Can't sell certain eggs?

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4:25pm Jan 5 2021

Normal User

Posts: 18
I have noticed this goes for a few of my eggs, but some of my eggs can't be put up for sale in the Egg Marketplace. For example: I have one Fresh Quelis Creatu Egg, currently at 5% incubation. Now, if I go to the 'Sell Eggs' option in the Egg Marketplace, I can get to the point where I can put in the prices for fresh, old and spoiled Quelis Creatu Eggs, however all the drop-down menus show me a value of 0, despite very much having a fresh Quelis Creatu Egg in my hatchery. Has anyone else experienced this? How can I fix this?


2:21pm Jan 20 2021

Normal User

Posts: 39
I had the same issue. In my experience, eggs only show up on the dropdown list if more than one of that species is in the hatchery.


1:29pm Feb 27 2021

Normal User

Posts: 128
Yes, I have this problem too.

8:15pm Jul 30 2022

Normal User

Posts: 192
This bug is still not fixed. Can't sell a singular egg.

11:26pm Dec 1 2022

Normal User

Posts: 4
i'm having this exact same issue-- i'm trying to sell a fresh tesuri egg but i can't. any staff reading, please look into this!

8:15am Dec 2 2022


Posts: 333
This is a known issue, unfortunately. The Egg Market does need some help, lol! 

For now, you'll need at least two eggs of the same type in order to place them up for sale in the egg market. In the mean time, you can use the trades or auctions to sell singular eggs. Or sell them directly to users via the ShoutBox :)

Forever collecting Drachid creatu & Items!
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