what on earth D: SB ghosty??

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7:20am Sep 14 2012 (last edited on 6:20am Jun 27 2013)


Posts: 3,205
today in the SB 

so was just chatting in the SB, 
when suddenly 
a message that im sure I didn't send came up 
it was nothing bad just continuing the convo

i though i was just going a bit loopy and simply forgot/ my hands were working faster than my head until i tried to click on my name and couldn't.
 usually if i hover my mouse over my name ( or anyone else's in the SB) it becomes underlined and i can click it.
with that message and that name it didn't.
this happened about 
7:10 res time xD 

I honestly dont know if im going crazy and i would have just put it down to me not paying attention if i could just click the name like normal 

no worries
just found out Feara put my name in bold

*hangs head in shame* 
my god 


9:14am Sep 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 244
They see her trollin they lovin, 
maybe she'd stop if she had a muffin :D

Remember♥ FearaLovesYou!!!
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