ebbi face mask strange glitch.

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10:29pm Nov 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,011

Ebilia Face Mask

this thing right here.
I noticed its been doing somthing really strange.
I put my entire X-ray outfit on,and some other things,
then this mask.
when i save it..it saves as a small set of X-ray pants.
instead of the mask.
then when i take the mask off,i have to take it off
twice before it comes off.
Then one time i put it one again,and it made my
x-ray pants vanish!right off my legs.
luckly they were still there,
but in the box beside the inventory where you have
your items on,it shows as a BIG sized ebbi mask.

for some reason,it seems to have a problem with
this outfit only.
i checked other outfits..not all of them but 60% of them
i do have. no probs.

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Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

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