is this a glitch?

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1:29pm Dec 3 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,044
Although all the pieces of the puzzle are in place, the chamber seems to still be waiting for something. It is not reacting properly to the skulls. Perhaps there is something else you need to make the contraption work.

i went and searched and got 4 more of each skull but it still shows the same thing. i finished the first skull puzzle but it wont let me do anything else and i went through all the dialog again still nothing. i pressed the take a step back but it just said find more skulls :/

Work in progress

9:03pm Dec 3 2014


Posts: 348
If you've completed the Ritual Chamber puzzle once, you've done the entire Quest for this year. 
When you revisit the quest link, it will replay in that weird way. It's not a glitch. Sorry for the confusion!

There may be more revealed as the event closes. ;>

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