Event Feedback Thread 2.0

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7:58pm May 8 2023

Normal User

Posts: 368
Suggestion for the spring event, that all the flowers that grow for the event have them just end in ‘flower’, feels kinda tedious to have to type them out individually to find them


9:07pm May 8 2023

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
There are some difficulties with doing that currently as not all of the plants are flowers and it may make the item names too long -- same with adding "seed" to the end of item names.

Staff are working on a few things that will make searching for specific items easier but right now the best option is to use the flower list linked on the Planter page.


7:41am Aug 3 2023 (last edited on 8:07am Aug 6 2023)

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
I know we're pausing events after this but I wanted to bring up some things that I brought up last time and didn't change for this run of the carnival. Just for when it returns again in the future. I won't go into detail because there's a post earlier here that's more in-depth with the same complaints

- Games should be on the hour rather than on a timer
- Why the random 5, pause for an hour, 5 more for the quests? We should just be allowed to do all 10 in a row
- Complete lack of transparency on how balloon pop works (do we have to get a certain score for the item chance? What is the chance at items? What's the ratio off ticket:score (I know it's 1:25, but that was through trial and error and math)). Sub-note: that's not an info button, it's a copyright.

Adding edits here as the carnival goes on
- When you finish the quests for the day it shows both the "done for the day" and the "1 hour left" countdowns and I can see that being confusing for some users.
- The modal for carnival prizes in balloon pop appears underneath the dark overlay rather than above it
- Most things related to the carnival (quests, games, etc) are very very laggy compared to the rest of the site and I'm not sure why
- While we do have the ending date for the firefly leaderboard everywhere (and I love that the leaderboard itself has the prizes listed) it would be nice to also have the end date/time on the leaderboard page for simplicity.


7:48am Aug 3 2023


Posts: 333
Thanks for your feedback, Wolfspi! I've passed this along. Im sure the Carnival will return at some point, so we want to make it as wonderful and easy to understand as we can. 

Forever collecting Drachid creatu & Items!

6:15am Aug 4 2023

Normal User

Posts: 678
Can we have a way to turn off the bouncing button animations for the games? It’s definitely lagging on my phone and causing issues (and I just don’t like it)

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7:51am Nov 1 2023

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
I know it was a limited event but I'm still going to give some feedback. I do appreciate that we get any events at all still so that's lovely.

First, the usual: Shorter egg hunt time with an infinite use pause button. I didn't even start an egg hunt because I didn't have a full day, let alone two, to dedicate to something like that.

Next, I know it was a limited event, but it was all "too much" in a sense. The lair had so many items that I took a single look and said "well, I'm never getting what I want" and just didn't interact with it. Unless I missed it entirely, there were no trick or treat buttons on profiles so we couldn't even have a reasonable way to get more of the items for the lair. I know we could do it with explore but that is extremely slow and most people don't have time to do that for long enough that it'll help get a lair item. All of the goody bags have so many items for the rarity. I think I gained less than 15 Atquati bags total throughout the month of sending all 4 pages of max level explore pets daily. I got more Halloween Grab Bags but they have so many items that if you're looking for a specific one the thought of ever getting it is practically laughable.

I've mentioned this before in other events (and even about the lair before all those extra items were added), just adding another crazy number of items to an RNG system doesn't generally constitute "fun" for me. I've mentioned regularly that the lair, at least, should probably be a point system with a prize shop of some sort, especially if we're going to have this many items in it.


7:53am Nov 1 2023


Posts: 333
Thanks for your feedback, Wolfspi! <3 Will help with future events (or mini-events) for sure. 

Forever collecting Drachid creatu & Items!
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