Problem with the Cooking Basin...

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2:20am Dec 8 2012 (last edited on 2:22am Dec 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 479
So, I've been making Dye Kit and other Clothing Items for the last day, and I've noticed something that kind of bugs me.

Every time I make an item, say...
I made a pair of Azure Cargo Pants.  I get them fine after I make them, but then I go to put them in my clothing rack.  When putting them on my clothing rack, I noticed that my pair of White Cargo pants (NOT the pair I used to make the Azure pants) had been removed from my clothing rack.  Same with any other white item I have on my clothing rack that I have an extra of, which I use for the DK clothing.

Not only that, but other clothing mix-to-make items are removed from the clothing rack after using the cooking basin, as well.  Some of the smocks and scarves, for example.  I mistakenly used my original White Retro Buttoned Dress after making an Orchid to make an Indigo because it was removed from the rack after I made the indigo.

And I'm not sure if this is a known issue or not, but it's starting to bug me to have to put these clothes back on the racks multiple times or risk being confused and using my original.

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4:09am Dec 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 125
I can't think of any logical reason why this might be happening. Another support member might be able to offer some insight, but I'll make a note of it for now as a glitch and hopefully it can be fixed sometime soon. :) Sorry for the inconvenience Smuh. 

7:19pm Dec 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Oh, I've had this problem before. It happens with every shelf, whether Squishy or Clothing or something else (if there is another one). If you dye something, there is a glitch that takes it out. Broken told me they had asked for it to be fixed several times and hopefully it would be fixed soon ;D


5:12am Dec 17 2012

Normal User

Posts: 558
it happens with the quests too (but the quest takes both items when they are removed), i had to stop playing the squisys and fashion quests because of this, and im a bit worried about the christmas quest for the same reason

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