be an item counter that records the items we hand in so there is no dispute about it. 

3:31pm Dec 12 2021

Normal User

Posts: 124
Finally got the rel coins. 
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