Hello! After posting I looked around some more and have found an answer- sorry about the spam post! I guess my first hatchling will end up dying >.<
I joined earlier today, and about 5 minutes ago I hatched my first egg, and I got a
Natural Female Berrok (hatched on 2013-01-05 17:58:10)
So now I am on the page to name my new pet, and, after entering a name, tried to click the "Finish hatching your creatu!" button, and found out that it isn't working. I then tried opening a new window to see if it had somehow gone through, but I got that notice about my unnamed creatu and it sent me to the same page. I tried on that page as well, but it still won't work.
The button, when clicked, just moves slightly, and doesn't go anywhere.
I really don't want this pet to wander off- how do I fix this?
I am sorry if this isn't allowed here- I didn't know where else to put it^^
Thank you!
I just read the top post. So this hatchling will just die? I probably shouldn't hatch any more then right now, xD