Comet Festival Feedback Form

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8:26pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,586
1. Please tell us the features of Comet Festival you most enjoyed and what you enjoyed about them. Don't hold back! Whether it's characters, artwork, story, the Stardust effect, or anything else—we want to know.

I actually quite enjoyed having the different stages of the comet being available for us to use our pets on daily. That and the apples. I quite liked that you would be able to get the apples more than just once and done. It gave me motivation to take out all 500 ish of my pets for once and do things with them. I love the story like for how the person actually dicovered the effect as well.

2. Please tell us what features of Comet Festival you least enjoyed and why. Don't be shy, we want to know where to improve!

What I enjoyed the least was the fact that I gathered and bout over 100 gold stardusts and never got to use them other than to sell them to a random guy. I think we should have been able to find some use for them instead of just having them there and selling for 50k.

 Comet Festival marked the introduction of the effects system. Do you
think it was introduced the right way and do you enjoy this new feature?
 Do you understand how it works?

I enjoy the new feature very much. Quite shiny actually and I really look forward to being able to use it. It was a perfect way to introduce it.

 Comet Festival adopted a more interactive plot design. What were the
good and bad things about interacting with the story and what made them

I liked the plot itself that you had to go and search for things, find ways to make everyone dig a little deeper into the site.

 The Comet Festival's story and characters are more developed than they
have been in previous releases. What role would you like to see
characters and stories play in the world of Rescreatu?

I liked the fact that the characters actually played a part in the plot
 this time around. The paor and the shipping containers, the shops you
would go to search through. I would love that this happens more often
with plots and events.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

8:28pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 110

1. I enjoyed the hunting and trading for the stardust items! It brought everyone together, scouring for each items and communicating to get more items! Also, I love the new clothing and effects! They make the sprites "POP!"

2. There wasn't really anything MAJOR that was bad. I didn't really like how if you were stumped on clues for the hunt, you couldn't really participated. You just sat there, collecting stardust and wondering, "What the heck is this?" Also, I hoped to see an option for gols stardust. The whole event revolved around the silver,and the gold didnt have an effecct on the game, until the end, where you could trade it in for TU.

3. I thought the effects was AWESOME! Before I kept wondering what "Choose an Effect" meant. But now it actually does something!

4. The plot line was kinda confusing at first. When he said, "Check the Reclore Market," the links on the characters wouldn't work until later on. But afterward, it was so EXCITING! I kept following the clues until BAM! All done.

5. I think it gives them an identity, rather than being completely oblivious to their surroundings. I haven't really been on Rescreatu to compare and contrast events.

Thank you, Staff, for this excellent experience! I can't wait until the next one!


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8:31pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 195
OG! I lvoeeddd it! I love event on websites that include trading stuff to get other stuff and this as that type of event! I hope you guys do other planets? Maybe even uldavi! You could find black dust and you can dust any pet with it! and maybe you can save some aqua or silver or gold or amber stardust and mix it in the cooking basin to create different colores that you can use only for the animals of the planet you dusted. For example, if you mis aqua dust, and amber dust, you might get purple andd since aqua is from atquati and amber is from refilim, you can only dust pets from those to planets now here for the form:

1. Please tell us the features of Comet Festival you most enjoyed and what you enjoyed about them. Don't hold back! Whether it's characters, artwork, story, the Stardust effect, or anything else—we want to know.
I loved it1 I loved the stardust effect! i hope there is another one soon!

2. Please tell us what features of Comet Festival you least enjoyed and why. Don't be shy, we want to know where to improve!
I loved everything!

3. Comet Festival marked the introduction of the effects system. Do you think it was introduced the right way and do you enjoy this new feature? Do you understand how it works?
I love the effect system and i cant't wait for more to come out!

4. Comet Festival adopted a more interactive plot design. What were the good and bad things about interacting with the story and what made them so?
i lvoed eveythin that happened and haw we had top talk to everyone for hints and to look in every store and find clues and stardust.

5. The Comet Festival's story and characters are more developed than they have been in previous releases. What role would you like to see characters and stories play in the world of Rescreatu? 
Maybe more creatu should have roles!

[tesuri enthusiast & ebilia whisperer]

8:31pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 314
1. I ABSOLUTELY loved the stardust effect you introduced. And of course, seeing a Jahra as a character in a plot! Space and Jahras - my two favorite things! The whole idea of the plot is great in itself, and I can't wait for the comet's return!

2. It didn't feel like there was much to do quest-wise. Heck, I jumped on board just a couple days before it ended, and I completed the quest line in a matter of minutes.

3. I do understand the effects system and I enjoy it a LOT. I especially love the fact that you can turn effects on and off, and potentially have more than one effect on a pet that you can choose from.

4. I didn't really get to interact with the plot much since I came in late.

5. I'd like to see them maybe have a permanent shop or residence - somewhere we can visit them and maybe do special quests or things of that nature so that they "stay alive" and don't just fade out as a part of the plot and the plot only.


8:33pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2
I don't have much to say
personally i found this event confusing and not very well explained
I didn't even know what to do for days of it going on
and if you tried to ask anyone you got a warning, it made me very nervous

only the last 2 days of the even was i able to figure out what to do and i didn't have enough items to do anything do to not enough explanation 
Some users were nice enough to help but it still wasn't enough

the star dust effect is nice though but a bit too rare to get, i get more color changes in the spring than i did with the comet

i feel that there should have been more explanation with this event and less story and that maybe dusts should have been more common, took me hours to find 1

keep at it though :D

8:34pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 79
I really enjoyed the event! It was my first one, so I can't really compare it to other events, but I thought it was pretty fun! The stardust and starust items were fun, and the stardust effect is really pretty! Though I wish that it would come out for other pets, I know the staff people are working real hard and it'll be coming out soon. I liked the atronomer guy, and I think it would be cool if you brought him back every now and then! Overall, I really liked the festival~!

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8:57pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4
1. I liked the stardust effect a lot :) the artwork was terrific, my black easero and indigo mirabilis look even more beautiful now!
2. The stuff I least enjoyed was the fact that I had a bit of a hard time finding much stardust :/ that doesn't really have anything to do with anything that needs to be improved though.  I just wanted more so I could make more pets even prettier :) and I wasn't really sure I much got the point of the gold stardust if it wasn't used for anything except selling to the potion guy.  Plus, I kind of had a hard time figuring things out and finding clues and whatnot.  I looked everywhere and couldn't figure it out...that's probably just me though haha
3. Yeah, I understand the effects now that I tried them out, and I thought it was introduced very well :)
4. I didn't really find anything bad about it.
5. I was really surprised the black market guy wasn't really involved.  I thought for sure he'd be a big part of it!

9:00pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 41

. Please tell us the features of Comet Festival you most enjoyed and what you enjoyed about them. Don't hold back! Whether it's characters, artwork, story, the Stardust effect, or anything else—we want to know.
I LOved that stardust effect :D The creatu look so pretty!!

2. Please tell us what features of Comet Festival you least enjoyed and why. Don't be shy, we want to know where to improve!

Nothing really. Il oved it! THE WHOLE THING :D :D :D :D :3

3. Comet Festival marked the introduction of the effects system. Do you think it was introduced the right way and do you enjoy this new feature? Do you understand how it works?

Yes it was. Yes i do! Yup :I

4. Comet Festival adopted a more interactive plot design. What were the good and bad things about interacting with the story and what made them so?

The good thigns where the creatu and mixing new chars with old ones. Bad was...well...nothing... It was interesting!

5. The Comet Festival's story and characters are more developed than they have been in previous releases. What role would you like to see characters and stories play in the world of Rescreatu?
New books, food, and potions :I

9:01pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,367

I really like the idea of having the stardust effect. I also like the idea of being able to view the comet to get intellect points, a little TU, feed the pets, etc. I think that was a really good idea, rather than getting either the stardust effect or nothing. I also liked the fact that we could trade with other shopkeepers in order to get new, fun items.

I did not like that the gold stardust became so useless. If it didn't really have a purpose except to be sold, I'm not really sure why it was there... I mean, there was so much hype about the silver stardust, but nothing about the gold.

I really like the effects system! I think it's a great way to add a whole "new" variety of pets without actually designing and releasing a new pet. In my opinion, it makes the pets look a bit more interesting-- especially the natural ones, which aren't usually seen as being special or valuable. I think this was a great way to introduce the system, and I believe that I understand how it works.

I liked the fact that the interactive plot design made people actually participate in the event, and I think the level of difficulty in figuring out how to find the telescope was okay. But I didn't like the fact that some people only got the telescope at the very end, just before it was too late; I feel that we should have been allowed to help users who were really struggling with getting started on the plotline.

I always enjoy seeing what kinds of characters are introduced during events, so I think it would be nice to introduce a couple new characters (without events, just randomly on their own) into the world of Rescreatu every so often.


9:02pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 257
1. Please tell us the features of Comet Festival you most enjoyed and what you enjoyed about them. Don't hold back! Whether it's characters, artwork, story, the Stardust effect, or anything else—we want to know.
I really liked it all for the most part, the art was my favorite. The stardust effect on the creatu is just beautiful. I'm not really big on characters, the story was nice. But to be honest I would rather see new things other then characters with attitudes, personalities ect.

2. Please tell us what features of Comet Festival you least enjoyed and why. Don't be shy, we want to know where to improve!

I didn't like having to look every where, and with the apple tree I found a bit wrong. I mean I found my telescope my second try, but what if one person goes there several times through the week and still doesn't find a telescope? That seems kind of unfair, I think to find a main item that you need to even start the Quest it should be more easy to obtain. I thought the clues were far and few, but that might have been my fault. And with the recipe clothing? I don't understand how the clothing could even be made when the recipe card wasn't even out? Maybe it was sharing the recipe or I don't know. I just found it unfair that several people were making them before the card was out. 

3. Comet Festival marked the introduction of the effects system. Do you think it was introduced the right way and do you enjoy this new feature? Do you understand how it works?

I liked how it was introduced yes to us, but I saw several people asking how and where can you find out if the creatu even has the effect. I think it could have been done better. Some people don't look up the creatu all the time. And the only reason I even new where to look for the effect was because that is how I for the most part check out their hunger. I also don't understand why the other stages cant have the effect, I mean how do you even know if the creatu has the effect then? It might say the comet gave it the effect, but you truly don't know till thirty days or if someone borrows their R-ray to you. 
For the most part I understand how it works I guess in a way.

4. Comet Festival adopted a more interactive plot design. What were the good and bad things about interacting with the story and what made them so?

To be honest I really didn't care much for interacting with the character, I mean if it was a character you would always see through out the game every day, all year.Then sure interact away, but for a character that is only going to be around a week I don't really see the point to put that much work into a character that won't be back from the sounds of it? I mean sure if he comes back for each planet then I think I might be a little more happy with interacting with it. But if not, sorry it just seems a waste of time to  me.

5. The Comet Festival's story and characters are more developed than they have been in previous releases. What role would you like to see characters and stories play in the world of Rescreatu? 

Character wise as I said above I don't really want to see any new characters unless they stick around. It just seems like a lot of work to put into a character, plot, setting, feelings, emotions, looks, just the overall design . I would rather see new creatu out.

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9:13pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 80
1. Certainly the new effect and the artwork for it. Holy Omni are the pets ever beautiful looking! It's the first time I've been this heavily tempted to buy from the Credit Shop

2. Unfortunately I came back at the tail end of the festival, so all I got to properly experience was gathering some stardust and getting the apples. However, I was disappointed that there was nothing to really do with the gold stardust other than sell it. I'm hoping that it was a feature I miss because otherwise that is a bit of a let down

3. It was the perfect way to do the effects system in my opinion. A great way to get people involved. I have yet to figure out how the effects work, but man I wish I was on staff as I'd have a few ideas for that...

4. Wish I could answer, but due to the late entry, it makes it impossible for me to do so

5. Massive puzzle that all the members have to work towards to solve, and the more involved you are, the better the prizes. Could involve kidnapping of various NPCs, eggs swapping around and hatching, say, a Zaphao egg results in a Tesuri, etc.

9:18pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 742
1. Please tell us the features of Comet Festival you most enjoyed and what you enjoyed about them. Don't hold back! Whether it's characters, artwork, story, the Stardust effect, or anything else—we want to know.

1.I loved being able to go and get the Stardust even if the art wasn't done because then I didn't have to wait until the planet the Creatu is on has the event (if that makes sense xD). I also loved that the event is gonna be coming to other planets ^_^.

2. Please tell us what features of Comet Festival you least enjoyed and why. Don't be shy, we want to know where to improve!

2.First I wan't to talk about the clothes I felt they looked good on only the female characters (except the Top Hat I loved that one ^_^). Second I wish the Star Map/Star Gazer Telescope were movable because I want them in my gallery :(.

 Comet Festival marked the introduction of the effects system. Do you
think it was introduced the right way and do you enjoy this new feature?
 Do you understand how it works?

3.I think this was a great way to introduce the system because it was very easy to work and figure out and i had been waiting for awhile to see what the effects did, so when I saw it i was amazed how good they looked.

 Comet Festival adopted a more interactive plot design. What were the
good and bad things about interacting with the story and what made them

4.Honestly I really found everything great about the interactive plot design because I felt it made it a little easier to do things and get them done.

 The Comet Festival's story and characters are more developed than they
have been in previous releases. What role would you like to see
characters and stories play in the world of Rescreatu?

5.I would love to see them as like regular users or something, but obviously that would bring some problems with it too :P. I liked the idea that the store owners were involved in the event so i think we should keep with that idea ^_^.

Click Me

9:39pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 577
1. Please tell us the features of Comet Festival you most enjoyed and what you enjoyed about them. Don't hold back! Whether it's characters, artwork, story, the Stardust effect, or anything else—we want to know.

I really loved the artwork and the stardust effect is beautiful! The res artists did such a great job ^.^ Characters were great, and so was the story. I seemed like it had a bit more development then some of the past events. It was also quite a nice coincidence that there was a meteor shower in the real world at the same time.

2. Please tell us what features of Comet Festival you least enjoyed and why. Don't be shy, we want to know where to improve!

I didn't really understand the purpose of gold stardust, free tu is great and all, but I feel that it would have been nice to be able to have the choice to use it towards a prize as well. Then again, there's really nothing wrong there at all, except me being greedy >:D lol.

 Comet Festival marked the introduction of the effects system. Do you
think it was introduced the right way and do you enjoy this new feature?
 Do you understand how it works?

I love this system!!! Best idea ever! 'Nough said! :D (Except I do think it would be nice to be able to tell what pets have it before adulthood.)

 Comet Festival adopted a more interactive plot design. What were the
good and bad things about interacting with the story and what made them

I think it was a good idea. It made the event much more interactive and turned into more of a scavenger hunt/game so it was more then just pressing the refresh button over and over. It was great that we actually had to look for things. I took me awhile to figure somethings out, but there's nothing wrong with people having to search a bit ^.^

 The Comet Festival's story and characters are more developed than they
have been in previous releases. What role would you like to see
characters and stories play in the world of Rescreatu?

It was great that the characters were more developed! By giving them more of a story it makes them feel more connected to the world. It would be great if all the characters could have stories. I know in video games when the story is good I feel more connected to the game. Stories make it so the player can become more emerged in what they are playing. So awesome job res! I give this event two thumbs up :D


9:40pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2
I absolutely loved the comet festival. It is creative and fun! The cloths you could make, the stardust effect was all overwhelming! Although you can not control how much stardust you get by luck, its fair and a fun way to trade in things. 
The stardust effect was wonderful and only a few lucky pets got it. That's why i was glad when the stardust urn came out but sadly only scrian creatu can use it. 
When the festival started, excitement was everywhere and that's what i like. Lots of attention and excitement on one particular thing. It makes it not to competitive and at the same time, everyone is going for the same thing.
I enjoyed this year's scrian comet festival and i am sure everyone else did too. I am looking forward for next years comet festival SO much so bring it on!

From ~SilverClaws~\r\n\r\nMake a difference. Change the world. United we will succeed to help the world we live and love.\r\n\r\

9:47pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 116
1.My favorite feature from this event was the comet and how every time you viewed it every day you could get item for each pet
2.It felt like there were not enough event or quest to do with the festival, It is a short festive I know, but some more quest would be nice.
3.The effect systems was nice, maybe a Q&A on the help page to show  people how to turn the effects on for those who did not understand on how to turn it on. Also the artwork should have been completed for all the pets before the stardust effect could be used on them.
4. I did not find anything unpleasant about the interactive plot system, I thought it was very different and nifty from how some plots happen.
5. More stories to go with already existing and new characters. Makes the adventure of Rescreatu much more enjoyable.


9:55pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1
1.      I thought the festival was the greatest thing ever! It was so fun I could not get off the computer! It was the first time in all of my playing that I hit over 1 million tu, thanks to the selling of that wonderful silver stardust. I think the makers of the Festival were very creative, also i thought it was awesome that the meteor shower was happening at the same time as the festival. Overall i loved it, great job!
2.          I think the worst part was the beginning because I'm not that smart so I had to ask a friend for help but that's my fault not the makers of the festival.

3.      I really liked how the new effect tied into the festival. I thought that was brilliant! I LOVE the new feature, the only thing I don't like is that it is only for the adult creatu, but its defiantly worth the wait. I do understand the concept though.

4.        There wasn't anything really negative I have to say about it except for the fact you had to think. But that's also a positive. I loved to see that people were willing to help me out. I really liked how you had to go and talk to the shop owners i thought that was very cool.

5.         I think that it was really cool how you put kir into the festival because i usually just give him some creatu but it was really cool to see him in a new way. Keep it up!

10:01pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 370
1.  I really liked the Comet Festival. I liked finding the things on my own more this time than during the Easter event. As long as you knew a bit about the site, everything was find-able. I also loved the artwork (anything shiny has my vote). Another thing I liked was that Phaedea and her (his?) obsession with apples was included in the quest. It was also fun to take your creatu to see the comet.

2.  I didn't really dislike anything about the event. If I had to choose something I liked the least about it, I would say that the artwork wasn't ready for all of the creatu. I know that it will be eventually, so it doesn't really bother me.

3.  I actually don't care for the whole effects system, although I think the Comet Festival was a nice introduction. I just hope that there aren't too many different effects when all is said and done. I understand how it works.

4.  I liked the interactivity of the festival. I thought it was a good idea to only allow users to do so much per day. It prevented people from finishing it right away, and encouraged people to come back to see what would happen next. I also liked how if you didn't finish the tasks for each day, you had until the end of the event to finish them. I'm glad that users who weren't able to find the hidden items were able to get them by trading stardust, but I hope they won't be able to be used in future events like this one, as they didn't actually find them themselves. I think that giving the event an actual plot made it interesting and altogether more memorable.

5.  I liked how the characters were included in the story rather than new ones being created. It makes Rescreatu feel more like a close-knit group instead of a website with thousands of people. I liked the story aspect of the Comet Festival. I hope to see more developed characters and stories in the future.


10:08pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 124
I really like the stardust effect and how it was made accessible for free (if we were lucky) and not just for people with credits/cash points. However, I think the effects system should have been introduced earlier being that the "unknown" effect came out much earlier but was a bit of an anomaly since it wasn't explained. It was nice to see the shop keepers interact and not just be random people placed there for no reason. I personally would like to get to know them better in the near future.

10:24pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 165
1. the stardust effect thing was cool and unexpected.the story was verey original. technicallly, you could write a book about it. The only thing is that the astronomers nose was weird. (really weird)

2'. I might be aqlone on this but, maybe next time make the stardust easyer to get.

3.i like this feature mostly because the choose an effect thing has been there forever and now everone finally knowns what its for.

4. I dunno about this category, but i think the interactevness is cool. 

5.maybe you can like have conversaitions with the shopkeepers/

"Hello, this is... Mom Universe. Yes, the children are playing swords. Sorry, playing with swords. They\'re bleeding, oh noo they are dead. Don\'t call again. * click * Sorry I panicked"

10:25pm Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 58
I loved it.
1. I enjoy the effects. It is beautiful!
2. I liked everything.
3. I enjoyed and understood all comet festival stuff.
4. It was all incredible.
5. I would like to see Faheem be a scientist of the rescreatian planets and stars. I would like to see their pets be playmates of the rescreatian's pets.

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