Springs keep resetting?

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7:41am Nov 28 2015

Normal User

Posts: 14
So, i use them daily and after about 20-30 they keep resetting?
The first time i just accepted it was maybe because i didn't use it
but is the 4th or 5th time and I'm SURE I'm useing the springs, i just checked my history and its labeled as i went there yesterday?

11:44am Nov 30 2015

Normal User

Posts: 14
It just reset again today :s

2:16pm Nov 30 2015


Posts: 3,205
Have you tried sending in a support ticket? 
(Rmail> support ticket)
You might get a quicker response that way D:

I hope they can help!


4:40pm Nov 30 2015

Normal User

Posts: 14
I havent tried sending a support ticket yet, i wanted to know if anyone else was having the problem :s.
But i assume not as no one else responded vuv!
I'll try sending a support ticket now :o!
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