Can't name my creatu!!!

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5:00pm Jun 3 2015

Normal User

Posts: 5
I tried naming my creatu on both laptop and mobile, but it just doesn't work! I've tried refreshing the page, logging on and off, but nothing seems to work! Please help me!!!

10:20pm Jun 3 2015


Posts: 3,217

Hello, the most likely cause is the name is taken

 all names on Rescreatu must take be unique, which means that a name can only be used once!

For exarmple, if someone else had the name Bob there couldn't be another pet called Bob xD

When typing a name in the name box to hatch a pet the name will turn green if its available. You could then hatch your pet!

You might have to get a bit imaginative with names.


Also check for any spaces or other characters in in the name, you can only use a-z and 1-9


5:01pm Jun 4 2015 (last edited on 5:04pm Jun 4 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 5
Oh! So that's why, I correct it it now, but the button just won't work for some reason! I've tried all sorts of names.....

1:59am Jun 5 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Hi water!
Is the text box glowing green or red?
If it's glowing red, that means the name is taken ;v; 
A lot of common or real word names won't be available, I'm afraid 8c


5:51pm Jun 26 2015

Normal User

Posts: 5
It's alright now! I've managed to hatch one! Thank you everyone!!!
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