So I'm trying to sell Skaldyr eggs and a Tesuri egg, but I cannot get the drop box to display anything other than 0 in any of the columns. I just freshly collected these eggs and they are in my hatchery. Unsure of why this is happening, but I noticed it about a month ago too - I had just forgotten about it until now.
Edit on this too: Refreshing the page allowed me to select the Skaldyr eggs but not the Tesuri egg, however when I clicked 'sell' the marketplace gave me an error and said I do not have those eggs to sell?
At first I was thinking it was because they were incubating but I was able to list Draqua eggs and Goiba eggs that are freshly incubating? As well as Sirleon eggs I just listed. I am confused why I can't list the Skaldyr or Tesuri eggs when I know I own them.