About the 'Feed all' and creatu limit suggestions.

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5:18pm Mar 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 104

Having returned from a serious bout of pneumonia and asthma,
I realize that had the ‘feeding all’ idea already been implemented I would have
come back to all dead or unnamed creatu. I also see how a ‘creatu limit’ is
just another strike at ‘hoarders,’ in this case to free up rare-colored creatu
for the Kir-feeders by forcing showroom cut-backs…after all, who needs to have
more than one of each rare color per species? This logic is all flawed. Older
players in ANY game will always have an advantage over newbies, as will
cash-paying players, but this doesn’t make a game ‘unfair’. For Rescreatu the
FAIREST ‘solution’ is to eliminate unique names altogether, let us keep our
thousands of creatu and call them whatever we want. Newbies will then have an
open field of names without having to rob the oldsters. As for Kir-feeders, let
them hatch their own rare colors or buy them from willing ranchers; nobody is
entitled to something they didn’t earn themselves.  

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